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View Full Version : worst albo quotes yet part 1

10-09-2009, 08:48 PM
albo is not my real name ... real is albo...learn to see...write...read...:yes:


p.s benchez smells.

10-09-2009, 09:01 PM
You do the little prick a service by putting his name in the title, Allen.

I dare say, the ones worth quoting are yet to come within this thread, like.

Albo's only 19, though, so expect threats, inept insults and ingratiation to those who he prays will fight his fight for him.

That's just the sad little cunt he is. Everybody duck for his response. I'm sure it's gonna be a fucking doozy. :rollseyes:

Albo Da Kid
10-09-2009, 09:09 PM
Get a fukin life people...

and Alien..couldn't you come up with a better opening...u fukin middle-aged lowlifing cornball

10-09-2009, 09:12 PM
Get a fukin life people...

and Alien..couldn't you come up with a better opening...u fukin middle-aged lowlifing cornball

I'm nominating this for the worstest.


However, I'm entitled to change my mind, reliant to the next wad of wank Albo decides to deliver, like.


10-09-2009, 09:12 PM
you come up with a better opening than wankface.

Albo Da Kid
10-09-2009, 09:17 PM
you come up with a better opening than wankface.
All these years wasted in the lounge I'd have thought chalice had factorized you by now.. and you couldn't come up with anything better?? shame on you allen

10-09-2009, 09:27 PM
you come up with a better opening than wankface.
All these years wasted in the lounge I'd have thought chalice had factorized you by now.. and you couldn't come up with anything better?? shame on you allen

Albo, Ben told me why you're so sore at him, and I gotta tell ya man, now I understand.

I can't believe that Ben could be so callous as to make your mother eat your testicles (which he had humanely removed beforehand) but then used them as ping-pong balls.

Benjamin, hang your head in fucking shame, man.

I hope that this'll be the end of it and Albo can dry his fucking nancy-boy eyes and get along to something less embarrassing, like rimming his sister in the mall.

Albo Da Kid
10-09-2009, 09:28 PM
you've factorized a lot of these lowlifes in the past years by the way chalice. how did you get them to follow you.. What edge did you find?? Might it had been that they were all losers with no personalities, shy, boring? If so, how long do you plan on controlling their lives and god forbid Fst shut down one day.. these guys would be hoppless

Albo Da Kid
10-09-2009, 09:30 PM
All these years wasted in the lounge I'd have thought chalice had factorized you by now.. and you couldn't come up with anything better?? shame on you allen

Albo, Ben told me why you're so sore at him, and I gotta tell ya man, now I understand.

I can't believe that Ben could be so callous as to make your mother eat your testicles (which he had humanely removed beforehand) but then used them as ping-pong balls.

Benjamin, hang your head in fucking shame, man.

I hope that this'll be the end of it and Albo can dry his fucking nancy-boy eyes and get along to something less embarrassing, like rimming his sister in the mall.
ah...the sister and mother insults.. aren't they a little old by now? you've used these in every argument u've had so far.. im starting to believe you're running out of words

You see, if I was a disgrace like you, I would have responded by attacking your wife and children but again I'm not a 50 year old lowlife drunk am I

10-09-2009, 09:32 PM
you've factorized a lot of these lowlifes in the past years by the way chalice. how did you get them to follow you.. What edge did you find?? Might it had been that they were all losers with no personalities, shy, boring? If so, how long do you plan on controlling their lives and god forbid Fst shut down one day.. these guys would be hoppless

Nobody follows me. Everybody hates me.

The only person who seems to have been manipulated by me tonight is yourself.

Have a little think on that, child.

10-09-2009, 09:32 PM
:lol: Nice thread.

Albo Da Kid
10-09-2009, 09:37 PM
The only person who seems to have been manipulated by me tonight is yourself.

manipulated? why do you say that.. The reaosn why I brought you up in my post is...well it's because that's the truth about the Loungerers..They all seem to follow you

The Key personalities in the Lounge are you, Skweeky, Mulder and everyone bases their personalities after you three

for example.. Benches follows you

allen...follows Jpaul or whatever his name is

skizo..skizo's just a dumb fukin r5edneck

im gonna think of a list of the followers and im gonna get back at ya

10-09-2009, 09:38 PM
Albo, Ben told me why you're so sore at him, and I gotta tell ya man, now I understand.

I can't believe that Ben could be so callous as to make your mother eat your testicles (which he had humanely removed beforehand) but then used them as ping-pong balls.

Benjamin, hang your head in fucking shame, man.

I hope that this'll be the end of it and Albo can dry his fucking nancy-boy eyes and get along to something less embarrassing, like rimming his sister in the mall.
ah...the sister and mother insults.. aren't they a little old by now? you've used these in every argument u've had so far.. im starting to believe you're running out of words

You see, if I was a disgrace like you, I would have responded by attacking your wife and children but again I'm not a 50 year old lowlife drunk am I

Attack my wife and children and we'll see how that works out.

We'll also see how far our vocabularies and boundaries extend.

Albo Da Kid
10-09-2009, 09:39 PM
I don't blame allen to tell you the truth though.. iv'e seen a pic of the guy and I felt sorry for him right away.. you could tell he struggled a little throughout his life the poor guy

Albo Da Kid
10-09-2009, 09:41 PM
We'll also see how far our vocabularies and boundaries extend.
ahh chalice.. go ahead point out your advantages now.. i know you surpass me when it comes to vocabulary, literature etc.. you dont have to mention it

I surpass you in other aspects though but you don't see me mentioning any of them.. since you brought it up though i surpass you in strentgh, intelligence, life choices etc.. you're a fukin ex convict for fuks sake and an alcaholic ( I'm not ebven going to hold the fact that you went to jail against you..because fuk it.. we're all human beings and we make mistakes..but what's fucked up about you is that you've got a family and you're STILL an alcaholic and a drug users ffs)

I mostly feel bad for your family that the only thing you got to offer them is your destructive and abusive personality which will affect your kids in the future.. How do you think your kids will grow up with a father like you?? take a minute to think about that once in a while

10-09-2009, 09:45 PM
We'll also see how far our vocabularies and boundaries extend.
ahh chalice.. go ahead point out your advantages now.. i know you surpass me when it comes to vocabulary, literature etc.. you dont have to mention it

Words don't secure victory so much as ideas.

