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06-13-2009, 11:48 PM

European buyers of Windows 7 will have to download and install a web browser for themselves. Bowing to European competition rules, Microsoft Windows 7 will ship without Internet Explorer. The company said it would make it easy for PC makers and users to get at and install the web browsing program.

In response the Europaan Commission expressed scepticism over the move and if it would allay accusations of Microsoft abusing its market position. “We’re committed to making Windows 7 available in Europe at the same time that it launches in the rest of the world,” Dave Heiner, Microsoft deputy general counsel, said in a statement, “but we also must comply with European competition law as we launch the product.”

“We believe that this new approach, while not our first choice, is the best path forward given the ongoing legal case in Europe,” he added.

In response the European Commission said “It would also have to consider whether this initial step of technical separation of IE from Windows could be negated by other actions by Microsoft.”

In early 2008, Microsoft was fined 899m euros (£765m) by the European Commission for anti-competitive behaviour over bundling in the media player and browser into Windows.

In January 2009, Brussels reached a “preliminary view” that Microsoft was denting the chance for true competition by bundling its browser software in with its operating system.

Microsoft is due to defend itself against the charges in a hearing.

If Microsoft fails to convince the Commission that it is not harming competition could mean more fines and enforced changes to the way it does business.

“We’re committed to launching Windows 7 on time in Europe, so we need to address the legal realities in Europe, including the risk of large fines,” said Mr Heiner.

Windows 7 is due to be released worldwide on 22 October.

“In terms of potential remedies, if the Commission were to find that Microsoft had committed an abuse, the Commission has suggested that consumers should be offered a choice of browser not that Windows should be supplied without a browser at all,” said the Commission in a statement responding to Microsoft’s announcement.

It said Microsoft’s approach of offering the program to computer manufacturers “may potentially be more positive” in terms of remedying its alleged abusive behaviour.

It added that if Microsoft were found to be abusing its position, the Commission would have to work out if the uncoupling of IE offset that behaviour.

:source: Source: ZitZot (http://www.zitzot.com/windows-7-to-ship-without-internet-explorer/)

06-14-2009, 04:15 AM
I think it's absolute crap. MS should be allowed to bundle IE and Media Player with Windows. I'm sorry but I don't agree with IE being removed from Windows.

06-14-2009, 07:45 AM
if you dont have a browser how can you download one from the net?

The Flying Cow
06-14-2009, 11:16 AM
mcbogster and oglebo, that's precisely why the EU isn't accepting this move. Microsoft will have to supply the options available, say Mozilla, IE and Opera, for people to choose from.

It's not crap at all. Internet browsing isn't a Microsoft-only phenomenon. People should not be forced to have IE bundled with Windows, since Windows is the OS most people around the world use, this means monopoly, and disabling people from uninstalling the browser fully and using something else is corsair behavior, to say the least.

06-14-2009, 02:54 PM
It also says that Microsoft makes getting IE a one click process.

06-14-2009, 11:55 PM
if you dont have a browser how can you download one from the net?

USB stick.

06-15-2009, 02:52 AM
Well true, but I would think they would have a link on the desktop that says "download IE8" now...and you click and it will download and intall it, btw, you don't need a browser to download stuff.

06-15-2009, 08:58 AM
I absolutely hated how IE was integrated into Vista and you couldn't uninstall if you wanted to. It's too bad it was taken out because of authority rather than their own choice, but the end result is satisfactory for me.

06-15-2009, 11:48 AM
I absolutely hated how IE was integrated into Vista and you couldn't uninstall if you wanted to. It's too bad it was taken out because of authority rather than their own choice, but the end result is satisfactory for me.

sure it's satisfactory for us, but there are plenty of people out there who don't know Shit about computer stuff and expect everything to be usable out of the box, i really think it's stupid to charge them with abuse for bundling it with it, not like they're charging anything extra for it, really stupid, no matter how bad IE is...

06-16-2009, 05:39 AM
Thank God they are finally going to do it. IE is crap, it's a huge security risk no matter how much M$ fix their holes. IE has been that way since it's inception.

