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09-04-2009, 10:58 PM
I have posted twice now on this forum asking for a BitMeTV invite and a BCG invite - and then being laughed at saying "not with your post count". However, some kind souls out there actually were willing to pass me an invite to both - and I give thanks to them very much! So with that said, I figured I might try what I think to be my finale tracker (I mean, come on, after this I really don't need anything else) and ask for an invite. Reason being I'm asking for this site is because I really do not have a solid 0day tracker - and I hear this just takes the cake when it comes to that. Right now I am a member of some very nice torrent sites, among them are F*N, BitMeTV, nTorrents, BCG, Waffles, and SCC. As far as the 0day goes, I have been relying mainly on SCC (no offense to F*N, but they don't really grab 0day, and if they do they will upload it in large packs maybe day(s) after it has been released) for my 0day needs. As of late though, the site has been somewhat lacking on not just the 0day/mp3 releases it grabs, but also its main browsing category. Not only that, but it never did grab some categories that I was really into (one of them being Wii VC - it grabs very few of what actually pres). Anyway, to try and get to my point...I would absolute love an invite to the GFT tracker. I feel like I would be a great addition to the community (not necessarily moreso than anyone else, but you get the idea). And I do not mean just for the downloading/uploading - I am also talking about the other side to torrent sites, such as the IRC and Forums. I am ALWAYS lurking some kind of forum and I am idling in IRC 24/7 - contributing to the conversations when I feel necessary :lol: Anyway, once again, I just request an invite to what I think could be the best 0day tracker of all time. If you would like to know more about me please feel free to PM or reply here with any questions you may have. Also I can supply you with any ratio screenshots of any of the above mentioned sites I am members on. I have a 1+ ratio on all (excluding F*N because they are ratioless and I have no clue what my ratio is, just my upload count). I feel like I should mention beforehand that I do not have a seedbox - however I was told this was a necessity for BitMeTV, in which case I have found out it is not at all! I maintain a good ratio without the need of a seedbox (although I'm sure a seedbox could help improve my performance). Ok so enough rambling - I thank potential GFT inviters for your time! Have a great day :D

09-04-2009, 11:11 PM
Reason being I'm asking for this site is because I really do not have a solid 0day tracker Right now I am a member of some very nice torrent sites, among them are F*N and SCC.

You forgot to mention ScT and TL:dry:

09-04-2009, 11:14 PM
Jesus man FTN, SCT, TL and you are requesting GFT too?

09-05-2009, 02:14 AM
Jesus man FTN, SCT, TL and you are requesting GFT too?

do anything you want to..

please dont laugh :lol:

09-05-2009, 02:37 AM
Jesus man FTN, SCT, TL and you are requesting GFT too?

Gotta Get 'Em All!

09-05-2009, 02:53 AM
Classic case of a person that was/is spoiled to high hell.

09-05-2009, 04:28 AM
you seems insatiable.......i really dont know why you also need GFT if you have F*N and SCC

09-05-2009, 09:04 AM
I almost thought you were lynx.

09-05-2009, 08:57 PM
you seems insatiable.......i really dont know why you also need GFT if you have F*N and SCC

no offense but of late I've found british music to be extremely weird(james blunt,amy winehouse,the cooks,<insert more wtf artists here> :lol: ).But at least the RnB is bearable,that indian bloke can totally croon :D

So is there like some creativity crisis or something(more curious about the underground scene by the way).
Like what's with the beats sounding all similar like some modified 90s MIDI phone ringtone?
I feel nauseous when tokyo hotel is on but with the brits I can't really find the words to describe it.Again no offense here but british pop in my book,easily qualifies for gitmo style torture,no wonder this insistence for your artists to make the cross atlantic journey.

So what's this british pop that you are into,could be missing something here :)

09-05-2009, 10:07 PM
you seems insatiable.......i really dont know why you also need GFT if you have F*N and SCC

So what's this british pop that you are into,could be missing something here :)
i see the thread is heading in the right direction. and indeed, you're missing something. british pop != britpop . winehouse don't have nothing common with britpop, james blunt... hmm.. hardly... the kooks, well, yeah, ok, but they aren't britpop's flagship or smth to base a judgement on the britpop term....

09-06-2009, 03:49 AM
i'm so surprise that you are talking about Britpop...I'm a really really big fan of britpop,,,i love Many Britsh bands

Never mind, sez, Though i really dont agree with you ,who care,everyone has his own music taste :)