You seem to be lacking them, though.

Why are you obsessed by Benjamin enough to be even joking about posting his personal information on the internets?

10-09-2009, 09:51 PM
i follow jp. :lol:

do i? how do you mean?

Albo Da Kid
10-09-2009, 09:54 PM
hey if i was you i'd wanna be like somebody else also.. myabe not jp, but someone for sure

who would wanna be you though allen.. like,cmon really

Why don't you amuse us a little bit and tell us a little bit about yourself

10-09-2009, 10:02 PM
We'll also see how far our vocabularies and boundaries extend.
ahh chalice.. go ahead point out your advantages now.. i know you surpass me when it comes to vocabulary, literature etc.. you dont have to mention it

I surpass you in other aspects thought but you don't see me mentioning any of them.. since you brought it up though i surpass you in strentgh, intelligence, life choices etc.. you're a fukin ex convict for fuks sake and an alcaholic ( I'm not ebven going to hold the fact that you went to jail against you..because fuk it.. we're all human beings and we make mistakes..but what's fucked up about you is that you've got a family and you're STILL an alcaholic and a drug users ffs)

I mostly feel bad for your family that the only thing you got to offer them is your destructive and abusive personality which will affect your kids in the future.. How do you think your kids will grow up with a father like you?? take a minute to think about that once in a while

You don't feel bad for anybody, Albo. I've given you an even break in the past for just that very reason.

Judging from your post history and what you've shared about your terrible upbringing, I can detect that you like to lash out in an irrational manner. Did you get one too many back-hand slaps from that step-dad of yours? Did that ampled-fisted motherfucker teach you that anyone who sips a beer is a deviant?

It's okay, kid. We know you've been brainwashed, beaten and abused.

Sun'll come up tomorrow.


Albo Da Kid
10-09-2009, 10:08 PM
I lash out because I have a defensive personality and In reality I'm not a shallow person. I'm very emotional matter fact and the only time I criticize is when I'm pushed over the limit.. You had no reason to come at my mother or sister for example

But fuk it.. you guys come here to get your daily talks with eachother and i'm not going to intervene

have fun making yourselves feel good when in reality you're just a bunch of immature lowlife humps that don't belong anywhere else

10-09-2009, 10:09 PM
benchez is always gonna be here me thinks, you're wecome to post in the lounge, they really like you to spam every thread sometimes, it wakes the oldies up.

10-09-2009, 10:11 PM
I lash out because I have a defensive personality and In reality I'm not a shallow person. I'm very emotional matter fact and the only time I criticize is when I'm pushed over the limit.. You had no reason to come at my mother or sister for example

But fuk it.. you guys come here to get your daily talks with eachother and i'm not going to intervene

have fun making yourselves feel good when in reality you're just a bunch of immature lowlife humps that don't belong anywhere else

You intervene when you say stupid shite like you've got Benchez's details and prance about like a fucking gimp.

Albo Da Kid
10-09-2009, 10:11 PM
me posting rubbish at filesharingtalk is my only way of getting by through the day and my only way of having a convo with other human beings

Albo Da Kid
10-09-2009, 10:13 PM
You intervene when you say stupid shite like you've got Benchez's details and prance about like a fucking gimp.
that was a joke ffs.. you think i'd waste time trying to find out info about where benchez lives? cmon..

10-09-2009, 10:20 PM
I lash out because I have a defensive personality and In reality I'm not a shallow person. I'm very emotional matter fact and the only time I criticize is when I'm pushed over the limit.. You had no reason to come at my mother or sister for example

But fuk it.. you guys come here to get your daily talks with eachother and i'm not going to intervene

have fun making yourselves feel good when in reality you're just a bunch of immature lowlife humps that don't belong anywhere else

try getting some fresh air one in a while.

10-09-2009, 10:21 PM
You intervene when you say stupid shite like you've got Benchez's details and prance about like a fucking gimp.
that was a joke ffs.. you think i'd waste time trying to find out info about where benchez lives? cmon..

So, as long as you perceive it as a joke, then it doesn't matter about anyone else?


Thing is, though, you never really were a friend of Ben's. If a friend had said it, there wouldn't be anything for him to worry about, would there?

Unfortunately it came from sad little 19 year old dickweed who'd been spurned by him in the distant past and the chances of it being a good-spirited poke in the ribs was severely compromised by this prior knowledge, like.

Albo Da Kid
10-09-2009, 10:28 PM
are you saying that benchez was affected by what i said?? I doubt it bu if so then why don't you let him talk for himself

the benchez argument is not the real issue here. the problem is that you guys are too bored and are trying to find something to pick on.. Im gonna stop wasting my time any further and leave ya to do whatever you want

Here's some more material to reply on

allen you're a loser

benchez you're beyond the point of no repair.. your life is a fukin mess

chalice, your life is a mess as well but you still got time to fix it since you've got a family and all(what benchez lacks)..use your so called creativity on that instead of your fst postings

that's all i have to say..have fun now

10-09-2009, 10:37 PM
wait don't go yet,

why am i a loser?

thow me a frickin bone here?

i agree chalice should write a bewk or something.

