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View Full Version : Detection of File Sharing by Authorities

05-30-2009, 08:51 PM

I'm on a university network and have been downloading software through vuze since last October.

Last week the college authorities disconnected me from the network because they detected that I had been using file sharing software (specifically, downloading windows xp). As a result I have been fined. I also had to meet the dean and explain myself. Now, I told him that I required winXP for my dissertation (I use a Mac). So he said I should tell this to the computing services to see if they will remove the fine, since I had a 'good' reason for using file sharing software!!!

Now my question is this: If I go to the computing services and plead my case, is there any chance that they have a log of all the stuff I downloaded in the last couple of months? Or can they only see what I'm downloading while it is happening? Because as you can probably understand, I don't want to be fined anymore if they find out about all the other stuff I've been downloading!

So, anyone who's in the know, what do you think? Should I go to the IT officer and risk being completely found out? Or just leave it and settle with a fine for one offence?

05-30-2009, 09:22 PM
Deny everything.

05-30-2009, 09:29 PM
Deny everything.

I like your attitude...

05-31-2009, 12:17 AM
You have been fined - does this mean you need to pay money, is Microsoft involved into this? Just curious.

05-31-2009, 04:54 AM
Deny Everything lol.. What if they have his USAGE stats with exact details. (Ok I am not sure if theres way to log that, especially by College Authorities)

05-31-2009, 11:05 AM
I've been fined ~100 pounds by the college authorities. Microsoft has nothing to do with it.

Its kinda hard to deny though. I mean, how could I explain that Vuze somehow got installed on my computer, without my knowledge, and was systematically downloading all the blockbusters, computer games and a few different versions of Windows?!!!

My only hope is that they don't have a log of all my file sharing activity. I suspect that someone in the IT department just happened to look at my account the other day and see that I was sharing winXP over the network, since that was the only one being actively shared at that time.

05-31-2009, 01:25 PM
I was thinking, if you used a seedbox to download/upload and used ftp to get the finished downloads, could the college peeps be able to detect it? I doubt so right?

05-31-2009, 02:07 PM
Being an administrator I can tell you that in colleges and other institutions many times software will be installed on every system that allows the administrators to see exactly what you are looking at on your screens. They know which sites you visit as well.

If you were using a torrent client and they know you downloaded XP they could have seen you downloading it or simply they saw the files on the hard drive on the pc you used. It's also easy to find out which computers are using the most bandwidth and that's probably how they tracked you. A domain administrator can see the content of any hard drive on the network. In fact we have access to all the data as far as deleteing files, copying files etc... Only very sensisitive data can be blocked from any user including domain administrators if the policy of the work place especifies that it must be blocked.

Depending who is handling the case it's not as easy as just denying it. There could be logs and if they already blocked the access to the network, the files you downloaded are most likely still on the PC unless you deleted them. Mmmm your best option is probably to talk to the admins to find out what evidence they have and maybe they can help you if you give them a good enough reason.

05-31-2009, 02:53 PM
But admit nothing.

05-31-2009, 05:31 PM
A domain administrator can see the content of any hard drive on the network. In fact we have access to all the data as far as deleteing files, copying files etc... Only very sensisitive data can be blocked from any user including domain administrators if the policy of the work place especifies that it must be blocked.

lol access to private hard drive... thats a breach of privacy and rights, not to mention ILLEGAL. no where in any university ToS would you find something like that. now if you were using a campus pc then yes, searching would be within their right, but having an IT staffer attempt to access your HD on your PERSONAL computer is paramount to 'breaking and entering'...

what IS allowed however is traffic/bandwidth monitoring so you're SoL my friend.

05-31-2009, 05:40 PM
First of all, if this is your own Mac, then they can't legally install any software to spy on you or look at what is on your computer without your permission, so you can ignore the scare stories that they know exactly what's on your PC. If they do, they are in far bigger trouble than you are.

What they MAY have, is usage stats of your bandwidth consumption, and possibly the protocols being used. Assuming that using file sharing software is prohibited that would explain the fine, and since merely downloading XP would not give rise to the usage levels you have almost certainly incurred they aren't likely to accept that bullshit explanation.

My guess is that they are going to be watching the usage levels from your pc so I guess you are going to have to watch yourself for a while.

djerholler69's idea may be the solution for you. Since there won't be any major uploads and you won't be using file sharing protocols they can't do much about it unless you exceed some other usage cap. You should ask the computer admins what that is so that you don't suffer this again.

