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View Full Version : A slight problem with what.cd..

07-19-2009, 06:04 PM
Hello everyone. I was just disabled at what.cd, because I somehow re-invited someone that was once disabled without realizing it. So fair enough, I guess that is my fault, but when I went into the irc help channel, I was treated with complete disrespect by the person who PMed me. I have been a member of the site since the day it was created, and I consistently contribute lots to the site.. but this person refused to hear me out and promptly banned me from the irc server.

I am so taken aback by this 'mod' (I won't post his name here) that I desperately want to talk to someone else from the site... possibly someone who cares a little bit more about the userbase. I am quite upset about this, because What.cd is a community that I am proud to be a part of, and I'll be damned if some stupid friend of mine is going to take that away from me :frusty:

Is there anyone here that could put me in touch with some sort of admin from the site? I would really really really appreciate it!

07-19-2009, 06:32 PM

sexten is an admin on what. :)

07-21-2009, 03:41 PM
Cheers, thank you muchly :)

07-21-2009, 06:32 PM
If you read from his previous posts it seems that he might not be coming back to FST. I wish you the best of luck though.

07-22-2009, 01:19 AM
Visit the IRC to talk to staff.

07-22-2009, 10:40 AM
Visit the IRC to talk to staff.

I bet you didn't read the first post.

If you read from his previous posts it seems that he might not be coming back to FST.
You're right.

07-23-2009, 12:14 PM
Yes, I did read the 1st post and the 1 you quoted below :rolleyes:.
The OP will not get help help here it seems so IRC is his/her only way to communicate with the staff.


I bet you didn't read the first post.

If you read from his previous posts it seems that he might not be coming back to FST.
You're right.

07-27-2009, 05:03 AM
I was wondering why I hadn't gotten a response back, I guess I'll try my luck on the irc chan again (assuming the bad wasn't permanent :ermm:)

07-27-2009, 11:54 AM
[22:24] <@TedMaul> Who is dwightschruteandange?
[22:25] <@TedMaul> How do you know them?
[22:25] <shno> I good friend of mine, who admittedly doesn't know a lot about torrenting
[22:25] <shno> Why?
[22:25] <@TedMaul> Who is pterodactyal?
[22:26] <shno> Another close friend of mine from school...
[22:26] <@TedMaul> Another?
[22:26] <shno> What do you mean?
[22:26] <@TedMaul> You mean THE SAME friend?
[22:27] <shno> Definitely not..
[22:27] <@TedMaul> Then I'm stunned
[22:27] <shno> the same person? what happened?
[22:27] <@TedMaul> Imagine the odds
[22:27] <@TedMaul> Of knowing two people called Jessica Mayhall
[22:27] <shno> Oh boy, thats annoying
[22:28] <@TedMaul> Who both happen to use the same computer
[22:28] <shno> the person I just invited wasn't jess, but a friend of hers
[22:28] <@TedMaul> Then why did you send the invite to [email protected]
[22:28] <shno> Hmmm.
[22:28] <shno> ..I wasn't really paying attention?
[22:29] <shno> was it really that?
[22:29] <@TedMaul> You say you know this person well, I think you thought we wouldn't notice
[22:29] <@TedMaul> I don't believe that you'd be able to overlook that
[22:29] <shno> you mean you think I was trying to give jess another account or something?
[22:29] <@TedMaul> Yes
[22:30] <@TedMaul> When you invite someone by sending an invite to an email with their real name in it then they get banned and you send them another invite to an email with the same real name in it that's certainly what it looks like
[22:30] <@TedMaul> And for that reason you will not be re-enabled

I agree with TedMaul's stance that it's quite difficult to believe that you didn't notice you were re-inviting the same person, considering that you were sending the invite to an email address with her real name in it. A user of your stature may have been given a second chance normally, but considering that (a) you already had a second chance, and (b) you came to IRC and (from our perspective) feigned ignorance, you won't be re-enabled.

