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View Full Version : Guiks will close its doors in about ten days

10-02-2009, 06:24 PM
Sad news (for french at least)

Guiks.net, the torrentsite that became the biggest french private tracker after Snowtigers shutdown, is about to close.
the decision has been taken by the sysop after having been summoned to the gendarmerie station.
it seems the gendarme in charge of the case was kind enough to give him around ten days to shut the site before starting legal proceedings.
of course, sysop didn't think about it twice and will shut the site soon.

ps: 180GB of upload have been handed out to every user in order to let the members enjoy the site until the end.

Bon, après avoir reçu hier une petite convocation pour la gendarmerie, j'y suis allé cet après-midi. Donc l'ALPA (Association de Lutte Contre la Piraterie Audiovisuelle) a fait un rapport sur notre site en octobre 2008 (dossier de 300 pages environs) sur GuiKs avec presque toutes les listes de torrent, etc...

Un gendarme (plutôt sympa) m'a donc convoqué pour "m'entendre" et donc je lui ai expliqué pourquoi nous faisions ça, notre avis là dessus : on ne fait que proposer un site d'échange de lien, mais bon, nous le savons, beaucoup de fichier soumis aux droits d'auteurs circulent ici https://images.guiks.net/smiles/wink.png Mais bon, il y a aussi une fonction "politique sur les droits d'auteurs" qui permet de demander aux propriétaires de supprimer les fichiers du site (personne ne s'en est jamais servit, c'était bizarre).

Donc voilà, on nous laisse environ une dizaine de jours pour fermer le site tranquillement. On vous a fait un petit cadeau de 180Go environ pour que vous vous fassiez plaisir https://images.guiks.net/smiles/wink.png

Voilà, vous aurez plus d'infos prochainement, mais bon, je préfère m'éclipser tranquillement du site et éviter le tribunal.

Au final c'était soit : on ferme et ça devrait se calmer, on attends de voir et grande chance du tribunal (et petite chance de non lieu) et tribunal avec certainement une petite peine de sursis.

Enfin voilou, désolé de vous lâcher. Ceux qui sont souvent là savent à quel point je me suis investi dans le site, à quel point je voulais quelque chose de parfait. A moi la vie de simple leecher sous peu, et des ratios difficiles à respecter.

J'espère que certains d'entre vous tenterons la même chose que nous avons tenté (et plutôt réussi quand même non ?!). Le partage reste l'avenir. Le peer 2 peer aussi (et je ne parle pas seulement du téléchargement).

Bon, je vais quand même vous tenir au courant de ce qu'il va se passer dans les deux semaines à venir. S'il y a des avocats parmi vous, n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour "au cas où", mais bon, je n'aime pas les procédures, c'est "just in case".

Have fun https://images.guiks.net/smiles/wink.png


10-02-2009, 06:43 PM
ps: 180GB of upload have been handed out to every user in order to let the members enjoy the site until the end.


10-02-2009, 06:48 PM
well, it seems they distributed TBs according to my new stats:


10-02-2009, 07:39 PM
it's the first time i ever hear about this tracker.
how come is it not at the WTAW list? :eyebrows:

10-02-2009, 08:00 PM
it's the first time i ever hear about this tracker.
how come is it not at the WTAW list? :eyebrows:
well, the site opened 3 years ago but it only started to become (really) known after Snowtigers shutdown.
Guiks has currently 36,321 torrents, 50.120 members and speeds are very good... too bad it ended badly, it was a way better site than Snowtigers and Ethor imo.

from now on, the only decent french tracker that remains is Reload-Paradise.

well, it seems they distributed TBs according to my new stats:

they finally distributed 1.48TB to every user.

10-02-2009, 08:09 PM
RIP. Nice gesture, that upload amount addition.

10-02-2009, 08:30 PM
rofl, it seems they decided to have fun bfeore shutting the site:
upload amount is constantly increasing every 20min or so - i currently have 4.021TB upploaded. also userclasses have been replaced by funny titles and are given randomly. ^^

10-02-2009, 09:11 PM
it is first time for me to hear that site as well.
and it is a very sad news...the site really looks awesome.
I hope everyone on Guiks.net would make use of it to the end with the gigantic buffer...

10-02-2009, 09:15 PM
cinemon bun you can join me at the "soup", no worries about h&r I'll get you a buffered account!

10-02-2009, 09:20 PM
already have a buffered account there but i decided to keep it as a trophy :unsure:

10-02-2009, 09:26 PM
already have a buffered account there but i decided to keep it as a trophy :unsure:
:lol:..and never thought to befriend me? :shifty: "friend" me

10-02-2009, 10:48 PM
i currently have 4.021TB upploaded. also userclasses have been replaced by funny titles and are given randomly. ^^
loser ! je te bats :whistling

Up: 4.783 To | Down: 329.79 Go
Ratio: 14.850 | Karma: 350.90 (https://www.guiks.net/invite/)
x264 L0ver


10-02-2009, 10:53 PM
already have a buffered account there but i decided to keep it as a trophy :unsure:
:lol:..and never thought to befriend me? :shifty: "friend" me
i'd think about it... :cool2:

loser ! je te bats :whistling
en up, pas en buffer :cool:

10-02-2009, 11:12 PM
en up, pas en buffer :cool:
collector :naughty:

10-03-2009, 12:39 AM
i dont care

10-03-2009, 01:04 AM
ok. now you can stfu shirley.

10-11-2009, 10:14 PM
soup ? :p

sheriff 01
10-11-2009, 10:47 PM
well, the site opened 3 years ago but it only started to become (really) known after Snowtigers shutdown.
Guiks has currently 36,321 torrents, 50.120 members and speeds are very good... too bad it ended badly, it was a way better site than Snowtigers and Ethor imo.

from now on, the only decent french tracker that remains is Reload-Paradise.

well, it seems they distributed TBs according to my new stats:

they finally distributed 1.48TB to every user.

Your right it is sad that they are closing and whats even more sad is that i had no idea either that they existed :( From the stats that you have provided it looks even way better than ethor.

10-11-2009, 11:26 PM
never heard of it

10-12-2009, 11:32 PM
What a shame not a lot of french sites around. Sad part is that they really are getting serious about shutting down bittorrent sites, I hope that the bittorrent community will live on.