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09-28-2003, 08:49 PM
is there any website tat we can dl pc games from, i tired of downloading those currupted games from kazaa,and i heard tat ShareReactor.com is were those games in kazaa from, so i went there but i don no how to get them or it not ta place at all, so if any1 has any ideas about tis pleas let me no, thankz alot......

09-28-2003, 09:10 PM
there's a small app called KCF (Kazaa Corruption Fixer) here's the post. (http://www.klboard.ath.cx/index.php?showtopic=40617) Just work with the post, and it will work for corrupted files.

Also, did you register with sharereactor? And D/l Bittorent.