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View Full Version : Request what cd or Waffles

08-17-2009, 05:37 PM
much appreciation....
my stmusic acct went dead but can provide speed test and ratio from Demonoid

08-17-2009, 11:12 PM
well. only 10 posts from 3 yrs. try to be more active. and i don't thing a demonoid proof can get u waffles r what. my advice is nake some friends and u will get wat u want.

08-18-2009, 04:40 PM
Thanks for the afvice.....normally jus a lurker......proof is a proof no?

08-19-2009, 01:57 AM
its not that demonoid is not a proof. its an easy tracker to seed. and waffles r what r very hard ones to seed on. u have to have a seed box.

08-19-2009, 11:33 AM
To start with I've got a shit home connection, and I've never had a seedbox In my life.
And I've got a good buffer on Waffles with my home connection.
I use What.CD occasionally, I prefer Waffles to What.CD.

Whether It's Waffles or What.CD you get It's not hard to seed back, If you have anything like elearning material you could upload that for example, as well as jump on the new torrents.
That's what I did with a shit home connection, don't believe everything here about certain trackers.
As long as you keep seeding, It could take weeks or several months but you will eventually get what you want.
I've been seeding the torrents I got on Waffles for several months now.

08-19-2009, 11:46 AM
You can also take the What interview. Just be sure to study a bit first. You'll find everything you need to know here: http://whatinterviewprep.webs.com/preparefortheinterview.html

Good luck!

08-19-2009, 12:14 PM
To start with I've got a shit home connection, and I've never had a seedbox In my life.
And I've got a good buffer on Waffles with my home connection.
I use What.CD occasionally, I prefer Waffles to What.CD.

Whether It's Waffles or What.CD you get It's not hard to seed back, If you have anything like elearning material you could upload that for example, as well as jump on the new torrents.
That's what I did with a shit home connection, don't believe everything here about certain trackers.
As long as you keep seeding, It could take weeks or several months but you will eventually get what you want.
I've been seeding the torrents I got on Waffles for several months now.

And Demonoid is the perfect companion site to get things off of to upload to what or Waffles.

+1 to taking the interview at What .It's what ( no pun intended ) they would like people in your position ( someone without a friend to invite them ) to do.
Then you will never have to worry about getting disabled for getting an invite off an invite forum then.:)

08-19-2009, 12:19 PM
Thanks for posting that Guide, Martinator! I am not enough of a music fan to warrant membership on any of the "Top" music sites, but I did find that to be an interesting read! :)

08-19-2009, 06:16 PM
Yep I looked through there too when studying up for what, learned a decent amount about music while I was at it ( a little more than I cared to lol).

As to the OP though, giving out what.cd invites on public forums is actually forbidden, so if they find out who you/your inviter is, you'll be banned. Interview is the only way through unless you have a friend in what with invites. The interview is a better alternative. Study up though, its not easy ;)

08-20-2009, 04:36 PM
thx for all the help.....a bit more informed now