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View Full Version : So turnes out BT Music is all about money.

06-03-2009, 12:48 AM
News today:

By Pedro:

Dear members,

I have banned tut and RolloTomasi. I will not allow the people who have had my trust create chaos on the tracker in response to a decision I made with respect to staff. Other bans and demotions from VIP follow in regard to individuals who tried to undermine my and my administration's authority.

My and my administration's decision are final. They are always well discussed and are legitimate. I would like all of you to fully respect them.

My and my moderators' goal is to provide you with a stable and trustworthy place to exchange music in lossless formats. We do not do politics. Please do not defy my decisions or my admin's and moderator's decisions.

Thank you. RolloTomasi - staff, ran a campaign against the seedboxes becasue people were having trouble with their ratios (slower users). Many people (90%) liked this idea because BTmusic used to be all about the community and helping each other.

Pedro (owner) felt like Rollo's campaign is a threat to his finances, because ineed people with lower ratio were paying money to stay alive on the website (therfore more seedboxes = more money).

Now Half of the VIPS are banned because they supported this idea of equality and other half is demonted to users. BTMusic no longer exists as the best lossless community. There will be no great uploads anytime soon, and this place is run be a greedy man who destroyed something what many people put their efforts into just so good music could be heard.


06-03-2009, 01:24 AM
My and my administration's decision are final. They are always well discussed and are legitimate. I would like all of you to fully respect them.

Well respect is something you earn. I'm sure everyone would like to have respect and this d00d is just stating the obvious here. Maybe the banned users could take it up in their own hands and start their own tracker? After all it's his tracker so it IS his rules.

06-03-2009, 02:22 AM
a campaign against the seedboxes becasue people were having trouble with their ratios (slower users). Many people (90%) liked this idea because BTmusic used to be all about the community and helping each other.

Not exactly. The problem is so called overseeding, as uploaders complain that very fast people cause trouble on their torrents. Some 60% of uploaders were in favour and this is still being discussed. This does not concern regular members.

Also, this month there were so called 'happy hours' when you can pig out without limits. They lasted 24 hours.

Pedro (owner) felt like Rollo's campaign is a threat to his finances, because ineed people with lower ratio were paying money to stay alive on the website (therfore more seedboxes = more money).

Now, seriously, you are not a member there and your girlfriendz told you this story, right? :lol::D

Now Half of the VIPS are banned

It's a lie. That would be 3 of 40.

other half is demonted to users.

Another lie. That would be 1 of 40.

a greedy man who destroyed something what many people put their efforts into just so good music could be heard.

Now this is stupid. He has actually been covering a big part of server and site expenses for years, not even talking about the newest policy here that strangers can no longer buy their way in, or that donors receive doubles profits for their donations.

Hey girl, why are you lying?

06-03-2009, 07:47 AM
Honestly, I don't know what to think.

I do have a slow connection and I've never had a problem surviving at Pedro's. On the other hand I know people who use seedboxes there and I don't find any problems there, I just get the files faster.

Anyway, we'll see in time what effects this has.

06-03-2009, 10:27 AM
It's all about politics. BTMusic is widely known for its very friendly community, but this, as anything else, has it pros and coins. The apparent pros are that certain people mistake staff's leniency with weakness, and friendly atmosphere with naivety. Such people try to 'widen their influence' by populist means actually exploiting the community, and this ends like it has ended this time. AFAIK the staff tried to reason with them, but it did not help.

What's going to happen now? Nothing. The community needs to heal its wounds and it's gonna be alright again. I hope that the new VIPs and possibly new staff will be selected more carefully.

From a POV of a regular user, I think that mentioned RolloTomasi deeply disappointed the site owner. As a mod he was given powers and trust. Instead of being professional he kept on enforcing his own agendas by purely populist means (in example, setting groups of members against each other and so on). It simply had to end harshly.

06-03-2009, 11:34 AM
What happened is really sad... :( That place was my favourite music tracker and one of my 2-3 favorite trackers in general. Great members, great community and the BEST uploads ever... :(

06-03-2009, 12:07 PM
That place was my favourite music tracker and one of my 2-3 favorite trackers in general. Great members, great community and the BEST uploads ever... :(

So it ceased to be? Keep on supporting it, it's gonna be alright ;)
During tough times this is exactly what community needs - support of its members. :D

06-03-2009, 12:12 PM
Pedro (owner) felt like Rollo's campaign is a threat to his finances, because ineed people with lower ratio were paying money to stay alive on the website (therfore more seedboxes = more money).
what you're saying is just stupid. if Pedro was after money, he wouldn't have set a warning/ban system against overseeders...

06-03-2009, 12:30 PM
what you're saying is just stupid.

Of course. You should really never take anything that he types very seriously...

I do hope that Rollo(and the couple other known and in my opinion valuable members that were recently banned) gets to come back though(if he would even want to) after all this settles. Not only is he an extremely helpful and courteous person he was also an asset to P's and will be missed.

06-03-2009, 02:48 PM
[Also, this month there were so called 'happy hours' when you can pig out without limits. They lasted 24 hours.

Pedro (owner) felt like Rollo's campaign is a threat to his finances, because ineed people with lower ratio were paying money to stay alive on the website (therfore more seedboxes = more money).

Now, seriously, you are not a member there and your girlfriendz told you this story, right? :lol::D

a greedy man who destroyed something what many people put their efforts into just so good music could be heard.

Now this is stupid. He has actually been covering a big part of server and site expenses for years, not even talking about the newest policy here that strangers can no longer buy their way in, or that donors receive doubles profits for their donations.

Hey girl, why are you lying?

