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View Full Version : Win2k Laptop Screen Problem?

10-07-2003, 12:20 AM
i have a pretty recent laptop, but i prefer to have 2000 in it as it uses less resources and i dont use the visual stuff in which it came with, but when i intsalled it then installed then installed the display driver it restarted and itt showed the normal startup screen then when it loaded the screen was blank, i tried 2 versions of the display driver i got of the compaq site, but its the same, anyone knoe what the problem could be?

10-07-2003, 01:29 PM
bump? anyone help at all? or had similar probs.

10-08-2003, 09:01 PM
bump again, i would like to use 2k on my laptop so can anyone help?

10-08-2003, 09:36 PM
I'm installing win2000 server on my laptop now (Acer).

I'll let you know if I have any similar problems.

10-08-2003, 09:42 PM
cheers, if i dont get anything here ill try contacting compaq

10-09-2003, 04:11 PM

I just installed Win2k on my laptop yesterday...and I'm having the same problem with you...after the startup screen is loaded...it just goes blank...I could hear the windows sound theme though...but cant see anything...however, when I got onto windows...via safe mode networking...I went to see the Device Manager..and there's a "Unknown Device - Multimedia Video Controller"...I tried reinstalling it...but couldn't...could that be the problem to why I got a blank after the startup screen is loaded?

How do I reinstall the Multimedia Video Controller?

Livy, have you tried safe mode networking? Do try it..and tell me what you got...


10-09-2003, 05:18 PM
i dont know what happened with same mode networking, im not sure if it worked or not. i had win 2k pro sp4. i aint got 2k in anymore, im gonna give it a go after the\weekend

10-09-2003, 07:26 PM
I've seen something similar with XP, with a faulty driver. The display was ok with VGA mode drivers (which you would get in safe mode), but as soon as the system was set to use the proper drivers the problem came back. I'm guessing your problem is going to be similar.

10-09-2003, 09:48 PM
Any solutions to solve the problem?

I have succesfully installed the "Multimedia Video Controller", but when I tried the normal mode...:(...same blank screen....

10-09-2003, 11:47 PM
it happens with me with 2 sets of drivers, and i dont think ati supply drivers for laptop cards, as manufaturers tweak them for there specific screen/

unless the drivers are exactly the same for both versions i got, but one has the ati control panel and one doesnt so that may be the only difference

10-10-2003, 12:47 AM
I have an ATI graphics card too...so maybe that's the problem.I've tried installing Windows ME, Windows 2000, and XP - none of them work.Same old blank screen crap, after the startup screen is loaded.Or...at the end of the installation...it'll just go blank....so I think the ATI graphic cards has something to do with this problem...

10-10-2003, 12:02 PM
ati mobility u1 by any chance, otherwise know as an igp 320m aswell.

edit: ive never tried it with any other os apart from 2k, and xp, and xp works fine,

also u said u had win2k server, does the server use the service packs too, if so what service pack did u have, mines was slipstreamed to sp4.

if u also have sp4, i may try it with sp3 to see if sp4 is maybe the problem?

10-10-2003, 12:47 PM
The same service packs apply to 2k Server and 2k Pro. It is unlikely that the service packs will make any difference.

Display drivers and multimedia applications for notebooks with ATI graphics solutions are available for download from your Notebook manufacturer.

For your convenience, a list of links to notebook manufacturers is available in the ATI Onboard (http://mirror.ati.com/buy/onboard/index.html) section of our website.

The display driver supplied with a given notebook has been customized for:

    * the built-in flat panel display
    * any other graphics or video options installed in that specific computer.

As a result of these customizations, ATI Customer Care is unable to offer drivers for notebooks.

We recommend that you:

    * use the driver supplied with your notebook computer, or,
    * obtain a driver update from the manufacturer of your notebook computer.

Support for a specific driver feature (such as hardware acceleration of OpenGL) may be incorporated into a particular display driver (or not) at the discretion of the notebook manufacturer. If you have any questions regarding the features or functionality of a particular display driver, please consult with your notebook manufacturer.

10-10-2003, 01:46 PM
oh well, i thought the sp may have made a difference,
i got the same thing fromt he ati site when i went to try it, mines is the igp 320m, compaq evo n1015v

http://h18007.www1.hp.com/support/files/Ev...te/20_5243.html (http://h18007.www1.hp.com/support/files/EvoNotebook/us/locate/20_5243.html)
i have tried it with both drivers listed there

10-10-2003, 03:18 PM
Have you installed the AGP drivers first?

Try this (http://h18007.www1.hp.com/support/files/EvoNotebook/us/download/14865.html)

10-10-2003, 11:54 PM
i think so, ill give it another go

10-12-2003, 01:46 AM
i tried 2k with the agp driver, and the system enhance disk aswell, but it didnt work. same problem, i also just put it on the same partition as xp so i fucked up xp aswell, and ive misplaced my legal xp home, so ive had to put on my xp corp. :)

10-13-2003, 05:05 PM
would it be worth trying with an external monitor?

10-13-2003, 06:47 PM
Can't do any harm, can it? And if it works, it gives an idea where the problem lies.