View Full Version : Looking for opinion on BinTube's usenet service

06-20-2009, 02:33 PM
Hey guys,
I just came across this site: https://www.bintube.com/usenet/
It sounds like it is even better than astraweb's 11 deal cause they have 300+ days of retention right now.
Have anyone used their service before?

06-20-2009, 05:16 PM
Well, actually, it is exactly the same as Astraweb's $11 plan. BinTube are a reseller of Astraweb, their server address goes straight to Astraweb's server farm. It is the exact same service pretty much, only difference is that BinTube is $10.99 and Astraweb is $11. On the BinTube site it also says you get a free basic copy of their software, the basic version only connects to news.bintube.com if I remember correctly. However, they resell Astraweb, so you could sign up to Astraweb, download BinTube Basic and still use it.. your login info would work on news.bintube.com too because it points to Astraweb.

So, it's upto you what one you pick. Both are pretty much the same. You might aswell sign up to BinTube out of the two, you get the same service but you are also supporting BinTube. :)

06-20-2009, 06:35 PM
Thanks for the info usenetguy :)

06-21-2009, 04:08 PM
Users have reported that Bintube's free 'newsreader' will work on Astraweb (and not just their own newsgroup service, as they claim). I suspect that this hole may be patched soon.

Although the same price, BinTube's usenet service might be a better deal than Astraweb if they provide better (faster) tech support - such as answering questions on weekends.

06-22-2009, 05:05 PM
I was actually thinking of getting unlimited access from bintube and then get a 100 GB block from astraweb to use as fill but if this is the case then ...