Funny for me to read this post. Being a former mod on Pedro's, I can tell you for a fact that it IS about money. I stepped down voluntarily as moderator there over three years ago due to my difference in in philosophy concerning P2P with Pedro and one of his goons, BlackSummer/VR. I was helping people who had small ratio problems by downloading stuff from them in order to help improve their ratio. I was told by Pedro that I should not be helping these members out as it would lead to a decrease in the number of people who were donating and thus affect his income. My philosophy of P2P is that one should not have to pay to be a part of a community as long as they are attempting to share. While there are problems concerning leechers, the availabilty of faster bandwidth can cause ratio problems despite efforts as those in Europe and other places have much faster bandwidth available to them than do others. I can tell you that Pedro makes more than enough to pay for the server he uses from donations and for people paying for ratio adjustment so they can download the work of those who do it for free, for the love of music. I never received a dime for the thousands of hours of work I did as a mod nor did I ever expect to achieve financial gain from my work. I did it because I like sharing music. Another reason I stepped down was that I felt that the users were often treated unfairly. I realize rules need to exist to prevent chaos yet there also needs to be open dialogue for problem solving, something that Pedro often does not allow as evidenced from the above quotes.
I am not writing this to get revenge or to settle a score. I have been silent on this issue for over 3 years. I am just fearful that one of the best places to share lossless music just has lost a lot of what has made it so appealing. It is also difficult to watch something that I put many hours into for free become a moneymaking tool for one individual while those who make it possible for that individual to make money are treated unfairly.
Just a prediction....BlackSummer/VR will once again become part of the moderation team even though he nearly destroyed the site with his behavior in the past. It may be under a different name as he is known to use that tactic to keep members from knowing who he really is, hence the BlackSummer/VR nick referenced in my post. If this happens, it will be a sad day for the members of the tracker.

So as you can see, my girlfriend did not tell me this;), it comes from personal, firsthand experience. While it may have been exaggerated a bit in the above post, recent events are causing a severe decline in the quality of BTMusic. So my question AllAlone is.... Whose girlfriend have you been talking to? Is her name Pedro?

Peace to all those who share for the love of music not profit,

06-03-2009, 05:08 PM
From a POV of a regular user, I think that mentioned RolloTomasi deeply disappointed the site owner. As a mod he was given powers and trust. Instead of being professional he kept on enforcing his own agendas by purely populist means (in example, setting groups of members against each other and so on). It simply had to end harshly.
Horse Hockey.

The site admin was well aware of my intentions before I did anything. She changed her tune after Pedro didn't like what he saw, and claimed that she did not read the mod discussion. Which is just not true. You are not familiar at all at what on behind the scenes in moderator discussion.

06-03-2009, 05:19 PM
From a POV of a regular user, I think that mentioned RolloTomasi deeply disappointed the site owner. As a mod he was given powers and trust. Instead of being professional he kept on enforcing his own agendas by purely populist means (in example, setting groups of members against each other and so on). It simply had to end harshly.
Horse Hockey.

The site admin was well aware of my intentions before I did anything. She changed her tune after Pedro didn't like what he saw, and claimed that she did not read the mod discussion. Which is just not true. You are not familiar at all at what on behind the scenes in moderator discussion.

So why did you really get banned? If you don't want to tell us, that's ok, I was just wondering.

06-03-2009, 08:01 PM
So as you can see, my girlfriend did not tell me this;)

But... you have one, right? Because you are saying all of this happened some 3 or more years ago and you are still holding the grudge... man, this is weird.
This is not normal. This is the f*ckin' internet right? It's all about fun, yes? This isn't real life, yeah? Well.. or maybe it is, is it? How often do you go out?

It does not sound like you have got over it. I asked around, and it seems there is another lossless tracker, right? e**** yes? Some people told me it is driven mostly by bad memories reg. pedro's. Is this true? If it is so, THIS IS SICK man O_O :blink: :w00t:
So it's like what? You people get together, hold hands and sob? :wacko:

I've been around for some 2 years so far. I wish I could be there before that. Scientology seems like Sesame Street comparing to this shit :naughty:

So why did you really get banned? If you don't want to tell us, that's ok, I was just wondering.

Don't push him, he would have to lie to look good, do you really want that?

06-03-2009, 08:25 PM
Blame it on the credit crunch. Donations are not as many as there used to be and we are getting more and more PMs from mods asking for money. The only problem is that now we don't really know which trackers really needs help and which ones are only being greedy.
I never had the chance to get in to this "pedro" tracker although I m a bif losseless fan but I feel sorry for what happened and I feel that the truth is somewhere in between. And YES, unfortunately, it's all about the money.

06-03-2009, 08:44 PM
But... you have one, right? Because you are saying all of this happened some 3 or more years ago and you are still holding the grudge... man, this is weird.
This is not normal. This is the f*ckin' internet right? It's all about fun, yes? This isn't real life, yeah? Well.. or maybe it is, is it? How often do you go out?

It does not sound like you have got over it. I asked around, and it seems there is another lossless tracker, right? e**** yes? Some people told me it is driven mostly by bad memories reg. pedro's. Is this true? If it is so, THIS IS SICK man O_O :blink: :w00t:
So it's like what? You people get together, hold hands and sob? :wacko:

I've been around for some 2 years so far. I wish I could be there before that. Scientology seems like Sesame Street comparing to this shit :naughty:

How old are you? Can you not read? I was just stating facts and you want to personally attack me? My five year old has more manners than you do. I know this is the internet so you can think you are as cool as you think you are as you don't have to face reality or the people you attack. Pretty brave of you. Shows real courage ;). I have scraped better people than you off the soles off my shoes. Sounds like you are the one with the real problem. Being a net troll is better than being unemployed with the current state of the global economic situation I guess.

Do yourself a favor and use logic and facts when you want to debate rather than personal attacks that you have no basis for making. It will make you look like you are at least educated above the 5th grade level. If you have facts to back up what you are saying, you sure have not used them here. Therefore I suspect that the reality is that you know no facts to post and therefore must resort to the cheap tactics that you use.

As for my "bitterness", does stating fact make me bitter? It seems to me you are the bitter one for whatever reason. Making personal attacks, making comments on subjects that you apparently know NOTHING about and being a net troll in general.

I really have no interest in ensuing a net war with you so you may continue to post whatever you may think of me as you neither know me nor would I ever want to know a person like yourself. You are a penny a dozen on the net and really not worth the time as, contrary to your popular belief, I do have a life and 99.9999999999999% is way more fun than trying to persuade uneducated people like yourself to act in a decent and responsible mannner. So post away , call all the names you want, attack me personally even though you don't have a clue about me or my life, and continue your trolling ways in general. I will no longer respond to you as it is a waste of time. Peace out :)

06-03-2009, 09:02 PM
some text

Oh c'mon, let's face it. It's all real to you. You take it all seriously. Look at your own reasoning here. In a 4 paragraph long post you have just calmed yourself down and explained to yourself that everything is still alright. "It's alright cottonseed, he's just a little troll, your life is fine, you have a life... calm down now, it's alright..." :lol:

If anything I typed was so meaningless to you, why didn't you just ignore me?

