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View Full Version : Request - BitMe

07-02-2009, 04:26 AM
Hey FST, I am requesting an invite to Bitme. I absolutely love reading in my spare time and learning new things to impress people with (especially the ladies :D ). I am already on a bunch of other private trackers and have OUTSTANDING ratios on all of them. So why do I need Bitme? TO be honest, I could live without it. Demonoid has a pretty decent selection of Ebooks but the download is really slow. Those of you on Demonoid (everyone) know what I mean. Im basically in it for the unique selection of ebooks and material on the site. I like getting involved with different communities on each tracker as well. Basically no one really NEEDS any tracker. We could all survive off piratebay and isohunt if we really wanted to. We're in it for the fast download speeds, the convenience, and the community and that is exactly what I am in it for. I'm pretty generous to people on FST and I enjoy doing it. I never expect anything in return, but some help with this site would go a long way. If you have a spare invite, please pm me and I can send you as many ratio proofs as you like, profile links, etc. As for internet connection, I have a monthly seedbox, and can post a speedtest of my home connection as well, which is pretty quick. Thanks for your consideration all!


07-02-2009, 04:35 AM
good luck getting it.
by the way, is there any particular kind of material you are looking for ?

07-02-2009, 05:34 AM
good luck getting it.
by the way, is there any particular kind of material you are looking for ?

Thanks Cabalo, the support is appreciated. Actually yes, I am looking for foreign language text books that teach Spanish, French, and Italian. To go with that, books in those languages to practice reading in different languages. Also looking for books on Albert Einstein's life and theories. Mostly just looking for stuff that catches the eye to read up on but those are some on the top of my list right now.

07-08-2009, 08:02 PM
If anyone deserves an invite, I can certainly testify for Neve. Good luck man.

07-09-2009, 12:57 AM
Neve was willing to help me out when I needed it.

Good luck, Neve! Would give you one if I had it.

07-09-2009, 02:03 AM
Neve was willing to help me out when I needed it.

Good luck, Neve! Would give you one if I had it.

seems like Neve is a decent guy...
I just closed my invite to BitMe.
if i had another one and u didn't get one until then.
i will pm u and invite you....
i guess it won't take long cos i am pu at BitMe...
Neve, until then hope you will get one.
good luck dude....:D

07-09-2009, 07:44 AM
Share some proofs and we'll see;)

07-10-2009, 04:28 PM
Thank you all for your support, I just wanted to update everyone that I am all set and thanks for your all your positive replies! :D

07-10-2009, 04:56 PM
unlim bitme on what.cd, power user forum