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View Full Version : Who started Achievements?

mr. nails
09-01-2009, 04:03 PM
was it the xbox360? googling does nothing. went thru 5 pages of worthless info. i mean xbox360, ps3, wii?, World of Warcraft & team fortress 2 all have these achievements (and i'm sure plenty more). i'm pretty much an achievement whore. lol, if anything i'll just play said game just to get achievements. speaking of which maybe it was the n64 that started it? you know? the mario or maybe even the donkey kong games that u collect X amount of coins to fulfill 100% ooh, maybe metroid with 100% map completion. silly achievements! :p

09-01-2009, 04:17 PM
I'm not sure who really "started" it, and you could really debate what an "achievement" really is. As you said, collecting 100% coins, 100% map completions, ect. ect are they really achievements? You could endlessly debate.

Although I believe what really popularized and cemented achievements as a fun and widely accepted system has to be that xbox. With the Xbox live service and sharing, displaying, and a very streamlined and easy to use system, Xbox really started it all in terms of adding achievements to increase replayability.

09-02-2009, 11:44 AM
i am not any near liking achievements thingy .. but way to go ! LoL !

09-02-2009, 12:31 PM
I hate the fact that I ( in theory anyway) pay 60 bucks for a game and there are things in it that I can't use if I so desire .
Like buying an car and the dealer telling you that although the car's a 5 speed until you satisfy some random requirements you can only use first and second gear.

Make everything available ffs .Then leave it up to choice if you want to use it or not.

mr. nails
09-02-2009, 04:36 PM
I hate the fact... Like buying a car and the dealer telling you that although the car's a 5 speed until you satisfy some random requirements you can only use first and second gear.

but how cool would it be?

receive falacio in an urban area in 2nd gear to unlock higher gears. achievement earned.

see? well worth it.

but yea. i don't wanna be limited on wtf i can do. i like having everything at my fingertips and just receive an achievement for doing so.

ie: team fortress 2, the spy, as soon as the engineer builds all 4 of his building backstab his ass the blow up ALL his buildings. achievement earned. i have all the means necessary. i just need to act. love it.

09-03-2009, 01:40 AM
I hate the fact that I ( in theory anyway) pay 60 bucks for a game and there are things in it that I can't use if I so desire .
Like buying an car and the dealer telling you that although the car's a 5 speed until you satisfy some random requirements you can only use first and second gear.

Make everything available ffs .Then leave it up to choice if you want to use it or not.
Idiots.Not sure what you're getting at.
Are you trying to say that they should just give you the achievements as soon as you've stuck the game in? :blink:

09-03-2009, 02:18 AM
No I'm saying that the option to access any additional content should be available from the get go if you want to use it .That doesn't mean you have to or even that it's a wise thing to do but seriously what difference would it make ?

09-04-2009, 10:01 PM
No I'm saying that the option to access any additional content should be available from the get go if you want to use it .That doesn't mean you have to or even that it's a wise thing to do but seriously what difference would it make ?
You're going to have to give me an example. I'm not sure how this related to achievements.:wacko:

09-04-2009, 10:28 PM
I don't think I really care that it doesn't.

09-04-2009, 10:35 PM
Oh so it was just a random thought, you weren't trying to relate it to achievements?
That's fine, I misunderstood...

09-04-2009, 10:51 PM
I don't have random thoughts .My brain is like a finely tuned something or other.

09-05-2009, 02:42 AM
achievements are cool to show off ppl!

09-05-2009, 03:57 PM
achievements are cool to show off ppl!
Nahh, who cares how many achievements / how much gamerscore a person has.
They're just fun imo adds a lot of replay value to some games and guides you into exploring areas of a game that you might not have realized existed or might not have been interested in.

I love getting achievements they're one of the first things I look up about a game before starting it, but I don't even know what my gamerscore is. :lol:

mr. nails
09-05-2009, 06:50 PM
achievements are cool to show off ppl!
Nahh, who cares how many achievements / how much gamerscore a person has.

well, it depends. in WoW i like to see what my friends have done with end game content and what difficulty. in team fortress 2 i like to see if my buddy has gotten more back stabs than me and so forth.

They're just fun imo adds a lot of replay value to some games and guides you into exploring areas of a game that you might not have realized existed or might not have been interested in.

true story. a lot of the time i won't even bother getting said, "blow car up while under the influence.." if the achievement factor didn't ask me to.

achievements are like crack?

09-12-2009, 10:46 PM
No I'm saying that the option to access any additional content should be available from the get go if you want to use it .That doesn't mean you have to or even that it's a wise thing to do but seriously what difference would it make ?
You're going to have to give me an example. I'm not sure how this related to achievements.:wacko:

I don't think I really care that it doesn't.

Oh so it was just a random thought, you weren't trying to relate it to achievements?
That's fine, I misunderstood...

Of course it relates to achievements. I think what idoleyes is trying to get at is there are many games where you have to do achievements to unlock weapons, such as TF2. In TF2 you get like 10 achievements - unlock first wep, 15 achievements, next weapon ect.

09-12-2009, 11:16 PM
I gave up trying to explain anything long ago.I think that when people boot up their computer they somehow don blinders like horse wear.

09-12-2009, 11:17 PM
You're going to have to give me an example. I'm not sure how this related to achievements.:wacko:

I don't think I really care that it doesn't.

Oh so it was just a random thought, you weren't trying to relate it to achievements?
That's fine, I misunderstood...

Of course it relates to achievements. I think what idoleyes is trying to get at is there are many games where you have to do achievements to unlock weapons, such as TF2. In TF2 you get like 10 achievements - unlock first wep, 15 achievements, next weapon ect.
Ah, I've never seen that before.
Not sure why idoleyes couldn't just say that when I asked. :rolleyes:
In that case, I 100% agree with him.

09-12-2009, 11:19 PM
I was drunk at the time.