I do have a life

Oh do you? See above. :lol:

Now, don't get upset, ok? Tell about your little cosy e****.


06-03-2009, 09:12 PM
AllAlone, what's with those personal attacks? As a matter of fact, the time you spend on the internet is the same time you spend in the real world. That means that you cannot always disregard what happens there, especially if it means that something you have worked hard for (ie. spent a lot of time on) goes to waste.

Now, I'm a little curious; RolloTomasi, what will you do from now on? As a FLAC user I cannot imagine you going over to using mp3.

I loved your great contributions to the community and it is sad to see you go. You have my best wishes.

06-03-2009, 09:14 PM
I never had the chance to get in to this "pedro" tracker although I m a bif losseless fan but I feel sorry for what happened and I feel that the truth is somewhere in between. And YES, unfortunately, it's all about the money.

You know what? I would invite you, but I have already invited a friend this month. Uploaders receive only 1 invitation/month now. If you want in and see things for yourself, PM me. We will figure something out. :happy:

06-03-2009, 11:44 PM
Anybody got some Troll spray?

Back to the subject at hand.

Yes, Pedro's BTMusic is a for profit site despite what some may want to claim. I am aware of how much money he generated in the early days when I was mod as a fellow mod on one occasion collected the donations and forwarded them to Pedro and that moderator told me the amount in an IRC exchange. I wish I still had the IRC exchanges as proof but being that it was many years ago, they have long been wiped from my HDD. Unfortunately the other moderator has since passed and therefore verification of this fact is not possible. That was when the number of donors was relatively small, probably 1/4 of what they are today at a minimum. The amount at that time was much more than the cost that Pedro incurred to run the site. I had no qualms with it as I figured he did the work, he should reap the rewards. Once I later seen his tactics and how he encouraged people to have ratio problems by the way he did and did not do things, I then had a problem with it. There are many things that could be done to make the site equitable to all users, but have not been done as it would decrease the number of "donations", in reality payment to be able to continue to download, and would drastically decrease the profit which Pedro realized and still continues to realize. Rollo was trying to get things implemented that would make things equitable and fair for all members and also to address those members who have no regard for the community and conduct themselves in a manner that is detrimental to the community as a whole.
If you believe that P2P should be about one person making financial gain off others hard work when they receive nothing other than the satisfaction of sharing music and then turn around and ban them when a disagreement arises rather than try to settle the disagreement , then you will side with Pedro. If you believe that P2P is truly about sharing and that people should be treated in a fair manner, you will not. It really is that simple.

06-04-2009, 01:01 AM
some bullsh*t
We are not hiding behind some made up nick as you are. If you're an uploader at Pedro's, what's your nick there? If you don't want to identify yourself, just sit the hell down and STFU. Unless you are a former mod yourself [are you?] you haven't a clue to what has actually gone down. You just joined today, and it looks like you did so to troll this thread. Did Fiamma send you, or Pedro?

06-04-2009, 01:10 AM
Jesus "Tap-Dancing" Christ! ALLALONE signs up here today, to do spin control on a bad decision at Pedros?

I think I smell a lackey (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/lackey). :wank:

06-04-2009, 01:30 AM
Ya, a few months ago she sent one of the VIPs to try to compromise one of the other mods. Fortunately, this person has some values and wouldn't do it.

06-04-2009, 01:47 AM
Unless you are a former mod yourself [are you?]...
He's BlackBummer aka VR. :ghey:

06-04-2009, 01:53 AM
Sounds like the guy in charge over there is a self-righteous dickhead. I'll bet he has allllllll kinds of friends in real life. Probably the life of the party at his grandmother's bridge games, too.

06-04-2009, 02:04 AM
Sounds like the guy in charge over there is a self-righteous dickhead. I'll bet he has allllllll kinds of friends in real life. Probably the life of the party at his grandmother's bridge games, too.

you are right :D :yup: :yup:

the only time i have ever seen pedro talk to ppl on the site was to day ...

12:47:11 pedro: NP here, just DL and seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed...

but i guess anyone will try anything thing they can to save their cash cow :D:lol:

06-04-2009, 02:08 AM
pedro's was never the best flac site, that honor would belong to the other lossless tracker.

The for-profit attitude of pedro's is not new, I remember back in the days of oink when there would discussions and talk about the for-profit nature of pedros.

06-04-2009, 02:11 AM
I would not want to be associated with a tracker run by dickheads.

06-04-2009, 02:14 AM
I would not want to be associated with a tracker run by dickheads.

why im leaving .... done and done ... with that b/s ... :w00t:

i dont like my hard work being used to make some one else alot of money :cry::angry:

06-04-2009, 02:16 AM
News today:

By Pedro:

Dear members,

I have banned tut and RolloTomasi. I will not allow the people who have had my trust create chaos on the tracker in response to a decision I made with respect to staff. Other bans and demotions from VIP follow in regard to individuals who tried to undermine my and my administration's authority.

My and my administration's decision are final. They are always well discussed and are legitimate. I would like all of you to fully respect them.

My and my moderators' goal is to provide you with a stable and trustworthy place to exchange music in lossless formats. We do not do politics. Please do not defy my decisions or my admin's and moderator's decisions.

Thank you.

He sounds like a real dick to me. Fortunately I'm not associated with this site anyway.

06-04-2009, 02:54 AM
Its really sad to see the site go down this way.
Rollo..u were indeed an asset to the site.

On the other hand, i was rather surprised to see a post by Pedro on the main page. He does stir up a few surprises and controversies at the same time. :lol:
The impression of the site of being a *for Profit* venture is being confirmed or reaffirmed each second i spend on the forums or the IRC.

It was my favorite tracker, but i am not sure how long is it gonna retain that position. :/

PS: LAWL @ the Post :lol:
*My and My* = pure..unadulterated and uninterrupted sessions of laughter :lol:

06-04-2009, 03:43 AM
sit the hell down and STFU.

spin control :wank:

He's BlackBummer aka VR. :ghey:

pedro's was never the best flac site, that honor would belong to the other lossless tracker.

