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View Full Version : best tracker script for a public torrent site

07-06-2009, 07:02 AM
hey guys i want to know what's the best tracker script for a public torrent site?

i've tried xbtit but that required the members to register to the site (it was also overkill for what i wanted) and i want anyone to be able to use the site and be an "open/public tracker" kinda like TPB is and for it to also have a nice front page search box.. please help

07-06-2009, 05:26 PM
BNBT for a public tracker

If you go and join Filesoup.com they have loads of scripts on there for what you want (or they did a few years ago)

07-06-2009, 07:10 PM
Open Tracker


07-06-2009, 07:59 PM
BNBT for a public tracker

If you go and join Filesoup.com they have loads of scripts on there for what you want (or they did a few years ago)

BNBT or more specifically XBNBT is just what i need plus it has a web interface and a search.. all it needs is a good skin BUT it's is horribly outdated the last release of BNBT was 5 years ago and for XBNBT it was 4 years ago so this isn't an option for me unless there is something newer that is based on this..

Open Tracker


i would LOVE to use opentracker but does it have a web interface and a search function?

07-06-2009, 08:19 PM
Well i have not even looked at BNBT for 5 years (its what my tracker used to be run on), but at the time there was trinity BNBT that was getting worked on, got no idea if it still is though.

There are probably a lot better options now, but what they are I have no idea.

07-06-2009, 08:31 PM
yeah i would love for people to give me there suggestions

also does anyone know if opentracker has a web interface and search?

edit: confirmed there's NO interface for searching or viewing files or statistics with opentracker so i'm now back to stage 1 with no options...

07-06-2009, 09:48 PM
Like i mentioned, sign up to filesoup they used to have loads, i believe they even had the tpb tracker there, Hypercube i recall it being called (but dont hold me to that if it is not)

07-06-2009, 09:56 PM
will do ty

just been on there site and i haven't found anything that looks good other then xbtit :\