View Full Version : Newbie and I have Questions, Would Really Appreciate Answers

07-09-2009, 12:15 AM
Hey Everybody,

I'm just starting to learn about newsgroups and whether I want to start using them. Basically this started because there's a program that I'm trying to find but just can't seem to find it anywhere, it's the mac version of it.

Here are a few of my questions:

1. My understanding of usenet is a bit weak, how come people go to premium providers like Giganews when all you need to do is download a program and search usenet?
2. Better to Use a Mac or a PC to navigate through? Does it matter? I just got my mac today
3. What program would you reccomend? I'm thinking either newsbin or news leecher for PC or if I use MAC - Unison or Hogwash?

Thanks for taking the time to read my post and thanks in advance for the answers!

I'm looking for Cubase 5 for Mac (if you do a search the program should be a few gigs) <-- I don't even know if a cracked version is on usenet but I'm willing to pay for giganews and everything else but I just want to gain understanding in general about newsgroups.


07-09-2009, 02:05 AM
1. Because that is not all you need to do. In order to utilize Usenet (newsgroups), you will need two basic things: A client and a server. The news server (or "provider" as you call it) is what your client will download from. Without a server such as Giganews, Astraweb, Newshosting, etc... you will not be able to download anything. A few ISPs still offer a limited number of free newsgroups, but that has dwindled significantly in the past year or so. This website (http://www.usenettools.net/ISP.htm) keeps a fairly current listing of those that do.

2. It makes no difference whether you use a Mac or PC. The content on Usenet will all be there to download. The only difference will be the clients that are available to you. It's like asking if it's better to navigate the Internet with a Mac or PC; it doesn't matter. As for clients, I have no idea what client selection is out there for Macs.

3. For PC, I recommend Alt.Binz. It has loads of features - everything you could ever think of is incorporated, and it's easy to navigate. A lot of beginners like Grabit as it's very simple, but it lacks a lot of features. I think Alt.Binz is the best and definitely gets my recommendation.

A lot of users also like Newsleecher but I think it sucks. :sick:

Lastly, welcome to the board. :)

07-09-2009, 03:46 AM
Steinberg Cubase Studio v4.1.1.749 ?

07-09-2009, 03:54 PM
Hey Broken,

I was looking for Cubase 5 but I will take Cubase 4 if it works (do you know whether that is a fully working version?)

The only reason I ask is because it's crazy hard to crack that type of software.

07-12-2009, 08:28 AM
- mount or burn the image

- install 'Cubase Studio 4'/// for VISTA (use 'Vista 32bit Installer' if needed)

- select the drive where the image mount

- select than "Cubase Studio 4 for Windows"

- press OK

- install 'Cubase Studio v4.1.1.749 Update'

- install 'HALionOne v1.1.0.0 Update' (needs the 'Cubase Studio 4' DVD in a physical or virtual drive)

- copy 'SYNSOACC.dll' into the following Windows directory subfolder
- 32Bit: system32
- 64Bit: SysWOW64


POSTER NOTES: I downloaded this april 28, 2009 from another group. Believe it
or not it was posted 189 days ago as of the date I downloaded it. Giganews :)
Ran a PAR test and all files were intact. I ran McAfee 2009 virus scan and no
viruses found. I decompressed it, installed via instructions above on an XP Pro PC and it
installed without a hickup. Unfortantly I don't have a keyboard or any
instruments to test it, but from the install as long as you have an ASIO driver it
will work fine. If you don't have an ASIO driver installed it will shutdown. But this is no big deal.
Install an ASIO driver first if you don't have one. One that works well is the ASIO4ALL.

Google it and you'll find it very easy. Or use one of your choice.

Please , someone test this and post any problems at all to this group. If you like it support
it and buy it!

P.S. I noticed Cubase V5 was being posted in another group but stopped at 14 mulitparts. If anyone
has V5 please post it . thanks.

Installation: I followed the above installation instructions exactly. You should also do the same.