HAHAHAHAHAHA beautiful!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

06-04-2009, 05:01 AM
spin control :wank:

He's BlackBummer aka VR. :ghey:

pedro's was never the best flac site, that honor would belong to the other lossless tracker.

HAHAHAHAHAHA beautiful!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Final response from the dickhead. Laugh. I can't name a single VIP that thinks you are an asset at Pedro's. So gl I must say along with Fiamma and Pedro you make a really good team. Does he share hi profits with you guys or he's just your the papa smurf?

06-04-2009, 05:07 AM
why would anyone who is a member of both the W&W trackers need such a site?

06-04-2009, 05:13 AM
why would anyone who is a member of both the W&W trackers need such a site?

1) Because their torrents contain better rips and album covers.
2) Seeding is a *lot* easier when compared to both what n waffles.
3) Way back..the community was better :/

These reasons are enough for anyone to fall in love with such a tracker. Their policies are definitely not the best :dry:

06-04-2009, 07:06 AM
I really can't understand the purpose of this topic. I enjoy internet dramas but creating a topic informing users that a tracker is after profit is just like creating a topic for Columbus discovering America. Old news unless there is something else involved;)

06-04-2009, 11:52 AM
I can't say much as i got purged a while back(even after being promised i was iight),but something is definitely happening at pedros.

I mean the OP isn't nuts to just dream up such coherent allegations.
If he was just being sensational you would have simply ignored him but no,you go ahead and set up a defense team to try and trash everything that he says(yeah,i noticed those new accounts)this to me gives his allegations more than enough credit.
Also 3k reads and still counting means interest and a sign that you are being discussed elsewhere(by people who know what's really going on)
You should take a cue from TL,sometimes its good to keep quiet and just let things play themselves out.

06-04-2009, 12:53 PM
wankers ><

06-04-2009, 02:01 PM
I really can't understand the purpose of this topic.

You know, trolling, flaming, showing that akaidoresus, cottonseeds, rollos and tuts, and alike people from e**** (well, or from any other place) who just care too much (this is kind of paranoia, isn't it?) are idiots. You type anything and they will be here instantly 'fighting' back. They cannot just ignore you. We are talking here about 40-50 years old folks. Isn't this funny? Note their obsession about certain individuals, like pedros, fiammas, blackbummers, vrs (and no, I am not him, but it's like they see him everywhere :lol: ekhm... somebody said something about paranoia?) or whatever. :pinch:

06-04-2009, 02:41 PM
Yes, it is the people mentioned in the above post that have the problem, not the poster themselves. Talk about fighting back, paranoia, trolling, flaming, and being an idiot.........

06-04-2009, 02:48 PM
Not trying to start a flame war, but what's wrong with people who are 40-50. Should they just die or what?! I generally get along better with older people.

06-04-2009, 03:46 PM
and they are still here, check this out :lol:

06-04-2009, 04:08 PM
and they are still here, check this out :lol:

is that the best ya got? my 86 year old grand mother can troll better then that ....

06-04-2009, 04:18 PM
The funny thing is that AllAlone can't keep quiet himself.

06-05-2009, 12:19 AM
I guess allalone's trolling is a way to get the attention away from the real fact that P's leadership has no concern about the community's good. Only his own profit. Seriously, getting from VIP to banned within 5 mins... That just shows how much he considers his valued members and how he cares. He doesn't :lol:

06-05-2009, 01:16 AM
I guess allalone's trolling is a way to get the attention away from the real fact that P's leadership has no concern about the community's good. Only his own profit. Seriously, getting from VIP to banned within 5 mins... That just shows how much he considers his valued members and how he cares. He doesn't :lol:

I guess a new system will be started soon. Since the P2I no longer exists, and thats seriously hurting Pedro's Bank Balance. :lol:
"P2V" : Pay to get VIP Status. It would definitely generate some profits for Pedro, and some more 'VIPs' to fill the void left by ya guys. :whistling

06-05-2009, 02:14 AM
of course, its always about da benjamins

not every site is like that ... i know alot are, im not a internet dumbass ... but there are some that are about sharing still :happy: its just pedro is not about this, the site "was" fulla good and very helpful ppl .. notice how i said was ... :lol: .. the list is going down quicker then a whore on a friday night :lol: :whistling

06-05-2009, 02:18 AM
of course, its always about da benjamins

not every site is like that ... i know alot are, im not a internet dumbass ... but there are some that are about sharing still :happy: its just pedro is not about this, the site "was" fulla good and very helpful ppl .. notice how i said was ... :lol: .. the list is going down quicker then a whore on a friday night :lol: :whistling

Things have started to go downhill for 'em.
i wonder how many ppl have subscribed to an rss feed for this topic. :P
it always has some lurkers :shifty:

06-05-2009, 08:16 AM
It's really a bummer to hear about all this, even though yeah I'm the last idiot to find out ever. I'm not going to pretend to know any details, but I feel like this is a sad time for Pedro's. I love how in the forum half the uploaders who went or wanted to go on strike are now banned. I've never seen so many banned labels at once.

tut, I want to thank you for the invite a couple years ago. I felt really priveleged to join you guys. I really appreciate it.

And dude, AllAlone you need to really get over yourself. You're a total douche. Who gives a shit how old anyone is on the internet, and where their interests lie? Last time I checked, the internet has been around for some time now and is used daily for multitudes of real life applications as well as fantasy, or virtual. Some people choose to value certain things. Let them have that. And this whole "who cares it's the internet" thing you have floating around in that empty cavity where your brain should be is total crap logic. By your logic, why have you even posted in this thread? It's apparent that you also value this internet BS. Wake up kook.

oh and FlacMonkey nice thread over @ P's. Good stuff.

06-05-2009, 02:52 PM
I think the whole complaint about money being involved stems from the choice most people make. If you could pay for something or get it free, you will choose what is free. Because of the swarm aspect of bt, most users feel that sharing the torrents properly is all that should be required of users. Maybe in an ideal world, all site owners would sponsor the entire operation, but that's not the reality of the situation.

Maybe my perspective as a longtime usenet user makes me see things differently. I would not have a real problem with a site that required payment to join or download. So I don't really have a problem with torrent sites trying to keep their sites running through various ways of getting donations.

Usually the only people complaining about this kind of thing are those long term members who have big buffers already.

