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View Full Version : Is Romania "Immune" to Anti-Piracy?

06-23-2009, 12:24 AM
Just curious about the country of Romania, seems like most or all of the Trackers are "Free" from "Harassment" from the Anti-Piracy guys?:unsure:
Most of my European Trackers are from Romania , so it seems....so how come Most Trackers Do NOt house their servers over there?:frusty:

06-23-2009, 04:28 AM
Just curious about the country of Romania, seems like all the Trackers all "Free" from "Harassment" from the Anti-Piracy guys?:unsure:
Most of my European Trackers are from Romania , so it seems....so how come Most Trackers Do NOt house their servers over there?:frusty:

I was wondering the same thing. I always see trackers bascially advertise that they are Romanian, but they don't seem to care, so there might be something special about hosting trackers in Romania.

06-23-2009, 05:10 AM
Paying for a fast connection there is cheap. Finding a server there might be more difficult...

I'm guessing this but having been there once, I'd say it's a good guess.

06-23-2009, 07:35 AM
Ro ftw :D

06-23-2009, 08:51 AM
Paying for a fast connection there is cheap. Finding a server there might be more difficult...

I'm guessing this but having been there once, I'd say it's a good guess.

Oh so now is "I m only guessing" thread

What I was about to say... Thare's loads of providers, even if you live in a small village you still have like 4-5 providers to choose from. Plus, as soon as we go to school we dream about having a PC. I know kids that are really poor and they still own a PC with internet connection. I have to think hard to find someone who can't use a PC. Even my 2 yrs old nephew can turn the PC on and ask us to put his favourite videos on.
Its not like it's 100% safe. My brother is a uploader on scenefz and other Romanian trackers, he had a good connection(max upload 40 Mbps), but they ve cancelled his contract cause of too much trafic. He was paying 15 pounds a month.

06-23-2009, 01:32 PM
Is Romania "Immune" to Anti-Piracy? (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-bittorrent-43/t-is-romania-immune-anti-piracy-356553)

Yeap, that would be the answer.
Even if a tracker get's closed with publicity, like news on TV / media / internet etc with police force etc, like it was the case of torrenbits.ro a few years ago, after the police raid, the tracker will be back in no time / couple of days, with the same domain, data base etc :)

So, hell yeah ^^

Not to mention the uber home connections ^^

06-23-2009, 01:38 PM
Romania is immune :o

06-23-2009, 04:03 PM
he had a good connection(max upload 40 Mbps), but they ve cancelled his contract cause of too much trafic. He was paying 15 pounds a month.

Woaahh..thats like REAL FAST for REAL CHEAP...coz here in india its 384 kbps for like 1200 Rs= 25 $...And the speed is like the Max available here...:blink:!!

06-23-2009, 04:48 PM
Woaahh..thats like REAL FAST
Keep in mind that's not their international speed, which can reach a mind blowing 2048 kbit/s.

06-23-2009, 05:00 PM
That bit about micro isps is interesting.

I think Ro and Bg and other countries in EE seem to have difficulty enforcing many laws, not just those re: filesharing.

06-23-2009, 07:24 PM
romania,land of choices...i guess they've included trackers in the offer

06-23-2009, 07:31 PM
Is Romania "Immune" to Anti-Piracy? (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-bittorrent-43/t-is-romania-immune-anti-piracy-356553)

Yeap, that would be the answer.
Even if a tracker get's closed with publicity, like news on TV / media / internet etc with police force etc, like it was the case of torrenbits.ro a few years ago, after the police raid, the tracker will be back in no time / couple of days, with the same domain, data base etc :)

So, hell yeah ^^

Not to mention the uber home connections ^^

Yes,and how Torrentbits.ro bounched back quickly, and I still have an account with them....
Here is the link on the raid: http://torrentfreak.com/torrentbitsro-raided-by-the-romanian-police/

BTW, Here is another Link talking about Romanian Trackers here in FST, I should have done a Search First..........LOL, If anyone is interested.


