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View Full Version : Kill Bill Volume 1

10-02-2003, 01:51 PM

Who here is excited about kill bill? Trailers can be seen at http://www.kill-bill.com/. I can't wait for the movie, I hope there is a leak soon. Of course, like any good movie, I will go see it in the cinema.

Apparantley it's very similar in style to pulp fiction, and written at the same time (all those years ago). I guess this film has the potential to be really good, I hope so.

Anyway, does anyone have news on this release? Are you looking forward to it, what is your expectations?

I can't wait,
8 days.... 8 long days,
- EzyRyder

Plot Outline

Uma Thurman stars in Quentin Tarantino's fourth film venture, Kill Bill. Thurman plays a character known as the Bride, a pregnant assassin who is shot by her boss, Bill (David Carradine), on her wedding day, leaving herself and the wedding guests lying for dead. She survives and after being in a coma for five years, she wakes to seek revenge on her co-workers and boss who had attacked her. She sets out to strike down her once fellow assassins, leaving Bill for last.

Lucy Liu


Uma Thurman


Chiaki Kuriyama

(girl who wore yellow tracksuit in battle royale,
the girl who stabbed the man in the unmentionables)


Some potentially violent scene, excellent


And lastly, Bill Himself played by:

David Carradine


"The Avatar Man"
10-02-2003, 02:00 PM
quinten lost his touch IMO
plus im not too hot on Uma

10-02-2003, 03:58 PM
really looking forward to this as im a massive pulp fiction & dogs fan but i really didnt like jacky brown.... im intrested to see if it was just a 1 off or if hes just becoming a shit writter/director... just to add... i hope hes not. ;)

10-02-2003, 04:28 PM
It looks great, i just don't know if i like how there's going to be 2 parts

10-02-2003, 05:52 PM
yaeh, the two volumes don't sound like a good idea. I think this movie has great potential, considering it was written at the same time as pulp fiction, when he was still fresh. let's hope.

10-02-2003, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by olibomb@2 October 2003 - 16:28
It looks great, i just don't know if i like how there's going to be 2 parts
It was made into 2 parts because it was to long and of course...to make more money

10-02-2003, 07:35 PM
sounds brill :D ...can't wait.
shame everyone i know isnt in the same town. Uma thurman ;) = bonus

10-02-2003, 07:38 PM
I wan't to see this film, I hope it is as good as it seems.

10-02-2003, 07:57 PM
I want to see this film too but I think it will probably dissapoint. David Carradine is the cheesiest actor ever. Uma may be good looking (I personally don't think so) but she is definately no ninja and the thought of her pulling off wire tricks like Keanu Reeves' slow and dimwitted performance in the matrix and reloaded is nauseating to me. Also the only thing that Lucy Liu has ever touched that didn't turn to utter crap(examples of utter crap see: Ally Mcbeal, either Charlie's Angels movie, Ecks Vs. Sever) was Payback and her part in that movie brought it down a notch. Also it wasn't written at the same time as pulp fiction from what I hear it was just the idea for it was being tossed around on the set of PF by tarentino and Thermon. It's not even an original idea(someone tries to assassinate hitman, hitman comes back for revenge) It's been done a million times. Anyways I am already kind of dissapointed with Tarantino on this one but like the rest of you I hope he proves me wrong.

10-02-2003, 08:26 PM
This is just my opinion but I think QT has come up trumps with this movie.

The basic plotline may be told many times before as mentioned,buts its how you create your characters and make sure they stand out.

Forget what thurman has made before,this movie might be a big break for her as an action heroine.

I did like the movie with Geena Davis called A long Kiss Goodnight it was a great action movie,but I reckon kill Bill will be a lot better and deffinetly a lot bigger.

ps.I don't mean length wise.

10-02-2003, 08:26 PM
I was watching something on the news about the preview, apprantly very violent. very. I read it was written at the same time as pulp fiction, that he had some of the story under-way at the time but has been a side project for all these years. I couldn't exactly say the source was extremely reliable, as I can't remember. who really knows.

Even if the film was utter cheese, with it's cheese line-up, I still think I personally would like it. I love the style of films such as pulp fiction. All the metaphors, spiritual links, mixed time-scale with flashbacks, very clever (intended or not, reservoir and pulp do have them).

Only time will tell how this film does and what it becomes, but I do hope it's a great and am confident it won't dissapoint, but I do think "hmmm" when I see the main cast is female. I just don't see killer instincts in Uma or Lucy's eyes. Saying that, Kuriyama played a really evil cow in Battle Royale so perhaps she can act it rather decent.... perhaps. At least Michael Madsen is in the movie, he could bring a well formed character to the movie.


10-02-2003, 08:30 PM
I heard tarantino has a movie called the vega brothers in the works now that i would like to see madsen and travolta. I guess it would have to be some kind of preqeul.

10-02-2003, 08:36 PM
whoah, cool! I like the idea of that. Cause in Pulp and Reservoir there are two Vega's. So yeah, that might be interesting. Obviously a prequel of course... unless Tarantino knows how to bring people back from the dead..... wait, never mind, vampire movies.

10-02-2003, 11:37 PM
Olibomb.....the reason its in two parts is because the movie is 5hrs long according to what ive read...been following this for a long time looks the bollocks...cant wait for it to come out.. :)

10-03-2003, 06:12 AM
lookin forward to it

10-03-2003, 08:10 AM
Five Hours? That would be good! I suppose, to stop people from getting bored, they'd have to do it (split it up).

I know it comes out on the 10th in America, but is that a world wide release?

"The Avatar Man"
10-03-2003, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by zinc1@2 October 2003 - 21:26

Forget what thurman has made before
Try The Avengers.

well actually dont.its a HORRIBLE movie

10-03-2003, 05:05 PM
:ph34r: Hey you guys, check out this thread. (http://www.klboard.ath.cx/index.php?showtopic=71471) It's really funny. :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-04-2003, 06:19 AM
Yeah, but do u see the screenshot, so if he posts that movie then peeps will be feeling kind of stupid.

10-04-2003, 06:38 AM
hahah, that's quite a funny post. Shall have to check it out a bit more.

10-04-2003, 07:28 AM

10-04-2003, 02:22 PM
uma thurman with a samuri sword.

omg what has this world come to :blink:

10-05-2003, 12:08 PM
no shit. uma thurman looks the part of asian style assasin like jet li looks the part of rapper.