10-09-2009, 10:38 PM
I'm taking that as a 'I'm quite sure that some female will surely suck my cock at some point in the future, but until then I'll just vent like a momma's boy on the internets'.

Crawl back up into that foetal position and resume trying to suck your own cawk.

10-09-2009, 10:41 PM
me? that could apply to most of us here.

Something Else
10-09-2009, 10:42 PM
I'm posting on the interwebs to say how sad it is to post on the interwebs.

Another one of those i'm going to post about how rubbish posting is and how one shouldn't do it threads. :ironing:

We're lucky to have an ignore list function. It blanks out the space taken up on the page by the bland posts.

10-09-2009, 10:43 PM
me? that could apply to most of us here.

Allen, I wasn't defending you, mate.

You're indefensible, like.

I don't think they've discovered a cure for being a total fucking twat yet.

10-09-2009, 10:48 PM
but if you faced him once and for all you could get him to shut the fuck up.

10-09-2009, 11:28 PM
albo and chalice, why don't you ladies kiss already? You deserve each other.

10-09-2009, 11:28 PM
At least I'm not on the receiving end this time.


10-09-2009, 11:48 PM
At least I'm not on the receiving end this time.


Unbutton the top button of your shirt, and use a breath mint, ffs. Someone will take you home, sweetie.

You can do it.


10-09-2009, 11:58 PM
I suppose the breath mint isn't necessary. I assume you'll be assuming your usual position.


benchez' mum
10-10-2009, 12:27 AM
albo and chalice, why don't you ladies kiss already? You deserve each other.

Little piss-ants often pass by the lounge. Cry and moan, hate everyone and themselves for posting, then leave. This allboil fellow is just another number in the thousands of dullards that pass thro' . They sometimes try and go out with an almighty, emo, bang. Sometimes they just stop posting their inane ramblings. Nobody really knows or cares.

Posters of that quality are ten for a pound in argos woolworths Lidl.

10-10-2009, 12:52 AM
It's the Bermuda Triangle of mediocrity, Ben. They all disappear - sooner or later.


10-10-2009, 02:11 AM
At least I'm not on the receiving end this time.


it sounds like you want to be, don't worry with Chalice you may be sooner than you think.

10-10-2009, 03:48 AM
chalice and alien5 omfg so cool look at their grey stars lmfao 5 star fkin losers
they are a bunch of 40 yr old failures posting here cuz their life fkin sucks irl
same goes for skiz rofl that shit excuse for a mod closed my thread cuz he didnt make the cool list lol
first he renamed the thread to who gives a fuck? then he decided to change it back and close the thread lolololol
i feel bad for these bums posting here cuz i kno they will live and die on forums lmfao

10-10-2009, 04:03 AM
Playing the age card on the intertubes...fascinating.

10-10-2009, 08:41 AM
chalice and alien5 omfg so cool look at their grey stars lmfao 5 star fkin losers
they are a bunch of 40 yr old failures posting here cuz their life fkin sucks irl
same goes for skiz rofl that shit excuse for a mod closed my thread cuz he didnt make the cool list lol
first he renamed the thread to who gives a fuck? then he decided to change it back and close the thread lolololol
i feel bad for these bums posting here cuz i kno they will live and die on forums lmfao

The years are short and the path broad and easy to follow


benchez' mum
10-10-2009, 01:17 PM
You had no reason to come at my mother or sister for example

It spurted without my blessing. Honest. :naughty:

10-10-2009, 03:11 PM
chalice and alien5 omfg so cool look at their grey stars lmfao 5 star fkin losers
they are a bunch of 40 yr old failures posting here cuz their life fkin sucks irl
same goes for skiz rofl that shit excuse for a mod closed my thread cuz he didnt make the cool list lol
first he renamed the thread to who gives a fuck? then he decided to change it back and close the thread lolololol
i feel bad for these bums posting here cuz i kno they will live and die on forums lmfao

Your cool list had a huge impact. Word.

benchez' mum
10-10-2009, 03:38 PM
Take your tard talk back to tard land and keep it there. Tard.

Albo Da Kid
10-10-2009, 06:01 PM
Dear Albo Da Kid,

You have received a warning at FileSharing Talk.

Hostile Posting

http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showthread.php?p=3305710 (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-lounge-10/t-last-one-post-gets-last-post-349614-post3305710#post3305710)

lol..Not only you're a sad pathetic little lowlife benchez, but you're a little whiny coward as well.. I pity you.. And I know I shouldn't be critical on you, but a filthy rat like yourself with no self respect whatsoever, deserves every little bit of it

I've said it before and I'm gonna say it again.. you're better off ending your life and you should go for it one of these days man.. at least this way you'll be remembered as someone with honor guts then, not as the scumbag loser you've been all your life

Something Else
10-10-2009, 06:03 PM
Threatening people on the internets doesn't make you cool. It doesn't make you hard. Alwight. :smilie4:

Albo Da Kid
10-10-2009, 06:06 PM
and what does it make someone which takes such such threats seriously??

Albo Da Kid
10-10-2009, 06:07 PM
you're a fukin joke.. go get drunk or something now

Albo Da Kid
10-10-2009, 06:21 PM

Benchez The Rat

Something Else
10-10-2009, 06:31 PM
It's like she was born to phoatieshop. :O

Albo Da Kid
10-10-2009, 06:34 PM
you like it?

Something Else
10-10-2009, 06:35 PM
Yeah. IT was a fairly decent flick. :smilie4:

Albo Da Kid
10-10-2009, 06:58 PM
Good. Now go top it off with a bottle of scotch

10-10-2009, 06:59 PM
Sounds like a good time.I'm in if you're buying.

10-11-2009, 04:10 AM
[SIZE=1]Dear Albo Da Kid,

You have received a warning at FileSharing Talk.

