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View Full Version : Internet Get broadband speeds even when using GPRS.The java based Opera Mini comes to PC!

06-04-2009, 05:23 PM
Not many people have the luxury of fast broadband home connections,for some its so bad that they'd rather watch hair grow than wait for a web page to load :P.There is also the possibility of travelling to one of the world's 'forgotten corners' where the only way to access the internet would be via GPRS so this tut. is for people in these situations.

java is a very powerful platform and granted if someone could develop a web browser based on it,it would go a long way to deal with this issue of slow internet speeds by a large margin.
with the lack of invention comes innovation .Opera mini has been the darling of mobile enthusiasts since way when.The reason for this is the fast browsing experience on cell phones with this midlet and the small amount of traffic it generates during browsing sessions.This is largely due to the Opera Mini servers which do all the initial rendering and send the reduced versions of web pages to the client.

with credits to his smarts,a guy called makube has come up with a way to bring opera mini to the PC together with all its benefits and hopefully serve as a solution for people with wacky internet speeds at least for the time being.But since Opera Mini is a Java ME application, an emulator will be necessary for this to work.

To make this possible,he used the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit with the included MIDP emulator. Then adapted the preinstalled "QwertyDevice" and made a new emulator device template, the "OperaMiniLargeDevice" (OMLD), with the usable screen size of 1200x705 pixels. He omitted the usual control buttons of the standard emulators to have more space for the browser.
Here are two pictures of what the results look like.


he has made OperaMiniLargeDevice available in 4 variants for different screen resolutions. So if you want to test the solution yourself you should follow these next steps:


=>Get the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) from:


=>Get the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2 for CLDC from:


=>Get the "OperaMiniLargeDevice" for Sun Java Wireless Toolkit from:


=>Get Opera Mini Browser 4.2 from:


Be sure to download both the JAD and the
JAR to the same directory. The generic advanced version is recommended.

Internet access on the PC

Installation (done for Win XP):

=>Install the JDK(java .development kit)

=>Install the Wireless Toolkit.

=>Unzip your downloaded version of "OperaMiniLargeDevice" (simply extract it, a directory will be created automatically).

=>move this directory to Path-to-WTk\wtklib\devices\.

=>The complete path to OMLD on my machine looks as follows: "C:\WTK2.5.2\wtklib\devices\OperaMiniLargeDevice1024x705".

=>go on to choose "OperaMiniLargeDevice" as the default device, i.e. via "Start->All Programs->Sun WTK->Default Device Selection".
Then use "Start->All Programs->Sun WTK->Run MIDP Application" to start Opera Mini via its JAD file.

=>The start screen should appear and you should now be able to launch Opera Mini by pressing F2.

It might be that you receive the following error on starting Opera Mini:
OTA server emulation started...
HTTPS server emulation started...
Error: Reason = 36
The most obvious reason for this error is that the "MIDlet-Jar-URL" in the JAD does not point to the right JAR file. Try to open the JAD with a text editor, locate the property "MIDlet-Jar-URL" and make sure that ONLY the filename of the JAR is left in this entry, e.g. MIDlet-Jar-URL: opera-mini-4.2.13918-advanced-de.jar. You must not use a complete URL to the JAR in the web. And do not forget to put the JAD and the JAR in the same directory.


=>You can set the link focus and scroll through a site with ARROW keys.

=>The ENTER key selects an action, e.g. a text field. Texts can be entered with the normal keyboard keys.

=>You can copy from and paste text into text fields by pressing STRG+c and STRG+v.

=>The keys F1 and F2 control the menu actions of Opera Mini and the emulator, e.g. security questions for internet access.you can also use your mouse to control Opera Mini and to click on links with OMLD 0.6.
With this version shortcuts in opera Mini are usable.
Speed dial in Opera Mini is also usable.

=>Special version for netbooks and UMPCs like the Asus EEE or the HTC Shift are available too.

=>To download files to the harddisk I recommend you set the security domain in the WTK to the maximum in order to get rid of the annoying security prompts (Do you allow file access?...). This can be done in the security options of the WTK Preferences. To download a file click a download link. Then a windows will appear that gives you the option to save the file. Choose the folder in which the file should be stored. I normally choose root1/. On my machine (Win XP) it points to "C:\Documents and Settings\user\j2mewtk\2.5.2\appdb\OperaMiniLargeDevice1200x705\
filesystem\root1" when I use the 1200x705 version of the OperaMiniLargeDevice.

=>Also remember not to close the download window until the download process has finished!
The other option to search in a webpage can be accessed when you press F4, then F3, enter the search string and navigate through the highlighted matches via F1. F2 stops this navigation.

interestingly,this method also works with many other phone based java applications.So if you are the curious type you might wanna play around with a couple other midlets.

Am not sure,but i think this can also be used as a proxy,though i figure it becomes open when you have to log into a site.Nevertheless i wouldn't advise you to use it with BT trackers till someone confirms this.

have fun!

06-05-2009, 02:50 PM
lol , so much effort , the new version of Opera (v10) has a turbo mode (maybe earlier versions too?) it uses the same servers as opera mini and reroutes your data and compresses it by upto 3x

06-05-2009, 04:08 PM
lol , so much effort , the new version of Opera (v10) has a turbo mode (maybe earlier versions too?) it uses the same servers as opera mini and reroutes your data and compresses it by upto 3x

nice!didn't know that,some people just love to play with apps,so it still serves the kill time purpose :P

06-06-2009, 12:47 AM
Yeah , i use the first part of the guide to test out java games before putting them on my phone :P