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View Full Version : Linux Need help with Linux Mint

05-28-2009, 06:27 AM
I installed Linux Mint as it seemed the best fit. I installed it using the instruction in the Linux Mint Users Guide from the official website (www.linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=38). I created two partitions exactly as described here (http://forums.govteen.com/showpost.php?p=4830084&postcount=2).

I have run into some definite issues however.

I noticed in the bottom right corner by the clock, there a message which showed that 66 updates needed to be installed. I ran and installed all of them along with one NVidia update. It was suggested that I do a restart so the updated changes would take effect. When I attempted to restart, the computer just hangs at this:


It never shuts down or restarts, just hangs there until I force the computer to turn off by holding the power button. Why is that happening?

When attempting to power the computer back up and into LinuxMint, I recieve the following:


That screen just sits forever until I, again, press the power button. The very instant I press the power button, a new line of text shows up saying "Stopping GNOME display manager" and then it appears that the computer/Linux properly shuts down. What is this happening?

05-28-2009, 10:08 AM
Did you try the LiveCD 1st? I never install a distro without testing the LiveCD 1st. No surprises later.

05-28-2009, 06:36 PM
I ran the LiveCD for a couple of days and it performed flawlessly. It wasn't until I did the actual install that things went awry.

05-31-2009, 09:38 AM
That's way weird.

06-25-2009, 09:39 PM
Your first problem is one I faced too. I believe it was a problem with the ACPI, but ultimately this helped me (I use Ubuntu btw, but this should work as Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu):

Re: Ubuntu Shutdown issues
Hi, I had the same problem, and Saint Google helps me.
Here you have the solution that works in my PC, may be in yours too ...

1. Edit /etc/modules with "$ sudo gedit /etc/modules" and add a new line: "apm power_off=1"

2. Edit Grub menu with "$ sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" and look for the line with the kernel option you use normally (Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-15-generic in my own), at the end of this line add "acpi=off apm=power_off", without quotes of course.

3. Now you have to restart your PC in order that changes take effect.

Try it, good luck.

I don't have any information on your second problem, but again it may be an ACPI issue.