View Full Version : P2p -- Some Doco Please

10-02-2003, 08:05 PM
Can someone explain in baby steps how to send a file to a specific person who is also connected up on FastTrack?

I have placed the file in my shared folder and had the individual search for it ... their search came up empty.

Some have hinted we have to be on the same SuperNode. Is this true? If so ... please explain in more detail how to find which supernode you are on and how to connect up to another specific user.

Must I create a hash file for it? And speaking of hashes ... can someone drop some hints on how to use them and how to find hash listings?

It's amazingly simple to download and share existing files using K++ .. and tons of fun .. the technology is fascinating !! I just need some help getting original work of mine shared with specific individuals.

yep I'm knew .. so if flaming newbies (nOObs, or whatever) is kewl for you .. it kewl with me too .. :D

I've been here -->> :rtfm: I wish the doco was searchable. IMHO .. more doco on the absolutely legitimate purposes of p2p strengthens the community.

Thanks for your time reading this. Thanks to all who respond. And HUGE thanks to those with the know who help those without.

-- thollie

10-02-2003, 09:09 PM
Yes, creating a hash for it would help but to be more effective let him know what supernode u are on then that user can go into kazaazupernodes and connect to that node and he can just clik the hash and be able to get the file.

10-02-2003, 10:15 PM
Thanks Gre1 .. :D

If I search for a file that is in my own shared folder ... does the k++ search show this file as found?

When you say >> click on the hash ... how does the other person typically find the hash ... do i send it via email or icq?

btw .. i need baby steps ... and your pic cracks me up !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

-- thollie

10-03-2003, 12:01 AM
U post the hash in whatever "world" it relates to example: Movies go in movieworld and then he can select all of that and copy it using CTRL+C then open up sig2dat (get it if u don't have it) then press paste from clipboard and then when u open kazaa it will be there.

10-03-2003, 12:17 AM
do even better... grab winmx and find them in a chatroom :-p its easier kazaa sucks if you actually want to be social or have a life.. god forbid

10-03-2003, 12:35 AM
Because is not a chat room it&#39;s P2P program. <_<

10-03-2003, 02:55 AM
thanks again for the tips .. i have my friend uninstalling an old version of kazaa and going k++ to be able to select the nodes .. with a little help this can be figured out .. :)