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View Full Version : Help with PW rest

08-07-2009, 12:18 PM

I need help with reseting password for a website, can someone please help me.


08-08-2009, 03:57 AM
More information would be helpful, I have absolutely no idea what you're referring to.

08-08-2009, 12:14 PM
there was this website i use to use for d/l files, funshar ing wat its use to be called... anyone have any idea how to reset pw of that i cant rememebr the code, only got my login name.

thanks in advance.

08-08-2009, 12:54 PM
I think you're referring to FSC(I'm pretty sure I can't say the full name), and in that case, here's the list of staff members of tracker on this site:

Look up FSC staff on that list, but look at the quote below first. Maybe that'll help you?

I'm not a member there, so don't PM me about something like that.

08-08-2009, 03:43 PM
He is too new to PM anyone here .

Go to -

(irc://irc.xevion.net/FSC-Support)and talk to staff there.They are a terrific bunch and will do their absolute best to straighten things out .