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View Full Version : Xtreamer

09-10-2009, 07:06 PM
After a month of waiting finally this little Xtreamer turned up. So far everything I've thrown at it has played fine. Even 1080p.mkv!

I put a 500GB 2.5" HDD in and it streams from the NAS boxes as well (under UPnP)

They are making available their own NAS boxes in Novemebr and for existing customers they will cost about 60 Euro's each!!

grab a bargin if you are not using HTPC's


09-21-2009, 03:21 PM

hmmmmm......i am divided between going for this or the WD HDTV. this is more costly though.

btw, how does the Streaming work?

09-22-2009, 01:21 PM
This does look interesting. I myself have the WD HDTV and the thing is flawless. Once in a blue moon I have to re convert some audio from certain 1080p releases but I never had a problem with it at all.

09-26-2009, 01:36 AM
try tvix 7000 good evryting

09-28-2009, 07:18 AM
do you think this is worth it over a ps3? I might get a 1tb hd with it though. does it seriously not come with the ac adapter though? at their site it looks you have to buy it seperately.

09-28-2009, 01:43 PM
mine came with an ac adapter - I'm sure this is all part of the package.

This is what annoyed me with the PS3 - if Sony supplied firmware that supports .MKV and some of the other lesser codecs, they would almost double their sales overnight. The PS3 could be a far better media streamer than a games console!

As for streaming.... a bit hit and miss at the moment, it streams xvids no problem, but for some reason I can't get it to stream .MKV over UPnP - they say they are working on a firmware version that will solve this type of issues.

I have a 500gb drive, and i've filled it up already! - but everything I've put on to it, the Xtreamer has played perfectly, 720p 1080p vob everything

09-28-2009, 03:14 PM
I was wonderng as well, can I just copy several files to the hd before installing it and it will play fine? add to that um, when you access xtreamer does it just bring up a list of files and you select what you want to play? or can you organize it in anyway?