Hostile Posting

Hostile posting? Here? In the lounge?!!! :O

Sad day. Sad day, indeed. Please say it did not really happen...:(

And Albo, the quote says you are "size 1", that's pretty scrawny isn't it? Push ups, man. More push ups... :01:

10-11-2009, 06:30 AM
The weather is being manipulated by the government :S

10-11-2009, 01:08 PM
Some mad PS skillz I see. :D

benchez' mum
10-11-2009, 01:17 PM
Do any of you ever post anything even slightly intelligent, or are you all really 12 years old.

10-11-2009, 01:45 PM
Do any of you ever post anything even slightly intelligent, or are you all really 12 years old.

I am 2 years into my 3rd childhood. I think I am finally starting to get it right. The first couple REALLY sucked! :happy:

If you are looking for something interesting/"at your level", perhaps you could find a more mature forum, or you could look in the "I smashed my face on the keyboard and posted the results" thread- there you might find something that looks like Shakespeare. (million monkeys...:idunno:)

Anyway, just have fun- where ever you are!

BTW, nice to see some proper punctuationz and spellingz! :D

benchez' mum
10-11-2009, 01:48 PM
If you're going to visit the lounge, please try and converse. That's all i'm saying man.

The section you use is normally filled with 1/2 word posts. That part of the forum specifically caters to retarded people. This section doesn't.

By 'my level' I take it you mean human and English. I don't think that's expecting too much.

10-11-2009, 01:52 PM
Boy you sure have a limited view of the BT section. Just for your information it's also highly recommended for adolescents and cheats.

benchez' mum
10-11-2009, 01:55 PM
iTS not for cheats. :O

10-11-2009, 02:18 PM
If you're going to visit the lounge, please try and converse. That's all i'm saying man.

The section you use is normally filled with 1/2 word posts. That part of the forum specifically caters to retarded people. This section doesn't.

By 'my level' I take it you mean human and English. I don't think that's expecting too much.

I wasn't putting you down. Not at all. Actually, I come in peace and bring good will from the lands of the North. There are at least 10 of us there who can put together a proper thought, and occasionally a sentence. We feel that we have been poorly represented lately.

The other nine sent me as an emissary to declare that we do not claim BrianH as our own. He was a failed experiment that escaped from our lab. I am not here to bring him back, but to spread the word that we will not take it as a hostile gesture if one of you happens to kill it.

As for Albo, perhaps we should return him to his native environment. We assume that he received a serious concussion on his trip down here. Our best guess is that it happened somewhere around "Movies and Television". Hopefully we can, someday, return him to his pre-brain damage state. I have personally seen him make intelligent, non-hostile posts. The poor thing must have gotten scared and confused in his new environment.

Rart, it seems, has done fairly well here. That guy can take a blow to the head like Whitney Houston. Rock on, Rart!

So, as mentioned, I am here in peace. I even brought a case of Spam with me if anyone wants to "break bread". :D

benchez' mum
10-11-2009, 02:33 PM
In that case welcome, and nice to meet you. As for the others, we'll see if they can be so reasonable. I hope so.

10-11-2009, 05:01 PM
Thanks! I'll occasionally break out that Spam, but will try to learn the customs, norms, and rituals here. :)

Something Else
10-11-2009, 05:31 PM
I don't think the lounge is as unwelcoming as people make out. It's just that a lot of fools pass thro' here. Fools should never be suffered gladly.

10-11-2009, 05:59 PM
I don't think the lounge is as unwelcoming as people make out. It's just that a lot of fools pass thro' here. Fools should never be suffered gladly.

I have not been here much before the past couple of days. Since then, I have just been observing. It seems that a lot of fellow travelers see a couple of posts, feel a need to prove that they can "hang with the big boys" and instigate a fight. I gotta admit, it's a pleasure to see some of you in action! You can be a group of brave and fierce warriors.

Up north, we live on a diet heavy in spam. It is practically our national dish. Perhaps many of our villagers assume that since we are from the same continent, and this is a "more relaxed", tropical vacation environment, that you guys would live on the stuff yourselves.

As I mentioned, I plan to learn the culture here. Hopefully more of my clan can spend a little time "brushing up" before trying to establish themselves as "fierce fighters". :)

Something Else
10-11-2009, 06:05 PM
Personally, I don't really enjoy fighting with people. I'm a bit of a hippie, by all accounts.
I'm always laughing at the insults. I've never been able to take anything seriously on the internets.

There are certain lines that have to be drawn tho' . Insulting people is one thing. It can be productive and fun. Threatening people is something entirely different tho'
To threaten someone else, jokingly or not is, in my opinion, crossing that line.

In summary, i've rambled off-topic. That's the idea. Have fun. :smilie4:

10-11-2009, 06:28 PM
Personally, I don't really enjoy fighting with people. I'm a bit of a hippie, by all accounts.
I'm always laughing at the insults. I've never been able to take anything seriously on the internets.

There are certain lines that have to be drawn tho' . Insulting people is one thing. It can be productive and fun. Threatening people is something entirely different tho'
To threaten someone else, jokingly or not is, in my opinion, crossing that line.

In summary, i've rambled off-topic. That's the idea. Have fun. :smilie4:

Thanks for the welcome, SE! :happy:

10-11-2009, 07:11 PM

10-11-2009, 10:21 PM
this thread rocks :DDDD

10-11-2009, 10:26 PM
Good to see you, BD. Congrats on those shiny, new stars!

Albo Da Kid
10-12-2009, 01:50 AM
There are certain lines that have to be drawn tho' . Insulting people is one thing. It can be productive and fun. Threatening people is something entirely different tho'
To threaten someone else, jokingly or not is, in my opinion, crossing that line.