Sorry Shno, but you had your chances. We don't tolerate duplicate accounts, and we really don't tolerate people lying to us. Your account won't be re-enabled.

07-28-2009, 02:08 AM
Hello WhatMan,

I really appreciate your reply. I'm sure you are constantly busy with the site, and would rather not deal with situations like this. Plus what you are saying makes sense.

I know this is going to seem farfetched, but this all actually isn't what it looks like.. please hear me out. I had a house party on the 17th, and at some point in the evening a friend of mine asked me for an invite to what.cd. I didn't think anything of it because I frequently talk about the site, and at the same time I had been drinking for, well, many hours. I was outside at the time, so I told her to just go in and pull up the page and invite herself. I fell asleep at some point, and when I woke up I found that my account had been disabled.

I went on irc, and was confused by what the mod told me. I really doubted that my friends would have duped me somehow, but I didn't remember the previous night too clearly, so I couldn't be sure. After making a couple very angry phone calls I found out that dwightschruteandange had gotten a mutual friend of ours to ask me for an invite since she had been disabled. I wasn't feigning ignorance on irc, I was genuinely confused and I usually like to trust my friends.

Clearly my friends didn't understand how important the site is to me, and thought it wasn't a big deal. It was a dick move, and I am pretty sure they understand that now. Dwightschruteandange feels really bad for getting me banned (after I yelled at her.. go figure), and said that she would talk to or write an email to someone explaining what happened if it would help.

I hope this all makes sense.. even if it seems a bit ridiculous. Please let her write you or something, because obviously what.cd means a lot to me! I have always been proud to be a member of the community and I would never do anything to hurt it. When my invites were first removed I was genuinely trying to help the site by finding old oink users, I just went about that the wrong way.

Sorry for this massive post, but I didn't want to give up without figuring out what happened. I <3 what.cd!

07-28-2009, 02:17 AM
Don't drink and use BT :no:
Why didn't you mention all this in your 1st post?
Who is thinking about invites at a house party anyway?

07-28-2009, 02:32 AM
Don't drink and use BT :no:
Why didn't you mention all this in your 1st post?
Who is thinking about invites at a house party anyway?
it could have been a geeky house party.

oh and by the way, did you forget to mention your past trades here at this forum, like the one at january this year with tjbzonasul, as stated at both your profiles ?

07-28-2009, 03:01 AM
I would never trade a what.cd invite, and I haven't traded anything since (as you said) January. I never liked trading anyways, but I know very few people IRL who torrent much, and I had no luck getting any invites. But I am totally happy with the trackers I use now, and I have never cheated or tried to harm any sites. I didn't think I needed to say anything about it in my already too long previous post.

That looks like a pretty kickin party.

Oh, and I was rather angry when I posted initially and I didn't have the full story. I didn't want to phone up and accuse my friends of lying to me if I could get it sorted out another way.. but I ended up doing that anyways.

07-28-2009, 03:31 AM
now, you will be very lucky if they don't spread your info to other trackers, and you end up banned at several more places.
after all, you are an active trader, and that makes your whole party-story smell even more fishy.
just let it go. you're just harming yourself.

07-28-2009, 03:56 AM
I'm not sure why you don't believe me, or why you seem to not really like me. And as I said before I haven't traded anything in 6 months, and I don't plan on ever doing that again.

I'm just trying to be honest and friendly, something which I find is often lacking in places like this :ermm:

07-28-2009, 03:58 AM
yeah, that and we also lack honest people in a place like this.:ermm:

07-28-2009, 04:08 AM
Again, I'm not sure what your problem is with me but I didn't really start this thread to get into an argument.

If you have something constructive to tell me I'll gladly listen, but I would appreciate you not harassing me for no reason..

07-28-2009, 04:28 AM
i'm not harassing you. so far i only stated facts.
now, if you consider them an harassment, that's a whole new story.

