View Full Version : Looking for a seedbox but I need some help understanding some things...

08-25-2009, 03:21 AM
Hi everyone!

Ok so what I'm looking for is a seedbox with FTP first of all (that is a MUST) because what I want to do is use he FTP to stream files. So what I need is a seedbox with FTP access to stream 1:00 64kbps mp3 files to hundreds (maybe thousands eventually) of people simultaneously. So if it's 100mbps that's enough for me but I need it to not have a max simultaneous connections limit.

I hope this makes sense, can anyone help?

08-25-2009, 04:55 AM
Hmm... I don't know too much about the inner details of seedboxes but I really doubt you can do that on a basic webgui. You're probably gonna need a dedicated server/VPS where you can install programs yourself on the server. You can try OVH if you live in france or the UK, they're very cheap (although they now have a 3tb limit before throttling your connection, I don't know how much bandwidth streaming music takes)

08-25-2009, 04:55 AM
Isn't that possible with any dedicated machine?

Besides, using ftp to stream content is a bit weird, but you could configure the ftp server to accept any number of simultaneous users/connections.

08-25-2009, 12:19 PM
Thanks for the replies. Yes I knew that with a dedicated server I could do that but seedboxes are chepaer :) that's why I was hoping I could do that with a seedbox.

Thanks again.

08-25-2009, 01:19 PM
Well fastsh.it has VPS's, I think that allows you access to the machine but I may have no idea what I'm talking about. You're most certainly not going to be able to do anything if its just a basic seedbox with a web gui.

08-25-2009, 02:28 PM
Streaming over FTP? Multicast? Unicast? What server-side software? No clue what you on about m8 but better you get some specs listed about the plans you have coz not only technically we're missing a lot of info to advise on a server but you might already run out of bandwidth is you have 2K users streaming 15 MP's on a monthly basis.

08-26-2009, 01:27 PM
Well fastsh.it has VPS's, I think that allows you access to the machine but I may have no idea what I'm talking about. You're most certainly not going to be able to do anything if its just a basic seedbox with a web gui.

With a VPS you can run Icecast/Shoutcast servers without a problem or anything else you would run on a dedicated box. Performance depends on the size VPS and number of users on each box, slower during freeleech assaults of course as any box is.

08-26-2009, 03:47 PM
just map the ftp to your hdd and use vlc , or use lighttpd if you get a dedi

08-26-2009, 04:59 PM
just map the ftp to your hdd and use vlc , or use lighttpd if you get a dedi
And this helps how to stream MP3's to hundreds or thousands of users at the same time?:unsure:

08-26-2009, 06:26 PM
just map the ftp to your hdd and use vlc , or use lighttpd if you get a dedi
And this helps how to stream MP3's to hundreds or thousands of users at the same time?:unsure:

lol shit, i din't see the part abt thousands of users :O

my bad i though he just wanted to stream of the ftp for himself:P

09-03-2009, 09:15 PM
By stream what do you mean?

Do you mean stream so that they can listen to it online...
Do you mean stream as in a radio station...
Do you mean stream as in they download it to their own HDD...
Please clarify

09-08-2009, 06:51 PM
Do you mean stream as in they download it to their own HDDIt's not streaming if they download the data... :huh:
(Well, techically they are downloading the data when streaming it, but you get my point)

09-11-2009, 02:49 AM
Don't know if you've solved your problem yet but, you must know all about FTP and how you need to use it if you are willing to try and lock yourself into using FTP to stream your media..

You can implement a Stream transfer mode in FTP, but afaik, the FTP protocol isn't setup to stream media files in any multi user playable instance. It's fairly basic, running on port 21 over TCP and seems like it will end up crashing your connection or degrading it to the point of non-use with too many simultaneous unbuffered connections..

Aside from that you'd still need an multi-port client interface for the FTP stream to broadcast the stream to your users..That software would have to have a some sort of user/pass protocol to be able to login to your FTP server along with a way to find the files and play them..

In terms of using a low-cost SB, you'll probably need root or admin access to your server to make any changes to your FTP conf files, minimum. You're not likely to get root on a $15 a month seedbox but you can get close if you go up to $30+ a month..Still it sounds like you'll need ALL the resources of the server, so sharing a box with multiple IP's and uTorrent pulling ram and cpu doesn't sound too efficient either..

That's why there's streaming server software (Shoutcast, FMS, Red5, Wowza etc..) which uses buffer technology among other things that is designed to optimize simultaneous through a single or range of ports including UDP..

Like others mentioned, you can get yourself setup on a EU based kimi and turn it into whatever you'd like since you'd have root SSH access..

If you're based in the US, and need to stream from there, the cheapest server I've found for non-p2p use is Interserver's bomb Atom dual core at $39 a month..I currently have a red5 server installed on one of those that I plan to stream flash video from..

I heard shoutcast is very easy to setup on linux.. You can stream from whatever folder you want and you can allow anonymous FTP if you want people to download your stuff..

Or you can make life easy on yourself and find a streamhost that know how to use the streaming protocols: STREAMHOSTER (http://www.streamhoster.com/) for $15 a month

Anyway please keep us updated as I'd like to know how you plan on doing this and what it's for..