And what is so different about insulting someone from jokingly threatening them.. You know for a fact that I woldn't travel thousands of miles to break your kneecaps

lol cut the act benchez. Megabyteme, he's just trying to confuse you. Benchez is a sneaky son of a bitch with an inflated ego. Do you notice how he always trys to shit on the guys from the BT section that try and post here? How he calls them idiots and tarts all the time? That's because he thinks too highly of himself and I bet money his real life ego is not even close to his Fst ego. The guy probably driove a school bus all his life and this is the only place where he gets to feel important

10-12-2009, 02:05 AM

10-12-2009, 02:06 AM
lol cut the act benchez. Megabyteme, he's just trying to confuse you. Benchez is a sneaky son of a bitch with an inflated ego. Do you notice how he always trys to shit on the guys from the BT section that try and post here? How he calls them idiots and tarts all the time? That's because he thinks too highly of himself and I bet money his real life ego is not even close to his Fst ego. The guy probably driove a school bus all his life and this is the only place where he gets to feel important

Come with me, Albo. I brought a copter and we can take you back home. We will get you some good help...You will be alright, but you have to come with me! :console:


BTW, not picking sides. Just screwing around and checking out the section. A while back (old thread), I mentioned the similarities between these forums and the restaurants I worked in/managed when I was younger. Good brutal camaraderie- don't show weakness, or you'll look like Rart. :D

Albo Da Kid
10-12-2009, 02:14 AM
Come with me, Albo. I brought a copter and we can take you back home. We will get you some good help...You will be alright, but you have to come with me! :console:


Wait for me. I'm coming

mentioned the similarities between these forums and the restaurants I worked in/managed when I was younger. Good brutal camaraderie- don't show weakness, or you'll look like Rart.

That's funny because at the last restaurant I worked at they told me the same thing. Rart must be an international figure of speech

10-12-2009, 02:14 AM
With MBM as the pilot?


10-12-2009, 02:30 AM
There's only one Rart, and he's known everywhere!

Where did I say anything about knowing how to fly? Helicopters are pretty darn complex :idunno: But it's either get ravaged by the "loungers", or risk being shredded by helicopter blades...at least the latter is quick. :D

*Sorry, Rart. I saw your thread the other day- it was...memorable... :P

10-12-2009, 02:55 AM
lol cut the act benchez. Megabyteme, he's just trying to confuse you. Benchez is a sneaky son of a bitch with an inflated ego. Do you notice how he always trys to shit on the guys from the BT section that try and post here? How he calls them idiots and tarts all the time? That's because he thinks too highly of himself and I bet money his real life ego is not even close to his Fst ego. The guy probably driove a school bus all his life and this is the only place where he gets to feel important

And how does that make you any different? If you truly think benchez acts in that manner, why do you do the exact same thing in response? I don't see how this response demonstrates anything except how you're even worse then him. And I don't know him very well, but he probably wasn't serious. It's the nature of the lounge. You are taking it very, very seriously. I think this crosses what SE defined as the "line". I'm not claiming that I fit in well here or perhaps at all, but this post just smells of hypocrisy.

Oh and hi MBM :). I have made a couple of threads here, but I was expecting what I got and found it to be fun while it lasted. I took SE's remark a little seriously and that was my mistake, but other than that I'm not offended in anyway. I actually had quite a decent chat there with chalice, but knowing him theres no way to tell one way or the other.

10-12-2009, 03:35 AM
Oh and hi MBM :). I have made a couple of threads here, but I was expecting what I got and found it to be fun while it lasted. I took SE's remark a little seriously and that was my mistake, but other than that I'm not offended in anyway. I actually had quite a decent chat there with chalice, but knowing him theres no way to tell one way or the other.

Glad to hear you are having fun! I think I will spend more time "down here".

I could not resist ribbing you and Albo a couple of times, but did not want to come across as sacrificing my friends from "the North" just to fit in here.

If these southerners get too rowdy, I've got your back. :D After all, if I recognize some of their dialect, they are English. We all remember what happened last time north Am. clashed with the brits. :01:

10-12-2009, 03:47 AM
If these southerners get too rowdy, I've got your back. :D After all, if I recognize some of their dialect, they are English. We all remember what happened last time north Am. clashed with the brits. :01:

In all fairness it was just an hockey game.


benchez' mum
10-12-2009, 03:53 AM
We all remember what happened last time north Am. clashed with the brits. :01:

I think that was when we invented you :unsure:

Apologies for bringing my obsessive, angry fanboy. :oops:

10-12-2009, 03:59 AM
Madam, you acted like a lady, as usual. No need to apologize to the gentleman.

I see the Christmas tree, and Charlie. I feel like slobbering a bit...

benchez' mum
10-12-2009, 04:25 AM

Is Dexter on soon. It's a quarter past five FFS.

10-12-2009, 04:42 AM
You need to buy an American television, silly. Duh!


10-12-2009, 05:42 AM
In all fairness it was just an hockey game.

I think that was when we invented you :unsure:

:lol::lol: Well played!

10-12-2009, 08:08 PM
chalice and alien5 omfg so cool look at their grey stars lmfao 5 star fkin losers
they are a bunch of 40 yr old failures posting here cuz their life fkin sucks irl
same goes for skiz rofl that shit excuse for a mod closed my thread cuz he didnt make the cool list lol
first he renamed the thread to who gives a fuck? then he decided to change it back and close the thread lolololol
i feel bad for these bums posting here cuz i kno they will live and die on forums lmfao

The stars are only there to dazzle the feeble-minded like yourself.

Let's take a trip to a little place called Simple Arithmetic. I know you can't speak English worth a fuck, but numbers are universal.

I've been on the board for 6 and half years. I've made 8,272 posts over those years, which works out at an average of 3.53 posts per day.