06-05-2009, 03:05 PM
Maybe my perspective as a longtime usenet user makes me see things differently. I would not have a real problem with a site that required payment to join or download. So I don't really have a problem with torrent sites trying to keep their sites running through various ways of getting donations.

That's precisely one of the major problems I have with Usenet as a way of getting stuff. The big usenet providers have established a "pay for warez" mentality which I have a huge problem with in principle. For Usenet guys, it's perfectly normal to pay for a NZB indexing service for Christ's sake.

My background is different than yours, and while I won't go into detail, let me just say that I have seen a lot of people, some of them good and likeable guys, getting royally fucked because of money involved in warez. Besides that, I generally have a problem with people earning money with other people's work. Call me old fashioned, but that's how I have always seen it.

06-05-2009, 03:15 PM
Yeah we're a different breed so maybe I'll never understand completely.

I think your experience re: people getting screwed is misguided or paranoid when you consider how many huge, reputable sites exist. Paying for giganews/astraweb/highwinds etc. and even one of the big nzb sites, newzbin/nzbmatrix/nzbsrus etc. is very unlikely to result in a scam.

Your point about earning money from other people's work is more interesting. The services mentioned above are earning money on providing a service that provides access to such content and is not directly selling the content. Likewise, you pay for your isp and torrent sites pay for the servers where .torrents are hosted, which even more indirect than usenet, but someone is still making money on providing the access.

06-05-2009, 03:22 PM
Of course you could argue that the whole broadband business would have never took off without piracy, and that is true to a certain degree for sure. But the Giganews' of this world are much more directly involved - hardly anyone is going to pay for a usenet service if he isn't interested in binaries, which are, let us be honest, mostly pirated material.

And that's the problem I have with this, the mentality those companies have established. Only the usenet crowd would pay for a service like NewzBin, for example, although many don't, of course. But you get the idea.

06-05-2009, 07:00 PM
Well I started this topic and I will summarize it.

Despite the opinion that it is all bullshit and it is just my imaginary interpretation of what happened you can see that many people who built this tracker from the beginning speak in a supportive to my argument manner.

AllAlone aka BlackSummer who is closely affiliated with Pedro tries to defend this already lost case. You lost all the community values of the site that was based upon such ideals. Old Pedro is done. These people are gonne.

And you won't build anything even close to what Pedro once was because your attitute and sick leadership needs are purely destructive. Now I guess there's nothing left to do but promote the Ruskie guys who upload counterfeit copies of retail CDs to VIPs. I really see no other choice.

You are healing your inferior complexes with the Godlike attitude on the Internet? Makes you feel respected and apprieciated? O Lord, that's sick.

And to your information AllAlone - I'm also Polish and I know what attitudes and values Pols present. You, along with pedro promote the ideas that make stereotypes about us as a nation TRUE which you should be really ashamed of.

And there is nothing wrong about making money. But keeping your profits under the table under the disguise of community driven society is just awful. Hope your wallets grow fat.

06-05-2009, 08:51 PM
And there is nothing wrong about making money. But keeping your profits under the table under the disguise of community driven society is just awful. Hope your wallets grow fat.

I havent been a member of Pedro's for that long, so I may have missed it but I've been looking for it and so far I have not found the passage you refer to; the one where Pedro claims his base motivation for running the tracker is his wish to establish a community driven society. Maybe you can give me some pointers where I could find such a quote..

But for arguements sake, let's just assume Pedro is in it for the money, so what ??? Big deal.. If he makes some money off the tracker, good for him, if he makes a lot of money off it, better even, it doesn't harm me in any way as I personally still benefit of the trackes existence as well.. Lot of quatlity rips for the grabs and I don't even have to pay for it, doesn't mean I "Cant" donate but if I choose to do so it's my own choice..

So now you're making Pedro look like the big bad wolf only after the pennies in our wallet's but, like Pedro you are from Poland no ? Are the laws in poland different then in most western countries, meaning that it is legal to run a tracker sharing mostly copyrighted material ?? If it's not legal, isn't he the one most at risk. We all know the pirate bay story don't we ? Shouldn't Pedro be allowed for some financial compensation considdering possible legal repercussions he might face should things turn sour ?

And don't get me wrong, I'm trying real hard not to pick sides here as I really like and respect most of the "familiar" participants to this thread. I think the tracker has lost some great mods in Tut and Rollo, I for one will surely miss their contributions in the forums, on IRC and to the tracker in general. I was hoping it would be possible for both parties to come to the table and sort their differences out, but the way things have evolved now, that probably won't happen.. And apart from those two it seems more people have lost their accounts, and I will miss them all on the tracker.. Some of them I considder as friends and fortunately for me most of them are still active on another tracker so it's still possible for us to communicate.

Before you start speculating: yes I did creat my acount today, bu noone sent me here and no, I'm not blacksummer/VR. Most of you won't know me as I tend to keep things low profile but for the ones who still have access to the site, you can find me there using the same nick I use here.. This whole situation just saddens me, as I know it saddens a lot of the trackers members. Wish things were different and this whole issue wouldn't have grown so out of hand..

just my 2 cents,

06-05-2009, 10:24 PM
And there is nothing wrong about making money. But keeping your profits under the table under the disguise of community driven society is just awful. Hope your wallets grow fat.

I havent been a member of Pedro's for that long, so I may have missed it but I've been looking for it and so far I have not found the passage you refer to; the one where Pedro claims his base motivation for running the tracker is his wish to establish a community driven society. Maybe you can give me some pointers where I could find such a quote..

But for arguements sake, let's just assume Pedro is in it for the money, so what ??? Big deal.. If he makes some money off the tracker, good for him, if he makes a lot of money off it, better even, it doesn't harm me in any way as I personally still benefit of the trackes existence as well.. Lot of quatlity rips for the grabs and I don't even have to pay for it, doesn't mean I "Cant" donate but if I choose to do so it's my own choice..

So now you're making Pedro look like the big bad wolf only after the pennies in our wallet's but, like Pedro you are from Poland no ? Are the laws in poland different then in most western countries, meaning that it is legal to run a tracker sharing mostly copyrighted material ?? If it's not legal, isn't he the one most at risk. We all know the pirate bay story don't we ? Shouldn't Pedro be allowed for some financial compensation considdering possible legal repercussions he might face should things turn sour ?

