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06-02-2009, 08:44 AM
Yesterday i login to PTN from my rdp start 1 torrent there
then i check site on my local pc then i check again my rdp after few mins & utorrent was stoped there saying 2 logins at same time not allowed etc refreshing time 16mins i stope start again same prob so i let it run was thinking it will finished tommorow but when i check my account today it saying ur account is disabled
& i was like WTF !
any member or staff person from ptn pm me thx:)

06-02-2009, 08:49 AM
well , a friendly warning : PTN Staff doesnt like traders so ur gonna be in GREAT trouble and probably banned .. also loggin in PTN from different areas with diff IP's get u banned too .. so good luck :P

06-02-2009, 08:59 AM
man i have that account from 2 weeks this happen yesterday coz of diff ips i use all trackers like this i dont known that ptn banned 2 ips acc :)

06-02-2009, 09:02 AM
well , a friendly warning : PTN Staff doesnt like traders so ur gonna be in GREAT trouble and probably banned .. also loggin in PTN from different areas with diff IP's get u banned too .. so good luck :P

I'm not sure he's a trader, allthough he's not denying it so...

Anyway, most trackers will allow you to login from different IPs as long as you notify them of you doing so and you aren't doing it at the same time (sharing an account). I have a dynamic IP, so if only 1 IP was allowed, I'd be screwed.

06-02-2009, 09:29 AM
well , a friendly warning : PTN Staff doesnt like traders so ur gonna be in GREAT trouble and probably banned .. also loggin in PTN from different areas with diff IP's get u banned too .. so good luck :P

I'm not sure he's a trader, allthough he's not denying it so...

Anyway, most trackers will allow you to login from different IPs as long as you notify them of you doing so and you aren't doing it at the same time (sharing an account). I have a dynamic IP, so if only 1 IP was allowed, I'd be screwed.


Who the hell will give him for bitsoup ? so he never got offers and hence he didnt trade , but i see him trader successfully in near future so i m keeping distance from him

btw , congrats The_martinator u reached over 1k posts :P

06-02-2009, 10:42 AM
correct if no 1 trade with me then dont mind to post against me lol
as u said keep distance from me :)

Member from ptn here i will give my details so he can hit up sysop there :)

06-02-2009, 11:00 AM
You use the same username here and there and you are a trader, okey...
2weeks was more than enough (and only 133MB Total Traffic, come on...)

06-02-2009, 11:07 AM
look man if i was trader then i will not sinup on same username there & i will trade that account on 1st day as far for 133mb i was going to hitup 70gb torrent yesterday night with my 12mb/s up give me time man i have 2 do other things in life also lol.
u can hit sysop & u will see my acc trafic in few days :)

06-02-2009, 11:14 AM
More easy .... try on irc :P

06-02-2009, 11:17 AM
I'm not sure he's a trader, allthough he's not denying it so...

Anyway, most trackers will allow you to login from different IPs as long as you notify them of you doing so and you aren't doing it at the same time (sharing an account). I have a dynamic IP, so if only 1 IP was allowed, I'd be screwed.


Who the hell will give him for bitsoup ? so he never got offers and hence he didnt trade , but i see him trader successfully in near future so i m keeping distance from him

btw , congrats The_martinator u reached over 1k posts :P

Oh, yeah, I missed those. He is a trader.

And thanks, now I'm part of the leet club. Maybe I'll get access to the BT lounge :naughty:

06-02-2009, 11:36 AM
SPY (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../members/spy-208641) wuts there irc !

06-03-2009, 05:01 AM
I am not terribly inclined to reenable you msalman. But as was pointed out by SPY, try our irc support channel. Truth is, the intent to trade is the same as trading to me and my staff, so keep that in mind.