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View Full Version : Questions about ebook scanning

09-02-2009, 05:45 AM
I read the recent post on "The Scene" which was very interesting. It got me to thinking about scanning my own culinary reference books, page, by page.

How do the "pros" do this? Are all/most of the ebooks already created as ebooks by the publishing company? Or is it common for individuals to scan each page manually?

Please give me all the knowledge you have. I will repay you with several books from The culinary Institute of America(really good books).

BTW, I have a fast flatbed scanner and Acrobat Professional. I have put books together before, but want to know if there is an easier, quicker way to do it.


09-02-2009, 11:55 AM
many publishing companies provide ebooks thesedays. In some cases, you have to buy axx to ebook for say, 6 months. You can axx those types via their website (once you login).

there is a dummies book on scanning a book, you can look that up. Better yet simply google for it, there are bunch of tutorials like this (http://www.proportionalreading.com/scan.html).

09-02-2009, 07:59 PM
Thanks, R0D3NT! Exactly what I was looking for, but unfortunately, the answer is as I suspected- not easy, or destructive to the books. I imagine that everything will go digital (and be available) in the near future. Thought I might be able to contribute a few hard-to-find books.

09-03-2009, 11:49 PM
yesh~~ i would like to find out more about it as well.. the scene seems to be riping books and magazine at high speed and many of the books are old.. i doub't they have ready made ebooks than.. THus i believe that high speed book scanners are in use.. but i have no idea how~~

09-04-2009, 05:44 AM
When I did DnD books years ago, most of the time I'd chop the book and throw it through a nice drop and go giant copy machine and it would save it to the network, OCR it and give it a read-through, stamp it and call it good.

Although I didn't stamp it I suppose, I'm against water marking of any sort, hard-coded subs too, those are for !@#$%.

09-04-2009, 08:48 AM

09-05-2009, 07:48 AM
Genearly I deassemble pages ( i.e take out binding) And Put in my Scanner trey. My HP Scanner comes with software which Automatically Converts into PDF format den I do fine editing via Acrobat.

09-06-2009, 03:41 AM
Better yet simply google for it

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