They may refuse to give you a figure (just like ISPs do). If so, ask for the refusal in writing. That way, if they try to fine you again you can legitimately point out that you attempted to avoid the situation but they would not cooperate.

05-31-2009, 06:22 PM
A domain administrator can see the content of any hard drive on the network. In fact we have access to all the data as far as deleteing files, copying files etc... Only very sensisitive data can be blocked from any user including domain administrators if the policy of the work place especifies that it must be blocked.

lol access to private hard drive... thats a breach of privacy and rights, not to mention ILLEGAL. no where in any university ToS would you find something like that. now if you were using a campus pc then yes, searching would be within their right, but having an IT staffer attempt to access your HD on your PERSONAL computer is paramount to 'breaking and entering'...

what IS allowed however is traffic/bandwidth monitoring so you're SoL my friend.

Oh he was using his personal computer?

Well I'm not sure how the policy is. But technically even if you use your personal computer as long as you are using the credentials given to you to log on to the school network, they still can access your HDD. Now I would think that given the sircunstances and if they believe you are doing something illegal, they are allow to see what's on your HDD if it could compromise the whole school network.

Now if the OP was using his personal computer he can totally deny anything, but I believe he already admitted to have downloaded Windows XP. Basically all he needs to do is wipe any traces from his laptop and yes it's not likely for them to have installed something like vnc to watch what he's doing all the time if it's his personal laptop.

personally I think taht using a work network or school network for warez is simply stupid. Unless you are an administrator and you know how to cover your ass.

05-31-2009, 07:20 PM

Buddy, where do you live? :)

06-09-2009, 09:32 PM
Well if you're not going to deny it, you might want to look into saying that you already own Windows Xp and you were trying to download it because you lost/broke your cd.

Just a suggestion. Not sure if this would work considering you have a mac.

06-10-2009, 01:51 AM
But admit nothing.

That would be good words....I would...but do you have a roomate? Blame it on him :lol: But you could always do this too...say you bought Windows XP from teh store a long time ago, and give the excuse someone broke the disc, but you still have a valid CD key and need the OS. To get a valid key for the OS, just go down to the library, plug you flash card in, load Magic Jellybean Key Finger and find there corporate key, works like a charm.

sorry Mutantx didn't even read you post same thing I just said dumbass me :lol: , read the first pages and replied :lol:

06-10-2009, 11:08 AM
I kinda agree that downloading copyrighted stuff on a college network isn't the wisest thing to do.Start considering RS or something else other than BT.

06-10-2009, 11:29 AM
Usenet with SSL

06-11-2009, 04:46 PM
I suggest a seedbox + FTPES...
But you need time + money for that, so it may not be that suitable for you as student.

06-17-2009, 06:24 PM
You have been fined - does this mean you need to pay money, is Microsoft involved into this? Just curious.

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06-22-2009, 07:02 PM
You have been fined - does this mean you need to pay money, is Microsoft involved into this? Just curious.

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Yes. Being fined means having to pay money. As stated earlier, Microsoft is not involved. He is just worried about tech guys finding out about the other stuff he has been sharing. ( From logs if they keep them. )

06-24-2009, 06:22 PM
telling him to use ssl or any different service or protocol is useless. You are connected through their network so they monitor what you do to some degree. chances are your net admins aint clever enough to packet sniff unencrypted data to a meaningful output they can use. If they can then they really should be in a better job. So there main think is usage stats.

From the sounds of it you have had XP on your shares where it was detected, they have investigated it (if you've got ETH0 or WiNK in the folder name they probably didnt even need to check the logs), possibly checked bandwidth consumption and therefore you've been banned.

Any decent admin will have checked the logs nevertheless and if you go to um they will have these logs and you wont have to just explain why you have a copy of XP but also provide a damn good reason for the excessive BW usage (if your heavy on p2p that is).

So yeah it's hit and miss. For 100 quid id probably say just pay up. In installments if you cant afford anything else. But as i said it all depends on your net admins, if there dumb or wasnt in a good mood that day thyey might not have all the evidence id have probably gotten, but if there good you could just be digging a deeper hole.

As for future use, dont download too much in the future and if possible get it from ftp/sftp/ssh/http/https connections. At least that way you can say you was watching an online movie or downloading a backup of your remote backup system.

Ofcourse if it was me i'd invest in an old sat dish, modify it, stick it on top of a cupboard in your room and hijack someones wi-fi connection. Do it properly and you can pick up quite a long range on wi-fi depending on your location and the weather

07-06-2009, 10:36 AM
if you are fined than what to do....
you should pay for it...
i suggest first you talk with your dean then take any decision.

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