And don't get me wrong, I'm trying real hard not to pick sides here as I really like and respect most of the "familiar" participants to this thread. I think the tracker has lost some great mods in Tut and Rollo, I for one will surely miss their contributions in the forums, on IRC and to the tracker in general. I was hoping it would be possible for both parties to come to the table and sort their differences out, but the way things have evolved now, that probably won't happen.. And apart from those two it seems more people have lost their accounts, and I will miss them all on the tracker.. Some of them I considder as friends and fortunately for me most of them are still active on another tracker so it's still possible for us to communicate.

Before you start speculating: yes I did creat my acount today, bu noone sent me here and no, I'm not blacksummer/VR. Most of you won't know me as I tend to keep things low profile but for the ones who still have access to the site, you can find me there using the same nick I use here.. This whole situation just saddens me, as I know it saddens a lot of the trackers members. Wish things were different and this whole issue wouldn't have grown so out of hand..

just my 2 cents,

I'd like to publically agree wholeheartedly with this post. :smilie4:

06-05-2009, 10:54 PM
That Pedro is in it for the money, okay. I could maybe live with. I was probably at peace with that thought the day I joined. Maybe this wouldn't even bother me too much today. But what I can't stand is deception, the bold faced lies. There you have an admin that tries to sell you she works hard for the well-being of the community and cares and it's all a "community site". She'll tell you it's been a year she was bringing up the overseeding problem and has been trying to come up with a solution to it. A YEAR. Then next thing she does is boot the only moderator that was actively tackling the problem, no explanations given. During that time she gets a seedbox because it's getting hard to seed anything... After firing that valued mod, yeah it's RolloTomasi I'm talking about of course, she asks her lapdog VR to start a decoy of a poll about overseeding asking uploaders their opinion about it. When 65 % of voters answer they're willing to establish a rule limiting overseeding she requires 75 % of uploaders to vote. Something that probably wouldn't happen. The poll back-fires, the situation heats up and couple of good people get booted. Nothing's ever gonna happen about overseeding at Pedro's. It fuels donations. You don't want to sacrifice your milking cow for the sake of the community, especially for the very part that's forced to donate due to ratio trouble. Okay, but then don't make your admin preech about community and "being there for the little guy" while you get rid of those trying to make your "community" and site a better place. That's jut plain wrong. Simple truths.

06-05-2009, 11:04 PM
Wow, some people are more naive than I thought. FlacMonkey - good point.

06-05-2009, 11:14 PM
That Pedro is in it for the money, okay. I could maybe live with. I was probably at peace with that thought the day I joined. Maybe this wouldn't even bother me too much today. But what I can't stand is deception, the bold faced lies. There you have an admin that tries to sell you she works hard for the well-being of the community and cares and it's all a "community site". She'll tell you it's been a year she was bringing up the overseeding problem and has been trying to come up with a solution to it. A YEAR. Then next thing she does is boot the only moderator that was actively tackling the problem, no explanations given. During that time she gets a seedbox because it's getting hard to seed anything... After firing that valued mod, yeah it's RolloTomasi I'm talking about of course, she asks her lapdog VR to start a decoy of a poll about overseeding asking uploaders their opinion about it. When 65 % of voters answer they're willing to establish a rule limiting overseeding she requires 75 % of uploaders to vote. Something that probably wouldn't happen. The poll back-fires, the situation heats up and couple of good people get booted. Nothing's ever gonna happen about overseeding at Pedro's. It fuels donations. You don't want to sacrifice your milking cow for the sake of the community, especially for the very part that's forced to donate due to ratio trouble. Okay, but then don't make your admin preech about community and "being there for the little guy" while you get rid of those trying to make your "community" and site a better place. That's jut plain wrong. Simple truths.

I'd like to publically agree wholeheartedly with this post. :smilie4:

06-05-2009, 11:31 PM
It is good to see that there are some people left with values and respect for others. This is not about the money. It is about the means in which that money is obtained. I had almost given up on the P2P scene as it seemed it was no longer about sharing but rather what one can gain for themselves. Thanks to those who refrained from name calling and addressed the topic at hand. It shows me that there is hope and that, my friends, is a great thing :)

06-05-2009, 11:47 PM
just a question to AkaiDoresu: are you still member of BTM ?

06-06-2009, 01:31 AM
just a question to AkaiDoresu: are you still member of BTM ?

I'm not gonna answer this question. But this has to nothing to do with this thread.

06-06-2009, 04:07 AM
To be honest, I barely got through the 20+ page discussion/debate, there was nothing inappropriate, people should be allowed to voice their opinion regardless. The uploaders do make the site, and they deserve a lot more respect than this.

Albo Da Kid
06-06-2009, 04:33 AM
ofc they're all about money. Idc though as long as they keep up their great work with the site and torrents

Their staffers are decent guys as well, so in my eyes they deserve that little pocket money they look up to

Sites like Bcg,Musicvids, TranceTraffic should do the same and start to profit imo. they deserve it

06-06-2009, 07:16 AM
Their staffers are decent guys as well, so in my eyes they deserve that little pocket money they look up to

If you want money, you should get a goddamned job. Running a website that basically aids and abets breaking copyright laws doesn't make you worthy of a paycheck.

06-06-2009, 01:56 PM
just a question to AkaiDoresu: are you still member of BTM ?

I'm not gonna answer this question. But this has to nothing to do with this thread.
this has nothing to do with the thread but it can mean a lot.
in the case you would still be a member of BTM, it would be obvious that you use FST as a 'spotlight' to bash and settle accounts with some guys in total anonimity in order to protect your membership there.
let me add that it would be totally nonsense after all you've said about Pedro's...

06-06-2009, 02:23 PM
and in case he's not, you'll likely bash him for being a whiner or something else :S

06-06-2009, 02:28 PM
and in case he's not, you'll likely bash him for being a whiner or something else :S
no, i would find it legitimate and justified.

06-06-2009, 02:52 PM
New to this site but not new to the situation.

There are now posts at BTMusic condemning this thread and the users who have posted.

This discussion can't happen at Pedro's, its not allowed. And that in itself is the real problem. The members of Pedro's have no real voice. The people make a tracker, not the administrators and they have to have an open voice.

06-06-2009, 05:55 PM
New to this site but not new to the situation.

There are now posts at BTMusic condemning this thread and the users who have posted.

