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View Full Version : [REQ] 0-Day Invite Please

09-15-2009, 02:09 PM
i was up until recently a very long time member of FL with a consistently good ratio. The tracker has been down now for months and i am missing out on my torrent fix. if someone would be kind enough to provide me with an invite to a decent 0-day tracker it would be very much appreciated. SCC ScT or TL would be fantastic, or if someone could recommend an on-par alternative.

Thanks in Advance

Sonicmonkey = ]

09-15-2009, 07:07 PM
Try btracs.com

Tit is open, hear it is a great 0 day.

09-15-2009, 09:22 PM
tit good site indeed! but more community based, few torrents!

09-15-2009, 11:09 PM
Without any good proofs or experience, you would be hard pressed to get invited into these higher sites atm. Bitsoup and TorrentBytes are frequently open though, they are pretty decent 0day's that don't need invites.