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View Full Version : Best Speed amongst these Trackers

06-25-2009, 12:29 PM
forget abt sct, scc, ftn, TL, because too many people have said that they have fast speeds.
I just wanna know which of these trackers have best speeds..


it's quite alot of trackers.
oh yeah im not talking about the speeds on well-seeded torrents. im talking abt torrents with less than 10 seeders. on trackers like SCC or SCT, even on torrents with 1 or 2 seeders you can still get good speed because that 1 seeder might be a seedbox user. but on the ones i listed, it may not be fast..

on a different matter, which one of these have alot of PSP stuffs like games etc??
or can i recommend me other trackers with lots PSP content? (not BCG or bitgamer)

thanks in advance for anyone who help

06-25-2009, 01:01 PM
It is very hard to quantify the potential seedbox or fast fiber connection that might be left seeding long after the rush has subsided. I think that really is a hit or miss kind of problem and on most sites, the seedboxers have left after the first few weeks. It'd be better to expect/hope that the remaining seeders have cable or are close in proximity rather than slow dsl on another continent.

Most of my downloads are from Pretome lately so I cannot speak comparatively, but I'm satisfied with the speeds. I'm downloading only 1 torrent that is old, 3 months with 4 seeds and 3 leeches. I'm getting a steady 30-40kB down and uploading at 50-100 to some other leechers behind me. I'm usually not so patient to wait 2-3 days for an HD movie, but I cannot find this ESiR release elsewhere.

As for PSP, they have 64 releases at the moment, those under 3 months old are pretty well seeded.

06-25-2009, 01:51 PM
Any trackers that have badly implemented seeding bonus system will have bad speed for torrents more than a few days old. This is due to upload capping; a bad practice, but fairly common. Those seeders are not interested in up'ing but more interested in the seeding bonus gained.

I have seen this in far too many trackers. So to answer the OP, take the above into consideration and the fastest will be those that have no bonus or one with well implemented bonus system tracker

06-25-2009, 02:01 PM
Any trackers that have badly implemented seeding bonus system will have bad speed for torrents more than a few days old. This is due to upload capping; a bad practice, but fairly common. Those seeders are not interested in up'ing but more interested in the seeding bonus gained.

I have seen this in far too many trackers. So to answer the OP, take the above into consideration and the fastest will be those that have no bonus or one with well implemented bonus system tracker


Even at some ''comunity trackers'' have I seen bonus abuse. People don't seem to understand that at these you can contribute by doing something else than uploading or having a great deal of uploaded amount because of the bonus system.

06-25-2009, 02:22 PM
imo SCC has the best speed ... but


is the one in that list that i choose .. its really awesome !

06-25-2009, 02:35 PM
imo SCC has the best speed ... but


is the one in that list that i choose .. its really awesome !

good to see ya back dreamer,for a moment there i thought you got the F*C and decided to pull the curtain on this board :P

06-25-2009, 02:43 PM
imho sct is best, yesterday i saw an user who has got 40Mbit download speed, and 17 mbit upload speed. he was downloading a dvdrip...

06-25-2009, 04:03 PM
i'd go with rsr - the speeds are great and pretime si most of the time better than other high rated trackers :)

06-25-2009, 07:14 PM
bitsoup and nordic-t

06-25-2009, 10:12 PM
ehh different people have different speeds ?? how can you know who is faster....

06-26-2009, 02:45 AM
imho sct is best, yesterday i saw an user who has got 40Mbit download speed, and 17 mbit upload speed. he was downloading a dvdrip...

good for him,but how about downloading the whole file in 1 second?
I think now you'll believe em when they tell you SCC is fast(an obvious explanation to the low upload speed) :P

06-26-2009, 02:52 AM
tbh..i haven't even heard about half of them. :lol:
as for a few i recognize..Zamunda PTM and scenerace are decent trackers in terms of content and speeds.

06-27-2009, 02:44 AM
but scenerace content is pretty bad. you cant even find indiana jones there

06-27-2009, 08:14 AM
from all of those i've seen there posted, bittorrents.ro beats them fair and square.
but, my DL speed is also far from being too high, but when on seedbox, i could get really good speeds there.

06-27-2009, 08:19 AM
i have tried bitt.ro, zamunda, and bitsoup. these 3 are pretty decent.
others i havent tried at all. only scenerace but i only tried to search..not download

06-27-2009, 08:35 AM
imo SCC has the best speed ... but


is the one in that list that i choose .. its really awesome !

good to see ya back dreamer,for a moment there i thought you got the F*C and decided to pull the curtain on this board :P

lawl sez..don't be so harsh on him. :lol:

06-28-2009, 03:01 AM
good for him,but how about downloading the whole file in 1 second?
I think now you'll believe em when they tell you SCC is fast(an obvious explanation to the low upload speed) :P

rofl.. :lol:
Thats a great way to explain it. :happy:

06-28-2009, 09:47 AM
imho sct is best, yesterday i saw an user who has got 40Mbit download speed, and 17 mbit upload speed. he was downloading a dvdrip...

good for him,but how about downloading the whole file in 1 second?
I think now you'll believe em when they tell you SCC is fast(an obvious explanation to the low upload speed) :P
This should be something confusing cuz i also saw something like 1.9GB/s on scc and isnt it weird someone who downloading with 350MB/s and uploading with 16KB/s :lol:
About best speed is ScT nearly all members have seedboxes one of that dont have boxes dont need them cuz have pretty good fiber connections and longest seed time i can say TL cuz have a giant user base ...

oh yeah im not talking about the speeds on well-seeded torrents. im talking abt torrents with less than 10 seeders. on trackers like SCC or SCT, even on torrents with 1 or 2 seeders you can still get good speed because that 1 seeder might be a seedbox user. but on the ones i listed, it may not be fast..That is pretty right :yup:

06-28-2009, 11:39 AM
i've only tried bitt.ro from that list,and the speeds are quite good