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View Full Version : Bittorent - Sharing

09-27-2003, 08:06 PM
hello ive just installed bittorent but as ive never used it b4 and i cant find a sharing option how do i share? i understand that if i d\l something uising bittorent and leave it running then people will be able to upload it once its done but what about if ive never d\l anything wont people think im leeching

soz if it shouldnt be here........................... im sure i saw a pinned topic about posting questions about other p2p's but i cant find it know :(

i suppose i should also ask how to add a page to favourites using kazaa :huh:

thanx :D

09-27-2003, 08:15 PM
1. to share a file for bittorrent.. goto the Suprnova website and download things u want.. then when they finish.. leave bittorrent on and it will share those files for you.

If you want to really share alot of stuff at once.. I suggest u get a copy of Azureous.. It keeps all downloads in 1 window, ALOT of statistics, and many helpfull things that Novatorrent and original Bittorrent programs dont have.

2. Kazaa doesnt have a favorites feature.. and i dont reccomend allways useing it to browse Websites.

09-27-2003, 08:20 PM
well i dont mean sharing loads of files but i asked because i used my k++ shared folder as my destination folder for bittorrent so i wondered if people could d\l them of me ---------- does it work like kazaa meaning people know if you are sharing or not thus not killing ure download if you dont share

hmm i's thick methinks but kazaa seems a lot easier to understand than some other p2p's :D :D :huh: :huh:

hehe i just use kazaa to browse the forum

09-27-2003, 09:04 PM
you could set them up in torrent files.. (find a torrent maker)
set them up on a working server found via Suprnova's websitehttp://
Then upload those small torrent files to Suprnova.. leave the torrents running so people can get them from u. Eventually 10-50 people will have parts from them, cause bittorrent makes everyone share parts of a file.. even if they arnt done d/ling it.. same with emule.. Makes it a better network actually.

09-27-2003, 11:51 PM
No, it doesn't work like Kazaa Lite at all. If I understood correctly, its purpose is not to be a straight filesharing program. It's supposed to allow people who need to distribute large files to take a lot of strain off of the main server, by having new downloads grab the information from the others who already have the file.