You've been on the board under this new account for less than a fucking month and you've made 118 low-end spastic troll posts. Giving you an average of 6.19 post per day.

Even sums tell you that you're nearly twice as much of a sad cunt than I could ever be.

Keep reaching for the stars though, monkey. :01:

10-12-2009, 08:23 PM
Hello lounge!
Lol I remember alibx's request for weelmods. He said he likes English communitis, with blokes like Ben, funny and smart. I dont blame him.
What i was about to say is that its unacceptable for a 19 years old to swear older people like that. I also blame you lot for starting it. The kid's insecure! I recon you should stop it till something worse happens

sheriff 01
10-13-2009, 01:57 AM
chalice and alien5 omfg so cool look at their grey stars lmfao 5 star fkin losers
they are a bunch of 40 yr old failures posting here cuz their life fkin sucks irl
same goes for skiz rofl that shit excuse for a mod closed my thread cuz he didnt make the cool list lol
first he renamed the thread to who gives a fuck? then he decided to change it back and close the thread lolololol
i feel bad for these bums posting here cuz i kno they will live and die on forums lmfao

The stars are only there to dazzle the feeble-minded like yourself.

Let's take a trip to a little place called Simple Arithmetic. I know you can't speak English worth a fuck, but numbers are universal.

I've been on the board for 6 and half years. I've made 8,272 posts over those years, which works out at an average of 3.53 posts per day.

You've been on the board under this new account for less than a fucking month and you've made 118 low-end spastic troll posts. Giving you an average of 6.19 post per day.

Even sums tell you that you're nearly twice as much of a sad cunt than I could ever be.

Keep reaching for the stars though, monkey. :01:

I rarely come down to this section at all but i must say Chalice that your rebuttal post was actually one of the most intelligent comeback posts i have read in awhile.

10-13-2009, 01:36 PM
chalice - i kno ur a loser u dun have to prove it
i check this forum for 5 minutes tops and i can make one post in 5 seconds
ur a fkin nerd and spend 5 minutes just to make one post lmfao

Albo Da Kid
10-13-2009, 02:35 PM
Lol I remember alibx's request for weelmods. He said he likes English communitis, with blokes like Ben, funny and smart. I dont blame him.100% of that request was supposed to be sarcastic, genious.

What i was about to say is that its unacceptable for a 19 years old to swear older people like that.
You consider these guys old? The only thing old about them is their physical apperance. Mentally they're still teenage kids. They're the opposite of mature matter fact

Albo Da Kid
10-13-2009, 02:43 PM
And how does that make you any different? If you truly think benchez acts in that manner, why do you do the exact same thing in response? this post just smells of hypocrisy.

I'm not much different from him and I didn't say I was, but where I difer from him is how I behave with members whom I have nothing against. You'll never see me calling someone that posts in the BT section an Idiot or tard for no reason whatsoever.

What I was saying earlier is that these guys are obviously old and experienced and instead they act like clowns and lowlifes

The sad thing is that they think the lounge belongs to them. Just because you spend 1/4th of your life here doesn't mean you own it.. Show some respect to the new members postign in it at least. I personally don't give a fuck, you don't have to show me any respect cause I never had a problem firing back

10-13-2009, 02:44 PM
chalice - i kno ur a loser u dun have to prove it
i check this forum for 5 minutes tops and i can make one post in 5 seconds
ur a fkin nerd and spend 5 minutes just to make one post lmfao

Both the art of communication and oxygen are wasted on you.

I'll even save you your "precious time" and just make ur post for ya...

blah, blah, fkn nerd...:drool:...blah, blah,post... blah forums :drool:

Now you don't need to make one of your useless posts. :happy:
If there is anything I can do to convince you to stop breathing, let me know! :dry:

10-13-2009, 02:59 PM
chalice - i kno ur a loser u dun have to prove it
i check this forum for 5 minutes tops and i can make one post in 5 seconds
ur a fkin nerd and spend 5 minutes just to make one post lmfao

Nope. It takes you 5 seconds to make a post cos if you concentrate on anything for longer than that, your bowels might get confused and prolapse your excuse for a brain through your sphincter. And I'm sure that there's more than enough traffic there already, like.

Here's a tip. Mocking people because they've got more intelligence and wit than you only makes you look like even more of a fucking spastic. You stupid, stupid cunt. :noes:

10-13-2009, 04:15 PM
I would like to thank Allen for this tread.
If nothing else, it has compounded anyone worthy of my ignore list in the one place. Well done I say.

10-13-2009, 05:07 PM
chalice - it takes me 5 sec to post cuz im not a weird fucker like u
i post like i talk irl
u r a fkin loser irl so u have to think before u post lol

10-13-2009, 05:09 PM
chalice - it takes me 5 sec to post cuz im not a weird fucker like u
i post like i talk irl
u r a fkin loser irl so u have to think before u post lol

If you talk like that in real life, some cunt must've kicked your teeth in.

Can't say I'm surprised, like.

10-13-2009, 05:13 PM
i have an orthodontist who made my teeth perfect thx tho

10-13-2009, 05:21 PM
i have an orthodontist who made my teeth perfect thx tho

Just cos a dentist tells you it's standard procedure to put his cock in your mouth, it doesn't mean your teeth are gonna be any better for it.

Btw, that wasn't mouthwash either, queer.

10-13-2009, 05:44 PM
who said anything about a dentist u are dumb as fuck

10-13-2009, 05:47 PM
So you're not denying that medical professionals have been using your mouth for a spunk-bucket?

Fair enough.

10-14-2009, 09:04 AM
i have an orthodontist who made my teeth perfect thx tho

Just cos a dentist tells you it's standard procedure to put his cock in your mouth, it doesn't mean your teeth are gonna be any better for it.

Btw, that wasn't mouthwash either, queer.

