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View Full Version : HellaNZB DLs about 2x times than needed?

06-21-2009, 09:04 PM

I'm new to newsgroups and NZB stuff, I have installed hellaNZB under Ubuntu with lottaNZB GUI.

The download goes fine, but I cannot quite realize why after DLing 100% of content, it keeps DLing something very huge.

For example, I'm currently DLing NZB 4.37GB:

22:06:08 HellaNZB Found new NZB : something.x264
22:06:08 HellaNZB Parsing: something.x264.nzb...
22:06:08 HellaNZB Parsed: 105 files (20057 posts), 4903.8MB
22:06:08 HellaNZB Queued: 4903.8MB
22:06:10 HellaNZB Skipping pars... (Skipped par2: something.x264.vol003+04.par2 (9MB))
22:06:25 HellaNZB Skipped pars: 7 files, 240.5MB (Actual skipped: 238.8MB)
22:06:25 HellaNZB something.x264.vol000+01.par2 -> something.x264.vol063+37.par2 (100 blocks)
22:31:52 HellaNZB Transferred 4672.0MB in 25m 44s at 3097.3 KB/s (something.x264)

so good so far, but... after that lottaNZB says "Remaining 3xxx MB" and keeps downloading something else. Really slow, like 1MB/sec or even slower. Only when this additional stuff DLed, it starts processing the thing.

Can you explain please, what's going on there and what actually is downloaded, why it's necessary and why so slow.

Sorry for noob question, I have searched forums, but haven't found something useful.

Upd: Attached a screenshot

As you can see from the second screenshot, it took about 40 minutes to download the... rest... :ermm:

06-24-2009, 09:44 AM
Or maybe you can suggest another client under Ubuntu?


06-24-2009, 09:45 AM
Or maybe you can suggest another client under Ubuntu?


07-23-2009, 10:42 AM
As I discovered, there are bugs in statitics in HellaNZB, and it's not updating anymore, so I switched to SABnzbd and completely enjoying the thing

07-23-2009, 01:04 PM

07-23-2009, 07:36 PM
Definitely get Sabnzbd.
Amazing just put your nzbs in a folder come back and everything is in the completed folder.
Also use nzbdstatus Firefox extension. It has a Eta for downloads and progress bar and speed when you mouse over the icon.

07-24-2009, 11:28 AM
+1 for Sabnzbd and Pan. I like Pan because you can select what period you want to view new posts, eg. Last 7 days etc.