This discussion can't happen at Pedro's, its not allowed. And that in itself is the real problem. The members of Pedro's have no real voice. The people make a tracker, not the administrators and they have to have an open voice.
I agree open discussions should always be allowed. I think pedro failed to realize that when enough uploaders leave he won't have much left to sell. I have half a TB q'd if me and others were to leave a lot of torrents will fall off the tracker instantly.

06-06-2009, 10:14 PM
This discussion can't happen at Pedro's, its not allowed.

What next? They gonna burn books and destroy records? Nothing like censorship and modern-day Nazism.

06-07-2009, 08:10 AM
just a question to AkaiDoresu: are you still member of BTM ?

I'm not gonna answer this question. But this has to nothing to do with this thread.

That's an emphatic, "yes" in case you didn't know. :whistling

06-07-2009, 09:54 AM
New to this site but not new to the situation.

There are now posts at BTMusic condemning this thread and the users who have posted.

This discussion can't happen at Pedro's, its not allowed. And that in itself is the real problem. The members of Pedro's have no real voice. The people make a tracker, not the administrators and they have to have an open voice.

Can anyone get the big picture here, it doesn't matter...this is another torrent site of thousands, if you want to get your voice heard contact your local congressman.

Look folks, just download the torrent, seed it...if you dont like the way the site is constructed then dont be involved in the community or further yet, don't use your account.

That's exactly what it is. Just another big database to get flacs from. Forget about the community... if it ever was close to existing, it's dead. At least to me. Good they have a delete account button. But I didn't have to use it, P chose for me ;)

06-07-2009, 06:40 PM
Just pre'd:
Pedro.Is.Feeling.Like.An.Eezee.Faggot.Right.About.Now.Heh.XXX.DVDRip.XviD-dupeNET XXX Released 3m 7s ago 15 6 7 2009

06-07-2009, 08:37 PM
What i dont understand is why anyone gives a crap about people with a slow connection. TOO bad, get a faster connection(or seedbox) or use a public tracker, or better yet upload your own music to build ratio.

All these uploaders bitching and making threats to no longer upload because some users chose not to have fast internet or upload anything is just plain stupid at this point.

06-07-2009, 09:28 PM
get a faster connection(or seedbox)

You are aware that there are perfectly valid reasons why people may not be able to do these things, including, but not limited to, their ISP, availability, and the shit-tastic economy, right?

06-07-2009, 09:29 PM
Just pre'd:
Pedro.Is.Feeling.Like.An.Eezee.Faggot.Right.About.Now.Heh.XXX.DVDRip.XviD-dupeNET XXX Released 3m 7s ago 15 6 7 2009

I would like to formally retract any statements I made defending those idiots. It's nonsense like that that only proves the other sides case. :dabs:

06-08-2009, 01:19 AM
What i dont understand is why anyone gives a crap about people with a slow connection. TOO bad, get a faster connection(or seedbox) or use a public tracker, or better yet upload your own music to build ratio.

All these uploaders bitching and making threats to no longer upload because some users chose not to have fast internet or upload anything is just plain stupid at this point.

Getting a faster connection is not always in the hands of the consumer. Well, who is not a sucker for high speeds?
I dont know anyone who would stick to a 36.6kbps dialup when there is FiOS available at a really good price.
Not everyone can shell out 50 odd dollars every month, especially in some countries, when the economy itself is definitely not doing well, and retaining jobs is becoming a one hell of a challenge.

06-08-2009, 01:48 AM
If you cant afford a fast connection i have a simple solution....use public trackers that dont care about ratio! And what about uploading your own music? Why dont small pipers become uploaders, i see a lot of complainers about ratio are not uploaders.

06-08-2009, 02:53 AM
If you cant afford a fast connection i have a simple solution....use public trackers that dont care about ratio! And what about uploading your own music? Why dont small pipers become uploaders, i see a lot of complainers about ratio are not uploaders.

Grow up kid, and look around.

06-08-2009, 03:10 AM
If you cant afford a fast connection i have a simple solution....use public trackers that dont care about ratio! And what about uploading your own music? Why dont small pipers become uploaders, i see a lot of complainers about ratio are not uploaders.

Grow up kid, and look around.

+1. 'nuf has been said already. ;)

06-08-2009, 11:26 AM
If you cant afford a fast connection i have a simple solution....use public trackers that dont care about ratio! And what about uploading your own music? Why dont small pipers become uploaders, i see a lot of complainers about ratio are not uploaders.

If you can't afford a fast connection, how can you afford CDs? Public trackers does not ensure quality, something which P's does.

06-08-2009, 11:34 AM
You are not seriously comparing monthly fees, which can be considerable, depending on the country you live in, to piss cheap CD recordables (or DVD recordables even), which many people don't even use anymore due to hard disk space being so cheap these days.

06-08-2009, 12:50 PM
Well, in my country it is the other way around; a decent broadband connection can be bought for the same price as three CDs. Don't come and tell me that the uploader have to buy one CD per download he makes, how cheap do you think that'll be in the long run?

Anyhow, this is very offtopic so I suggest we turn the discussion to be regarding P's again.

06-08-2009, 04:47 PM
What? You seem to have missed the point. Many users don't even buy any recordable media anymore, so those costs don't even exist for them. Big hard drives are cheap, they download the stuff they need, store it, and if they don't like it anymore, simply delete it. Or buy additional storage.

But those costs are nowhere near the monthly fees they have to pay for broadband. And, as you may have to understand also, Scandinavia is an exception in this respect, the vast majority of users, particularly in less developed countries, have to pay considerably more than you pay. Maybe you need to broaden your horizon a little.

06-08-2009, 07:15 PM
The most part of the world has incredible problems to access a decent Internet account, not to talk about ADSL or Cable.

06-08-2009, 08:48 PM
If you cant afford a fast connection i have a simple solution....use public trackers that dont care about ratio! And what about uploading your own music? Why dont small pipers become uploaders, i see a lot of complainers about ratio are not uploaders.

If you can't afford a fast connection, how can you afford CDs? Public trackers does not ensure quality, something which P's does.

You can get endless CDs for free at the library, end of story.

06-09-2009, 06:41 AM
You can get endless CDs for free at the library, end of story.

Not all libraries have the funding available to have CD collections. Some of them focus on *gasp* BOOKS!

