View Full Version : Bluray Ate My Hampster

08-04-2009, 04:33 PM
I really am just after the most simple way i can get a 1080p blueray rip x264 to disk in a format that will boot just like a dvd, in bluray player or PS3.

Preferably outputting a dvd9 ISO for burning in IMGBURN, and playing in

BluRay standalone, or ps3.

Any Goodies out there?


08-04-2009, 04:53 PM
From EyeBaller:

1) Stream it directly from your current PC via hdmi - depending on how your place is set up this may or may not be an option - minimal cost to you, maybe need a new HDD for movie storage.
2) Stream from a new HTPC - Good enough media PCs can be bought for <$500, if you're gonna spend a lot of money on a laptop with BR burner then this shouldn't be too much.
3) Buy a popcorn hour and HDD and play that way. $215-300 with an HDD.

08-11-2009, 02:24 PM
i say #3. i love my popcorn hour.

08-13-2009, 12:59 AM
I almost read the title as "Bluray ate my hamster"!

08-13-2009, 01:08 AM
If you just wanted to play it in in blu-ray player or PS3 like a DVD player.
You can
1. Just download the file in AVCHD format and burned it to DVD.
2. Use softwares such as Tsmuxer which can easily and quickly converting the mkv files to blu-ray for PS3 or blu-ray player.
3.Use AVCHDMe to let PS3 playing files in movable HD storages.

08-14-2009, 03:12 PM
I almost read the title as "Bluray ate my hamster"!

It SHOULD have said Hamster.......lol.

Static on the line/..:whistling