Long live FF.

06-21-2009, 11:18 PM
I tried windows 7 .it's very cool

06-21-2009, 11:50 PM
I tried windows 7 .it's very cool
thanks for sharing your view with us.

peat moss
06-22-2009, 02:10 AM
I guess you guy's forget Microsoft's default browser trick . I believe that's why I never used IE since Win95 and started with Netscape then Mozila .

On a side note I just finished d'l Win7 by Benjamin of the Rockers Team based on Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit build 7100. Was really looking for a 64 bit as I heard the key's were interchangeable ?

06-23-2009, 01:01 AM
I don't know for sure, but you can still go to the website and get a x64 key too, just re do the sign up process, the RC keys work with all the "leaked" builds too.

06-23-2009, 04:33 AM
I still wait for the day Microsoft ships windows with Firefox as browser. Sure glad they decided to take a step toward what people actually want.

06-23-2009, 07:46 PM
if you dont have a browser how can you download one from the net?

Exactly what I was thinking lol

Well true, but I would think they would have a link on the desktop that says "download IE8" now...and you click and it will download and intall it, btw, you don't need a browser to download stuff.

90% of computer users do though.

06-24-2009, 01:19 AM
they must put google chrome instead of IE

06-24-2009, 07:41 AM
I think it's absolute crap. MS should be allowed to bundle IE and Media Player with Windows. I'm sorry but I don't agree with IE being removed from Windows.

Why should they. They sell and market the operating system as an operating system. Browsers and media players are apps that run on top of that operating system. By pre-installing there browser and media player its an unfair advantage over the rest of the market as new users will just familiarise themselves with whats already there and those that dont have a bad opinion on IE and media player will simply not be bothered to try anything else.

The reasons for it being disallowed are perfectly acceptable. if they even put a download link to IE on the main desktop they should be forced to also put links to other popular browsers.

However remember when you install an op system you get the first usage screen where you input your username and setup basic network. That would be the ideal place to have this stuff.

What internet browsers do you wish to be installed?
Which media players do you wish to be installed?

this way installation is still automated and people dont need to know about any command line download tricks or how to use ftp via explorer. Useability is not effected but customizability is improved. So the actualy banning of the two apps suits the operating systems goals much better.

06-26-2009, 12:20 AM
they must put google chrome instead of IE

Gosh! Sorry but I don't like google chrome :sick:

I think the idea of putting some options is nice but I don't even like the idea of having IE on my Windows DVD haha :P

To solve the no-browser problem, I liked the USB suggestion but you can always keep an extra partition to keep those necessary files you're always using and re-using. :)

btw, I'm also using win7 and liked it! :frusty: uhauhauhauahuahuah :P

06-26-2009, 07:08 PM
yeszzzzzzzz there will b no IE ... good news ...i hate IE

06-26-2009, 08:00 PM
they must put google chrome instead of IE

06-26-2009, 11:52 PM
To solve the no-browser problem, I liked the USB suggestion but you can always keep an extra partition to keep those necessary files you're always using and re-using. :)

The average user does not have a usb stick with a web browser on it though...

06-27-2009, 09:31 PM
Finally. Now people will hopefully start using a good browser for a change... like Firefox. Chrome is good but I can't use my addons in it. :<

06-28-2009, 03:39 PM
FireFox imo, should do a alliance with MS to put it as the default browser .. rather than crap IE

06-29-2009, 05:58 PM
Yaaaaay :D Hate IE so I could not be happier :D

07-01-2009, 10:42 AM
I think it's absolute crap. MS should be allowed to bundle IE and Media Player with Windows. I'm sorry but I don't agree with IE being removed from Windows.

Why should they. They sell and market the operating system as an operating system. Browsers and media players are apps that run on top of that operating system. By pre-installing there browser and media player its an unfair advantage over the rest of the market as new users will just familiarise themselves with whats already there and those that dont have a bad opinion on IE and media player will simply not be bothered to try anything else.