Your sweeping generalizations suck shit, by the way :)

06-09-2009, 09:08 AM
While I don't think the overseeding issue is as bad as it's being portrayed, I don't agree with the way Rollo and FlacMonkey were treated. I don't really know all the others that were banned/demoted. Anyway, if you guys are going to a different tracker now, I'd like to follow. If someone could PM me to let me know, I'd appreciate it.

06-09-2009, 01:02 PM
While I don't think the overseeding issue is as bad as it's being portrayed, I don't agree with the way Rollo and FlacMonkey were treated. I don't really know all the others that were banned/demoted. Anyway, if you guys are going to a different tracker now, I'd like to follow. If someone could PM me to let me know, I'd appreciate it.
i guess they'll stick with E* - not sure you can follow them there :(

06-09-2009, 04:04 PM
I missed all the excitement at BTM and I am sorry to hear of the banning once again. This is an old problem about having an open forum and will not go away. I have yet to find a site where censorship does not exist and find it as annoying as idiot posts. Anyway, I wish the old members well in their quest. Back on topic, its only partly about the money, if I didn't make it obvious that to me open discourse is the greater issue.

06-09-2009, 06:31 PM
I see a bunch of stupid posts by a bunch of stupid babies. :naughty:

Grow up people. This is not politics. This is a motherf*cking torrent site. Use it, enjoy it, and shut the f*ck up. :) If you don't like my rules, you can leave..... Just make sure that the door doesn't hit you in the ass on your way out.

I have much better things to do than regularly be active on the Pedro's forums. I'd rather get laid, get fresh air, meet up with friends and spend time with family. That's just me though....

Rather than verbally assault me now, how about you purchase a ticket to fly to Poland, arrive here, put your dukes up and have one on one combat with me? It would be far more entertaining.

Thank you.

06-09-2009, 06:46 PM
I see a bunch of stupid posts by a bunch of stupid babies. :naughty:

Grow up people. This is not politics. This is a motherf*cking torrent site. Use it, enjoy it, and shut the f*ck up. :) If you don't like my rules, you can leave..... Just make sure that the door doesn't hit you in the ass on your way out.

I have much better things to do than regularly be active on the Pedro's forums. I'd rather get laid, get fresh air, meet up with friends and spend time with family. That's just me though....

Thank you.

haha what a prick, if that's actually him.

06-09-2009, 07:04 PM
The avy's the same, but then again any member could have stolen it...

06-09-2009, 10:44 PM
rather than verbally assault me now, how about you purchase a ticket to fly to poland, arrive here, put your dukes up and have one on one combat with me?

I'm an INTERNET TOUGH GUY. If I don't like you, we must engage in a duel! En garde, fucker!

06-10-2009, 06:30 AM
Just make sure that the door doesn't hit you in the ass on your way out.

Does this happen quite often where you live? I most certainly cant imagaine how a Door wud hit u "in" the arse while your trying to let yourself out ..

06-10-2009, 07:11 AM
I am more than sure that MrPedro is not Pedro. Although I do not agree with all his decissions, this is not his way.

06-10-2009, 02:56 PM
I am more than sure that MrPedro is not Pedro. Although I do not agree 100% with all his decissions, this is not his way.

I agree, this is more than likely an imposter posing as Pedro. The sad thing is.....It is kind of the way he feels though he would never publicly post such. I also find it amusing that others have told me that all of a sudden there are rule changes on the site concerning the very subject that started all this that are now in effect. Also there is a way for people that were banned to contact the tracker, apparently for readmission to the site. This says a few things to me: 1. Money is more important to Pedro than community. 2.The community is only considered when it may affect donations. 3. He apparently now has realized that people were treated like crap. 4. The only way to get changes to the tracker that benefit the community is through means which affect the income stream.
I have read all the posts here and I can see why each would have the opinion that they do. Those that simply download from the site have no problem with the policies as they do not have to do any of the work that is necessary to make the data available and are simply getting "free" stuff. The uploaders are upset because they do the work and it appears the only person who gains financially, the mods running the site do not receive a penny as far as I know, has absolutely no respect or appreciation for them or the work they do in order for his tracker to exist and for him to make a profit. As for the onlookers that are not directly involved that have contributed their 2 cents worth,they apparently have a little time on their hands to spare.

To me this is not only about the money, it is about respect and appreciation. Some may feel that is an "old fashioned" way of seeing things in the internet age but these are the values I was raised on and I feel they still have a place in todays society.

06-10-2009, 07:10 PM
I totally agree with cottonseed. Excellent post, my friend http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/2792/respect2wu0.gif http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/3634/skthumbupis0.gif

BTW, begging and bowing at [email protected] ([email protected]). Nevah evah http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/7395/excl4ux.gifhttp://img207.imageshack.us/img207/7395/excl4ux.gifhttp://img207.imageshack.us/img207/7395/excl4ux.gif!!!



06-11-2009, 11:43 AM
Oh, so here's little Tut posting away.

Still crying over me banning you? I bet the tears haven't even begun to dry yet.

06-11-2009, 12:07 PM
If you have nothing more to bring to the table than insults and idle threats then I suggest that you also "leave and make sure that the door doesn't hit you in the ass on your way out".

06-11-2009, 02:02 PM
If you have nothing more to bring to the table than insults and idle threats then I suggest that you also "leave and make sure that the door doesn't hit you in the ass on your way out".

Maybe you need to kick him in the ass and trow him out of the door.

06-11-2009, 04:37 PM
As far as I know being gutless isn't against forum rules.:idunno:

06-11-2009, 09:06 PM
Oh, so here's little Tut posting away.

Still crying over me banning you? I bet the tears haven't even begun to dry yet.

Let me guess.....MrPedro aka AllAlone aka BlackSummer aka VR. Come on... tell me I am not right. Talk about tears, apparently you are still a little upset over the fact that you were booted out of your mod position as the overwhelming majority of users thought you sucked. Only an idiot like VR would stoop to such a level and try to create a little hostility by posting such trash. Seen it before and probably will see it again as he just does not get it that while he may succeed initially in getting to people, the ending is always the same. FAILURE. At least we use the names that those on the net know us by and don't hide like little children behind different names. If this is not you VR, I apologize to all the others for even associating them with a nimrod like him ;)