06-23-2009, 08:43 PM
i thought bashing scT was iight aroun' hurr :D

06-24-2009, 05:37 PM
Filesharing is not allowed but because of high the high prices on soft and games, ppl are forced to download pirated material. Nobody downloads pirated material because they choose to be pirates etc ; they have no other option.
Let me give you an example: an average movie dvd is 12 euros, while a blu ray si almost 30 euros; games average between 50-100 euros... while the average income per capita is 400 (i think it's even less than that - i'm talking about an average)..
So you tell me how things can be otherwise?! They simply can't... :(

06-24-2009, 07:02 PM
If you're struggling to get by on such low income, how would you have a bluray player or even a dvd player and tv? Or a console or pc? Or the internet connection you're downloading on?

Please don't take it the wrong way. I know Romania is a poor country overall, although I doubt that 400E statistic is accurate. I just think there are some holes in your argument.

06-24-2009, 08:03 PM
If you're struggling to get by on such low income, how would you have a bluray player or even a dvd player and tv? Or a console or pc? Or the internet connection you're downloading on?

Please don't take it the wrong way. I know Romania is a poor country overall, although I doubt that 400E statistic is accurate. I just think there are some holes in your argument.

The situation in Bulgaria is not better. This is the reason (the financial part), believe me. I have read a lot of threads in the Bulgarian forums and no one want to be criminal at all or to be punished for something but the life is not an easy one. So ... why should we buy our software or games. We should buy only the internet ... this is the only thing we need and of course everybody has a need of computer nowadays. It`s like the car - it`s not a caprice anymore, but a need (necessity). So ... as far as we here (the Eastern Europe countries) stay on level "needs" we won`t buy the software, the games, etc. When we reach the standarts of Germany for example we will change our way of thinking and everything will go on it`s normal way.

06-24-2009, 09:06 PM
If you're struggling to get by on such low income, how would you have a bluray player or even a dvd player and tv? Or a console or pc? Or the internet connection you're downloading on?

Please don't take it the wrong way. I know Romania is a poor country overall, although I doubt that 400E statistic is accurate. I just think there are some holes in your argument.

The situation in Bulgaria is not better. This is the reason (the financial part), believe me. I have read a lot of threads in the Bulgarian forums and no one want to be criminal at all or to be punished for something but the life is not an easy one. So ... why should we buy our software or games. We should buy only the internet ... this is the only thing we need and of course everybody has a need of computer nowadays. It`s like the car - it`s not a caprice anymore, but a need (necessity). So ... as far as we here (the Eastern Europe countries) stay on level "needs" we won`t buy the software, the games, etc. When we reach the standarts of Germany for example we will change our way of thinking and everything will go on it`s normal way.

In response , I see it is really getting much more difficult to have a "free Ride" in Europe.
Recently, there is a Surge on Clamping down on Piracy like Sweden,France,Hungary....where some of the Biggest Trackers went down.[ Swedvdr,Snowtigers,Darkside,Bitlove,Independence,Miacho is a Forum now.......]:(
But, seems like there are NO shortage of Romanian Trackers, infact on the rise....LOL, that is why I prompted the Post:D

06-25-2009, 11:46 AM
Romania is immune :o

Swine flu? :P

European countries are very powerful (except in the stock market :lol:). Speeds there are ridiculous.

I believe if piracy there would be an issue then a lot of Servers/ISP would turn out like the stock market :D.

Why do you think the some scene groups ask for .eu servers over .us?

06-25-2009, 04:10 PM
it's true that connections are very fast most of the time 100 mbit connections; but you reach this speed only by downloading from a peer that's located in your country; otherwise the speeds are around 4 mbit...

06-25-2009, 04:21 PM
I completely reject the contention that the internet or even an automobile is a necessity. There are innumerable ways of living without either.

But this discussion is misplaced.

06-25-2009, 05:35 PM
@p3st: Thats what 100mb seedboxes are for ;)

06-25-2009, 08:11 PM
But this discussion is misplaced.

Exactly, thanks for pointing that out. Guys, please stay with the topic , and NOT "Brag" about the Incredible Internet speeds of European countries, I know , we all know that.
Might just have to close this Thread, if no one has any more to contribute tto the topic ........... thanks.

06-26-2009, 06:51 AM
But this discussion is misplaced.

Exactly, thanks for pointing that out. Guys, please stay with the topic , and NOT "Brag" about the Incredible Internet speeds of European countries, I know , we all know that.
Might just have to close this Thread, if no one has any more to contribute tto the topic ........... thanks.

That might be the answer. You see if European countries didn't have such high speeds then nobody would even bother with Servers based there, so it's a competition to stay in the game :)

06-26-2009, 09:58 PM