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View Full Version : Help us build/maintain the WTO table here

06-12-2009, 07:35 AM

Would be great if users helped keep this up to date. Please use this thread to:

1) Criticize the rankings. They are pretty biased towards whoever submitted them, and could probably use revising. I'll re-update the ranks when they are critiqued. you can filter by specialty (0day, games, tv) and also click on the columns to list categories numerically for a better comparison.

2) Post missing stats, or updated stats. The chart is far from complete, and won't be always up-to-date. Would be great if you guys could post current stats or missing stats so I can input them.

3) Suggest new trackers to add. If you're a member of the tracker you can actually submit it yourself, and when putting in the numbers you have to delete commas or it screws it up. If you want to see a tracker you don't have on there then just ask for it and hopefully someone else will add it.