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View Full Version : [REQ] thevault

09-03-2009, 10:13 PM
Hey I am looking for a thevault invite or account if your not using it. Unfortunately I don't have anything to trade or give but if something came up down the line I can give. THe signups havent been open in forever and I wouldn't usually resort to begging but I really need this :(

09-03-2009, 11:09 PM
Xplain , why U need the Vault, & tell me somethin' about THe Vault tracker,??? if U convince me, "maybe" I am able to hook yeah Up..............give me you're best shot

09-03-2009, 11:52 PM
Xplain , why U need the Vault, & tell me somethin' about THe Vault tracker,??? if U convince me, "maybe" I am able to hook yeah Up..............give me you're best shot

Hey, thanks. I am a finance major in my third year and I heard thevault is one of the best if not the best business related tracker. Many programs that are hard to get are apparently on the vault. I know the tracker is private obviously but thats really all I know. I have a good ratio on torrentleech, well pretty good anyway i have around 1.80tb upload and 1.40tb down . if you need anything else lemme know. this would be huge if I can get a invite or something

09-04-2009, 05:51 AM
Xplain , why U need the Vault, & tell me somethin' about THe Vault tracker,??? if U convince me, "maybe" I am able to hook yeah Up..............give me you're best shot

Hey, thanks. I am a finance major in my third year and I heard thevault is one of the best if not the best business related tracker. Many programs that are hard to get are apparently on the vault. I know the tracker is private obviously but thats really all I know. I have a good ratio on torrentleech, well pretty good anyway i have around 1.80tb upload and 1.40tb down . if you need anything else lemme know. this would be huge if I can get a invite or something

PM me with your LINK to your TL Profile and an additional profile of any one of Tracker like [ REVTT,Supertorrents or Torrent damage, so that I can take a look at your profile, I got Burn many times inviting ppl to The vault, either they CHEAT or abandon their acct...I won't let that happen again !!

Okay.U check out on TL..... PM me a gmail, I will invite U to The Vault, and U can Close this Thread