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10-04-2003, 12:51 PM
Somone stole the source code, published it on the net...

Anyone know who?
I think it sucks :-(

10-04-2003, 03:50 PM
wut exactly does the source code do? like is it the code for the game? :S well even if this game does come on the internet i wont download it cuz valve deserves my money :) :ph34r:

10-04-2003, 03:53 PM
some hackers broke in and stole the code..
They should secure thier computers :rolleyes:

10-04-2003, 03:56 PM
but wat is the code? is it like what makes the game up? so if they stole it can they like put it together to make the game

10-04-2003, 04:15 PM
i dunno.

as for downloading it, ill download it and i wont even paly it. because valve dont deserve my money.

10-04-2003, 09:15 PM
yeah source code is the make up of the software

but finished software products are compiled into exe's and dll's, you can't see the source code

10-04-2003, 11:16 PM
Every game has a "Engine" which controls everything in the game, basically it's the core programming that drives the game.

HL2's engine is called "Source", and it got stollen. They didn't steal HL2, just the engine, so you can't play HL2 if you happen to have the engine.

However what this means is that the people who have the engine can already start making cheats and trainers and hacks and loads of other shit for the game.
I don't think anyone would steal it to use it in their own game since the entire gaming community knows that the Source engine is by Valve

10-05-2003, 04:08 AM
Originally posted by CheeZy@4 October 2003 - 16:16
Every game has a "Engine" which controls everything in the game, basically it's the core programming that drives the game.

HL2's engine is called "Source", and it got stollen. They didn't steal HL2, just the engine, so you can't play HL2 if you happen to have the engine.

However what this means is that the people who have the engine can already start making cheats and trainers and hacks and loads of other shit for the game.
I don't think anyone would steal it to use it in their own game since the entire gaming community knows that the Source engine is by Valve

for nuthing Mr. Obvious :rolleyes:

10-05-2003, 08:26 AM

tHe LiNk
10-05-2003, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by Icey@4 October 2003 - 15:53
some hackers broke in and stole the code..
They should secure thier computers :rolleyes:
Actually, the hackers created their own new trojan so it wouldn't be detected by valve's software.

10-05-2003, 11:14 AM
how do you guys know about this? Did you steal it? Or is there a website that tell you about it? Or another forum maybe?

tHe LiNk
10-05-2003, 12:39 PM
No, we didn't steal it, it's just gaming news :rolleyes:

10-05-2003, 01:11 PM
Ok, i just read a few news articles about this, (I'm not that up to date about gaming news, sry). But what i don't understand is why would anyone want to do this? Maybe they want to be the first to develope a good mod for HL2? Or the first to rip it?

10-05-2003, 06:12 PM
For bragging rights in a small and insignificant little group of geeks...

10-05-2003, 07:50 PM
This is funny to me. The game with more cheaters than any other makes a sequel, and the engine gets stolen by cheaters.

seems a bit ironic. but funny.

10-05-2003, 07:54 PM
How do you know it was stolen by cheaters?
Also this paves the path for people to sue valve IE: The Havoc engine makers...
Valve was supposed to keep it secret, now that its in the open its not secret anymore...

10-05-2003, 10:16 PM
wat's the point of stealing the source code anyway? it's not like anyone can put it together and make it run like the real game. if they can, that would be nice, but so far, no luck. lol

10-05-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by CheeZy@4 October 2003 - 23:16
Every game has a "Engine" which controls everything in the game, basically it's the core programming that drives the game.

HL2's engine is called "Source", and it got stollen. They didn't steal HL2, just the engine, so you can't play HL2 if you happen to have the engine.

However what this means is that the people who have the engine can already start making cheats and trainers and hacks and loads of other shit for the game.
I don't think anyone would steal it to use it in their own game since the entire gaming community knows that the Source engine is by Valve
You are some what right, but it seems your kinda in the dark when it comes to comptuer programming. What was stolen, the source code, is the code to the game, most likely done in C++ and other languages. It is not JUST the engine, which by the why is not called 'Source' (source code is referanced to all coding of any application, done in computer languages. Quake has source code, kazaa has source code, any computer application has source code), but it is all the coding for the game, including the engine. It specifies what objects go where, what happens when an event happens to that object, what units are placed where and what they do, all the AI, all the physics to the game, etc... So you ask what could be done with this? Alot could be done, no you couldnt play the game, you dont have the textures, models, maps, and alot of other things needed to play the game. But other developers could see what Valve has come up with in there game, and use that in theres. Groups who make cheats for games such as OGC, could now start making them months before the game comes out. Thanks to this, the game may be delayed even more, they may choose to totally revamp the games source code which could take a long, long, long time. This is a major fuck up on Valves part. Beleive me, there shitting themselves right now.

10-06-2003, 12:01 AM
Half-Life 2 and other mistakes (05.10.2003 00:34:54) from Simon Moon
First off, you want the source? Go and grab it in our software forum, BUT you cant do shit with it.

This packed file is 30 MB. Unpacked its aorund 100 MB and contains source files. These files can be used to create programs. These programs are nice, the code is fun to look at, but you have no Half-Life 2. Whats missing is the resources, all the models, levels, scripts, textures, etc. If you program (really, not just html or something like that...) and are fluent in C++ then this might be interesting for you to look at. And if you are a competitor of Valve you have it already anyways.

To 99,9% of the people reading this, the file will be USELESS. To the rest, it might be interesting to look at, see how they structured things, have a hands on look at their game engine and stuff, but not of real value. And about cheats... Forget it. Until you have the resources, you cant write real cheats for it that would work in online play. And the other ones in singleplayer are easy as hell anyways. So stop talking about that.

Valve made the mistake of not having enough security. I am sure they cursed themselves and yelled a lot already, but no one can take it back now. So go on with your lives and let that matter rest. Sooner or later we will have the full game and then this will be mostly forgotten.

Oh and please no more new threads about it, i get tired of deleting them, there are plenty old ones you can still use.

Source (http://www.sharereactor.com/).

10-06-2003, 12:32 AM
This could be a sucker punch for p2p. You might start to see more news stories about how p2p isn't just about music and movies, but vidoe games as well. Videogames, in case you didnt know, are a larger industry than movies.