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09-26-2003, 07:30 PM
The Man In Black....Ritter...now Robert Palmer.

Geez the world's taking a shit-kicking lately. :(

09-26-2003, 07:39 PM
...........Zevon, Bronson, Hines, White..............

We're losing our icons at an alarming rate, this death business has got to be stopped.

09-26-2003, 07:49 PM
johnny cash... :(
i really loved his music.

the guy was a genius.

09-26-2003, 07:55 PM
:huh: Damn.....when did Robert Palmer die? :huh:

09-26-2003, 07:56 PM
@ lilmiss.....Yeah, it's unbelievable how many of todays musical acts mention his name when asked who thier greatest influences are.

@ FC........just a few hours ago. In Paris. Heart attack.

09-26-2003, 08:35 PM
...........Zevon, Bronson, Hines, White..............

Who is Zevon? :huh:

09-26-2003, 08:43 PM
Warren Zevon. Wrote a pile of songs for other artists such as Linda Ronstadt ( " Poor, Poor Pitiful Me " ) famous for signature song; " Werewolves Of London ".
Covered Dylan's " Knockin' On Heaven's Door " quite nicely.
My favourite lyric of his;

Well, I went to the doctor
I said, "I'm feeling kind of rough"
He said, "I'll break it to you, son
Your shit's fucked up."
I said, "my shit's fucked up?"
Well, I don't see how--"
He said, "The shit that used to work--
It won't work now."

I had a dream
Ah, shucks, oh, well
Now it's all fucked up
It's shot to hell

Yeah, yeah, my shit's fucked up
It has to happen to the best of us
The rich folks suffer like the rest of us
It'll happen to you

That amazing grace
Sort of passed you by
You wake up every day
And you start to cry
Yeah, you want to die
But you just can't quit
Let me break it on down:
It's the fucked up shit

09-26-2003, 08:50 PM
Almost forgot....honorable mention to the song Life'll Kill Ya;

You've got an invalid haircut
It hurts when you smile
You'd better get out of town
Before your nickname expires
It's the kingdom of the spiders
It's the empire of the ants
You need a permit to walk around downtown
You need a license to dance

Life'll kill ya
That's what I said
Life'll kill ya
Then you'll be dead
Life'll find ya
Wherever you go
Requiescat in pace
That's all she wrote

From the President of the United States
To the lowliest rock and roll star
The doctor is in and he'll see you now
He don't care who you are
Some get the awful, awful diseases
Some get the knife, some get the gun
Some get to die in their sleep
At the age of a hundred and one

Life'll kill ya
That's what I said
Life'll kill ya
Then you'll be dead
Life'll find ya
Wherever you go
Requiescat in pace
That's all she wrote

Maybe you'll go to heaven
See Uncle Al and Uncle Lou
Maybe you'll be reincarnated
Maybe that stuff's true
If you were good
Maybe you'll come back as someone nice
And if you were bad
Maybe you'll have to pay the price

Life'll kill ya
That's what I said
Life'll kill ya
Then you'll be dead
Life'll find ya
Wherever you go
Requiescat in pace
That's all she wrote

09-26-2003, 10:22 PM
...Hepburn and Hope...

09-26-2003, 10:34 PM
Anna Lindh, foreign minister of Sweden.


09-27-2003, 12:37 AM
Geez I forgot about Hepburn & Hope...........and Ms. Lindh :huh:

Also in the past year we've lost Gregory Peck, Leon Uris, Buddy Hackett and Mr. Rogers.


09-27-2003, 05:28 AM
Yeah, we've lost a lot of legendary actors recently.

I wonder who the legendary actors will be 30 years from now.

09-27-2003, 06:12 AM
I think 30 years from now, there will be no living legendary actors. Why? Because basically everyone thought of everything before "we" did. In this, I'm referring to guys like Hope, Hackett (pioneers of comedy), Hepburn (didn't really pioneer anything, but was still a legend). Now it's gotten to the point where you can't go to the show without seeing or seeing a preview of a teeny bopping movie, or some crappy high budget action flick that's been done many times.

But anyway, on to a brief story of what just happened...

I read that Mr. Palmer died, so I went into the living room (where my stepdad and mom are) and I asked, "Hey, didja know that Robert Palmer died?" My mom says, "Yeah." And I begin to walk outta the room, but my stepdad just had to irk me with this comment, "You know what, Trev (my name), you need to quit watchin' that MTV s*it and turn on the news." Now, I have the question of, "DOES ANYONE REALIZE HOW FUCKING IRONIC THIS IS?!"

So, with that, I calmly said, "Well Jim (his name). I'd like to inform you, as if you didn't already know (he pokes fun at how "poor" my dad is, very frequently), that we don't have cable (My real dad says he doesn't need anything more, because he never really has watched anything aside from the news and a few TV shows now and then). Therfore, I can't watch this 'MTV s*it'." Then I walk back into my room for a brief second, realize something, walk out and say, "Ya know, I'd figure, with you being a college kid in the 80s, you'd be smart enough to know Palmer was one of the first to appear on MTV, so they'da probably shown it before any form of news did." And he's like, "Well you've been on the internet all day, you should know." I just bit my lip and walked out.

09-27-2003, 07:12 AM
Geez, that's rough trev. I don't envy your situation....and I can relate. :(