While this is maybe true, I rather prefer a full OS.
Even if I just use the IE to download Firefox, but how are you able to download another browser if there aren't any??
Mac OS and Linux (and all others) are also shipped with there browsers. Linux => Firefox, Mac OS => Safari, so why should MS not ship _there_ system with IE?
They will never put other browsers on there system because of license fees they had to pay for sure.
So now we get a castrated OS, which even makes it difficult for the enduser to download something.

07-01-2009, 02:35 PM
when u install windows 7 it asks you which browser do u want

07-02-2009, 06:08 AM
While this is maybe true, I rather prefer a full OS.
Even if I just use the IE to download Firefox, but how are you able to download another browser if there aren't any??
Mac OS and Linux (and all others) are also shipped with there browsers. Linux => Firefox, Mac OS => Safari, so why should MS not ship _there_ system with IE?
They will never put other browsers on there system because of license fees they had to pay for sure.
So now we get a castrated OS, which even makes it difficult for the enduser to download something.
For downloading firefox you can always ftp to mozilla.org and download , and if they put firefox they dont have to pay any license fees

Also linux per se doesnt come with any browsers , some distros do

07-02-2009, 08:40 AM
For downloading firefox you can always ftp to mozilla.org and download , and if they put firefox they dont have to pay any license fees
For you and me yes, but for the generic user, who doesn't even know what the command prompt is?
About the fees, I wouldn't be so sure.
If something sells, everyone wants a piece of the cake.

Also linux per se doesnt come with any browsers , some distros do
You know, I use Linux as a synonym for distros, but you are totally right here.

07-04-2009, 01:53 AM
All they need to do is include something like Wget to download a minimal installer. Wget can be run from a Windows shell script so there's no problem with that either. I suspect that Windows 7 probably already has something built in so they wouldn't even need Wget. Once the installer has been successfully received it can download the main application.

So all Microsoft need to do is write a simple script to download this installer. The name and location of the installer would be passed as the operational parameters. Other software suppliers just need to create a shortcut with the name and installer location included.

That way there's no need for the end user to have to do anything other than click on a shortcut.

The main problem I see is one of security. I can easily envisage such shortcuts being hijacked so that users end up downloading a trojan in addition to the desired end product. There are probably some very good, simple ways of preventing this sort of hijack, but this is Micro$oft.

07-09-2009, 12:00 AM
Apparantly the european windows7 is coming with no IE and no obvious way of getting it or any other browser.
:rolleyes: It's so stupid. Most of the people who this is targetting (those that "don't know any better" (than IE)) buy OEM anyway, and I'm betting the large majority of these OEM pcs will come with IE preinstalled anyway. :lol:

So basically this is just another new windows annoyance. :)

07-09-2009, 01:31 PM
Apparantly the european windows7 is coming with no IE and no obvious way of getting it or any other browser.
:rolleyes: It's so stupid. Most of the people who this is targetting (those that "don't know any better" (than IE)) buy OEM anyway, and I'm betting the large majority of these OEM pcs will come with IE preinstalled anyway. :lol:

So basically this is just another new windows annoyance. :)
Small price to pay to stop Microsoft's evil monopoly with their free browser. It totally stops mozilla from selling their free browser.

Either way, smart money says it'll be an optional upgrade off integrated windows update or something.

But it's fucking stupid. Not a bad thing if they made it less integrated with windows, so you can uninstall it when you want, but they aren't making anyone do anything, by it being there from the start.

Unless you happen to be some kind of weak willed mong who can't manage downloading something else just because there's a browser in, I guess.

07-10-2009, 09:04 AM
look like very useful..

07-10-2009, 08:02 PM
Europa rocks :-)
Firefox ftw.

07-18-2009, 07:24 AM
windows 7 is very good u have a lot options
but the windows take with the DDR 3 gb

08-27-2009, 07:06 AM
Hate IE so I could not be happier

08-27-2009, 10:47 AM
thats good news, i didnt really use IE so better for the influx of more firefox users

08-27-2009, 12:19 PM
Nobody decent ppl should never use IE as default browser, it is just bad!