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View Full Version : GA: musicore

09-21-2009, 10:17 AM
I want to give you my invites. I have several. I want a proof from another forum or house/techno music tracker that you are an elite member (power user or whatever). The rules - post everything here, then i`ll PM you and ask you for e-mail. Thanks.

This is a 0day house and techno music forum!

09-21-2009, 02:27 PM
I want to give you my invites. I have several. I want a proof from another forum or house/techno music tracker that you are an elite member (power user or whatever). The rules - post everything here, then i`ll PM you and ask you for e-mail. Thanks.

This is a 0day house and techno music forum!

Hey Sake...I think i told u this the last time too....:huh:


Do NOT Post Giveaways For Non BT Sites

* Sites such as Joost and similar are NOT BT related.
* DO NOT make giveaway threads for these sites.
* Those posting these may have rep removed.
* You can trade these if a bt site is involved.

09-21-2009, 02:40 PM
My mistake ... you are right.