:glag: :earl:

I just spat up a mouthful of tea, you fuck :pinch:

10-14-2009, 06:18 PM
I'm giving this thread five stars.

A+++++, would read again.

10-14-2009, 07:29 PM
who said anything about a dentist u are dumb as fuck



10-14-2009, 07:42 PM
This fred has legs - I can tell :)

10-14-2009, 08:12 PM
BrianH (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/brianh-238632) banned!...Now I can i will bring the final respect and delete him from my ignore list

10-14-2009, 08:13 PM
be careful with hillbilly skiz he is very sensitive

10-14-2009, 08:59 PM
Aaand banned again.

10-14-2009, 09:03 PM
Well, we all know he is a turd, the only question remaining is, "how many times will he need to be flushed before he goes away?" :idunno:

10-14-2009, 09:17 PM
omfg put me on ignore and dont even post till after i get banned cuz ur afraid i will rip u apart lmfao little bitches

10-14-2009, 09:19 PM
In my defense, you did get banned pretty fast!

Let me say a proper goodbye...


Bottom line...buh bye.

Oh, and since you are such a fan of "the urban dictionary", consider this a going away present...

buh bye

normally used as a dismissive for a person's comments or an idea that is unwelcome or unpleasant. sometimes used after a look of disbelief.

10-14-2009, 09:21 PM
It takes a bit of effort to get banzorised from here - Commendable attempt even if ultimately a tad pointless.

10-14-2009, 09:33 PM
I looved the albo post over @ ******** about ptp ......... i can post it here :(

10-14-2009, 09:58 PM
I looved the albo post over @ ******** about ptp ......... i can post it here :(

translation: he's gay

Albo Da Kid
10-14-2009, 10:15 PM
I looved the albo post over @ ******** about ptp ......... i can post it here :(

translation: he's gay
Who the fuck are you?? I remember that I tried to publicly expose you once for being a scammer and you've been on my dick ever since. get a fukin life little fella or at least hop of my nuts..and you have the decency to call me gay..pffttt

10-14-2009, 10:24 PM
translation: he's gay
Who are you fucking ?? I remember that I tried to publicly expose you naked once for being a slammer and you've been on my dickrings ever since. get a fukin life little fella or at least hop of n on my nuts..and you don't have the decency to call me gay..love


Albo Da Kid
10-14-2009, 11:00 PM
I think this is the third time this week you've called someone gay. What's the deal with that? You could have replied any way you wanted and yet you chose to use the gay word. Are you sure you're not suffering from any personal phobias? seems like you're a little obsessed with the homosexuality and gay subjects

also that fantasy looked a little well constructed.. i hope you didn't waste much time thinking of it

10-14-2009, 11:06 PM
I like young Albanians

Albo Da Kid
10-14-2009, 11:23 PM
But u said I was ugly.. Oh wow. I should have figured you out since then. Judging another man's physical appearance is defenitely queer, and you just proved it today again

10-14-2009, 11:27 PM
I want to shit-stab you

Albo Da Kid
10-14-2009, 11:29 PM
But even that wont change the fact that you're little queer in denial.. get help!

10-14-2009, 11:30 PM
Let's talk about you. Do you like it up the deaf and dumb?

Albo Da Kid
10-14-2009, 11:36 PM
I like young Albanians
Someone get Benchez The Informant to report him for /sexual harassment/pedophilia

10-14-2009, 11:39 PM
ur 19 Albo. The pitch is fair. Play ball! :lol:

10-14-2009, 11:44 PM
Did you just called me a bonce?

Albo Da Kid
10-14-2009, 11:49 PM
ur 19 Albo. The pitch is fair. Play ball! :lol:
yea i know but im worried about his next move. I heard these maniacs aim for higher and higher
Next thing you know, he'll be buying a plane ticket to Albania and browsing through the soccer fields for 12 year olds

10-14-2009, 11:58 PM
I'm totally Jonathan Ross'd. You got airports and football pitches? You havin a bobble init?

10-15-2009, 12:02 AM
@ albo you make LoL :)

10-15-2009, 02:22 PM

10-16-2009, 11:45 PM
This is yre thread mate... curse ere

11-08-2009, 05:14 PM
I wonder if our bus boy bot a new job yet

Albo Da Kid
11-08-2009, 11:58 PM
I wonder if our bus boy bot a new job yet
Yea, I heard he makes a living by unloading in your girl's face twice a day now ..Weekends off

11-09-2009, 03:05 AM
I wonder if our bus boy bot a new job yet
Yea, I heard he makes a living by unloading in your girl's face twice a day now ..Weekends off

Liar. ovisan has never gotten a girl. And what he does with his "close male friends" is a lifestyle choice. Do not judge.:noes:

11-09-2009, 06:17 AM
Hilarious. How come when you numb nuts got nothing to say simply call me a fag eh? Thicko. I wasn't been mean, I'm just worried about the poor immigrant. I like the way you all stand up for each other, I envy you. I recon we need to find you a name for the gang. Any suggestions?

Members: albanian kid, megabutme, and sez

11-09-2009, 06:37 AM
:lol: Thanks for taking me off of your ignore list, ovisan. Was wondering if you would get my post. Glad to know you really do care.

Edit- That is the only reason you got my attention. Other than using the "ignore" feature on me I find you completely uninteresting. Actually had to look at your post history to see if I had ever spoken to you.

Anyway, now that I know you never put me on that list I have no interest n you whatsoever. You just aren't that memorable.


11-09-2009, 06:52 AM
I never had anything wit you maty... Is just when you started defending yre girlfriend here and insulting me I ve added you to my ignore list. My fight was with Cabalo and the kid, but the 1st one was smart enough not to join the dance. Instead, you and that sez creature jumped in and the albanian iz dragging you into a deep shit whole.