07-28-2009, 06:15 AM
I would never trade a what.cd invite, and I haven't traded anything since (as you said) January. I never liked trading anyways, but I know very few people IRL who torrent much, and I had no luck getting any invites. But I am totally happy with the trackers I use now, and I have never cheated or tried to harm any sites. I didn't think I needed to say anything about it in my already too long previous post.

You see those two don't add up. By trading you in fact were harming sites.

PS: I don't know any IRL people who torrent much. And when I say any it means I don't talk about torrenting at parties. I know that a couple of my acquaintances use public trackers and my own country's shitty ones. I would never invite them anywhere cause I know they're hit'n'runners.

The bottom line, I never had to trade. I was myself and I got into places. I didn't start off at FST, I'll give you that. :P

07-28-2009, 11:33 AM
What a mess. Best of luck trying to solve it, Shno. :)

07-28-2009, 01:42 PM
PS: I don't know any IRL people who torrent much. And when I say any it means I don't talk about torrenting at parties. I know that a couple of my acquaintances use public trackers and my own country's shitty ones. I would never invite them anywhere cause I know they're hit'n'runners.

The bottom line, I never had to trade. I was myself and I got into places. I didn't start off at FST, I'll give you that. :P

I am exactly the same way, Only I invite my friends to demonoid even though I could get them into much better places. Why? same reason, they HnR and let trackers go inactive.

On topic: IF your story is true (OP), then i guess i feel bad for you because it doesnt sound believable, especially since it kinda changed after whatman posted.

07-28-2009, 09:04 PM
Even if your story is true (and I agree with That1Guy that it does indeed sound dubious), all it means is that you've broken another rule:

Trading, selling, sharing, or giving away your account is prohibited as well. PM a mod to disable you if you no longer want it.

So either way, you've been breaking rules that get you banned. Sucks to be you.

07-28-2009, 10:35 PM
Even if your story is true (and I agree with That1Guy that it does indeed sound dubious), all it means is that you've broken another rule:

Trading, selling, sharing, or giving away your account is prohibited as well. PM a mod to disable you if you no longer want it.So either way, you've been breaking rules that get you banned. Sucks to be you.
Wait, I'm confused, where did sharing come from? I have never traded, sold, shared, or given away my account. I am the only person who has ever used it and I only ever invited people I knew personally. Nor did I ever trade a what.cd invite. End of story.

So to answer a few questions/accusations. I don't believe we were talking about torrenting, rather music, and I'm not sure why you say my story has changed. I don't really know what else there is to say :huh:

07-28-2009, 10:37 PM
Even if your story is true (and I agree with That1Guy that it does indeed sound dubious), all it means is that you've broken another rule:

So either way, you've been breaking rules that get you banned. Sucks to be you.
Wait, I'm confused, where did sharing come from? I have never traded, sold, shared, or given away my account. I am the only person who has ever used it and I only ever invited people I knew personally. Nor did I ever trade a what.cd invite. End of story.

So to answer a few questions/accusations. I don't believe we were talking about torrenting, rather music, and I'm not sure why you say my story has changed. I don't really know what else there is to say :huh:

Your friend used your account to invite herself, right?

07-28-2009, 10:59 PM
Wait, I'm confused, where did sharing come from? I have never traded, sold, shared, or given away my account. I am the only person who has ever used it and I only ever invited people I knew personally. Nor did I ever trade a what.cd invite. End of story.

So to answer a few questions/accusations. I don't believe we were talking about torrenting, rather music, and I'm not sure why you say my story has changed. I don't really know what else there is to say :huh:

Your friend used your account to invite herself, right?
Oh I see what you are getting at. Yes, on my computer already logged in. And I know what account sharing is, and you have to admit that accusing me of account sharing because of that seems pretty damn nitpicky. Along the lines of saying that my fridge is 'shared' with everyone I know because they may have opened it at some point.

It seems like you are trying to find any reason to discredit me at this point.. I'm not trying to make enemies here :(