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View Full Version : Req. SceneHD

10-14-2009, 08:51 PM

I'm looking for a SceneHD invite.

I had a SceneHD account until yesterday, and then it suddenly got deactivated. I complained to ops in their irc channel, and it turns out it was deactivated because my ratio dropped to 0.989 for a week!
My comp was left running for a few days, I wasn't paying attention, but as soon as I saw the ratio I began to work on increasing it.

But deactivation came without any warning, and my ratio would have gotten to 1.0 in only another day or two.

Barring this flaw, I always look after my ratio, and consider myself a positive (ex)member :( of scenehd community. I was a member there for about two years, and had around 400gb uploaded and downloaded.

Scenehd ops told me to find another member who is willing to give me an invite to start over. I'd be very thankful.


P.S. I can still login to scenehd irc server with my account name. There I can meet anyone who is considering giving me an invite, to proove that all of the above is true.

10-16-2009, 09:58 PM
I'm about to get banned too. ughhh and i'm 1.34tb/1.30tb seeding 30 torrents and not moving anywhereeeee

10-17-2009, 08:53 AM
I can feel your pain...
Those rules seem just a bit too strict to me. Sure, they get rid of bad members, but they also loose some good people that way. You seeded 1.3tb, right? Doesn't that show commitment?
Why couldn't they, for instance, disable our downloads until our ratio was back to 1.0?

10-17-2009, 03:05 PM
yeah sucks. not enough leechers oh well. they got stuff fast but scene rips aren't always the best anyways.