Me in yre ignore list is exactly what I wished for. To stop insulting me and just mind your own business bruv. Thanks.


11-09-2009, 07:25 AM
Well, thanks for responding. I just threw out that weak (admittedly, but a bit on the cleaver side, IMO) shot to see if I actually had been put on ignore. Thought it was strange that someone I had never spoken to would do that.

I'm just an occasional passer-by here in the Lounge. Don't really need any arch-rivals, but check in on my friends occasionally. I like to see if it a blood orgy or a sausage fest.

Anyway, I have not put you on ignore. I just can't remember anything else you have said. :idunno: Like I said, I am just observing. I haven't noticed you as one of the Lounge's "power players", but it seems you want to be part of something others have started. I was 16 once myself, so I do kinda understand what you are doing.

So good luck with the cronyism, some people were never meant to be leaders. But leaders do need loyal followers so you do have a place here.

Feel free to add my name (even cleaver-ish "twists" are cool) to whatever thread or idea someone else makes and you add to. Or ignore is fine. Who knows, I might even stumble across one of your posts and go, "who?, oh, that guy." Darn him.

11-09-2009, 08:00 PM
What I really want, as I said it before, is you to stop cunting and stop all the insults and I promise I will never mention your name in any of my posts ever again. You defended albo, I can understand that, fair-pay to you, but you done it by insulting me, calling me gay and proly some other shits I havent read cause you were in my ignore list for a while. I m not sure you've been here long enough to understand my hatred for him, but I assure you its well worth. Anyway, apart from calling you a cunt two threads below I don't remember interacting with you.. you were in my ignore list right after you post a silly comment about my sexual orientation a few weeks behind.
I hope you will choose the easy way and ignore me or at least stop the insults and I promise you a nice time here at fst. Best wishes, ta-ra

11-09-2009, 08:18 PM
We'll call it even, ovisan. :)


Albo Da Kid
11-09-2009, 08:27 PM
What I really want, as I said it before, is you to stop cunting and stop all the insults and I promise I will never mention your name in any of my posts ever again.

MBM this guy means business. I'd take the deal if I was you

11-09-2009, 08:35 PM
I accept the mutually ignore treaty. What's the fun in having a rival you have no history with and you can't remember?

I will reserve the right to act as a NATO peace keeper. If I see too many people ganging up on my friends, I'll give 'em a hand. But I really have no intentions of "long term" involvement. ;)

11-09-2009, 08:38 PM
verbal graffiti mega

Albo Da Kid
11-09-2009, 08:41 PM
I'm sure it's not in his best interest to involve you any further either.. It sounded like he was begging to call it quits by the looks of his last post

Albo Da Kid
11-09-2009, 08:52 PM
I m not sure you've been here long enough to understand my hatred for him:lol:

Man listen, hog a few blocks
Take the town over
Make some birds disappear, move some pounds over

Then come talk to me

Really though don't you have anything better to do than nut hug me all day? It's not like your jokes are even funny nor original. You steal 97% of your material from chalice

11-09-2009, 08:56 PM
I m not sure you've been here long enough to understand my hatred for him:lol:

You steal 97% of your material from chalice

I'll thank you to leave me out of this.

I found the face of Jesus today in a McDonald's Double Cheeseburger.

I'm joining a monastery tomorrow. My harshing days are done, brother.

Albo Da Kid
11-09-2009, 09:01 PM

Do me a favor. Try and convince this retard to join the monastery as well. He listens to you.

You'll save his life

11-09-2009, 10:38 PM

Do me a favor. Try and convince this retard to join the monastery as well. He listens to you.

You'll save his life

Turns out the monastery is a no-go.

I spoke with the abbot on the bugle and he says that it's not acceptable to wank into tabernacles.

What kinda stupid arse religion is that?

I'm gonna go to Burger King tomorrow and see if I can find the face of Allah in a Whopper.

According to Muslims, it's perfectly fine to wank into tabernacles, like.

11-09-2009, 10:46 PM
chalice, you won't be happy with any religion that doesn't follow your own rules. You would make a great cult leader though. You could call it...let me think for a moment...oh, got it..."The Lounge". :lol:

BTW, thanks for taking the long ascent to "The Land of the North". I appreciate that you made that trek just to start a thread for me. It's actually been kinda fun. :P I've seen other threads that mention someone specifically that have not gone as well!

11-09-2009, 10:49 PM
chalice, you won't be happy with any religion that doesn't follow your own rules. You would make a great cult leader though. You could call it...let me think for a moment...oh, got it..."The Lounge". :lol:

BTW, thanks for taking the long ascent to "The Land of the North". I appreciate that you made that trek just to start a thread for me. It's actually been kinda fun. :P I've seen other threads that mention someone specifically that have not gone as well!

I was only joshing with you, man. Glad you thought it was fun.

I don't like it up there. At least you bring a little intelligence in that section.

Even if it is coma-inducing.

11-09-2009, 11:07 PM
I was only joshing with you, man. Glad you thought it was fun.

I don't like it up there. At least you bring a little intelligence in that section.

Even if it is coma-inducing.

Wow. Being credited with "a little intelligence" from chalice, that's gotta be on the level of knighthood in this realm.

I arise, Sir megabyteme, "knight of the coma-induced"...:lol:

11-10-2009, 02:37 AM

You steal 97% of your material from chalice

I'll thank you to leave me out of this.

I found the face of Jesus today in a McDonald's Double Cheeseburger.

I'm joining a monastery tomorrow. My harshing days are done, brother.

For inanity's sake I'm going to point out that McDonalds renamed the poor double cheeseburger to a "McDouble" so they didn't have to put two pieces of cheese on them anymore :pinch: Thanks a LOT corporate america :angry: