View Full Version : Digital camera question?

07-06-2009, 06:30 PM
I've started getting back into photography recently so I'm looking for a new camera for larger prints. I can't really decide though.

I would like a camera that allows me to adjust my zoom and focus manually, but I have no interest in fiddling with things like exposure rate etc. I would mainly use it for larger prints, ie 20" by 30".

I have used my friends SLR camera for larger prints up until now, because my compact one is 3 years old and only 4MP. The SLR I've been using is a few years old as well but is 7MP, so the quality is noticably better when blowing prints up to that size.

Does anyone of you have any experience in using a compact high res camera (12MP and upwards) for printing large pictures? Did the prints work out ok? Are the pictures sharp?

Although SLR's with dials are easier to use, I don't see the need in forking out £500 if a compact one will do the job I want it to do...

07-06-2009, 08:15 PM

07-06-2009, 08:15 PM
i mean no.

07-06-2009, 08:25 PM
I agree with everything allen says.


07-06-2009, 08:29 PM
can you imagine if you could really get into photography, i wonder what it would look like in there, like. :unsure:

07-06-2009, 08:40 PM
Thank you both for your informative and insightful comments. I don't know where I would be without you.

07-06-2009, 09:08 PM
Without wishing to appear too geeky the Panasonic ZS3 is worth a look - Leica lens too :01:

Soz it is sold as the TZ7 in the UK

PPS - the primary advantage of more MP is that you can get the better resolution on a bigger print out. So 10MP or 12MP cameras will provide better results on larger prints. You won't notice any difference between a 5MP and a 10MP camera on an ordinary 5" by 7" print.

07-07-2009, 06:47 AM
I'm looking at 20"x30" at least... so I reckon my best option will be a compact hi res one. I'd love an SLR with that res, but unless JP has written me in his will and he dies tomorrow, there's no way I can afford that.

Funny thing is that if I decided to play an instrument I could apply for a 2K grand. BUt not for photography, oh no, that's not real art apparently. Bah.