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View Full Version : Movie forums?

10-22-2009, 06:24 PM
I'm looking for a forum where I can discuss movies and directors get recommendations on movies to watch, talk about different aspects of the making of the movie (director actor writer and so on....) any kind of forum is welcome it doesn't have to be torrent oriented.

10-22-2009, 10:01 PM
How about this one? We could use another active member.

I dare ya to create a thread and try to keep up with IdolEyes's and Clockers responses. Maybe mr.nails will stop by too. I'm a movie n00b but I'll try to do my part too.

10-22-2009, 11:42 PM





10-23-2009, 12:20 AM
Read Roger Ebert (http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/) for consistently insightful film criticism and Pajiba (http://www.pajiba.com/) for more wide ranging discussion and banter.

10-23-2009, 11:38 AM
How about this one? We could use another active member.

I dare ya to create a thread and try to keep up with IdolEyes's and Clockers responses. Maybe mr.nails will stop by too. I'm a movie n00b but I'll try to do my part too.

I would love this forum to be more active and have opened up a few threads but with no response to them :(

thx idoleyes i'll check out those places :)

10-23-2009, 01:46 PM
How about this one? We could use another active member.

I dare ya to create a thread and try to keep up with IdolEyes's and Clockers responses. Maybe mr.nails will stop by too. I'm a movie n00b but I'll try to do my part too.

I would love this forum to be more active and have opened up a few threads but with no response to them :(

Well, that's why we need more active members in this section. Or are some people here to l33t to post outside of the BT section?!!??

10-23-2009, 02:34 PM
Most of the posts in this thread don't really invite/warrant a response.

Really, what can be said when someone posts "Saw Movie X, 8/10 LOL"?

I've mentioned before how useless the "x out of 10" rating system is since we have no clue what the "10" might be...Citizen Kane or Paul Blart: Mall Cop?
Makes a difference.

It also matters why you liked (or disliked) a movie since it's possible to love a crap film for good reasons- and vice-versa- but most folks don't bother telling us anything about their reasoning, so basically, you can respond with either "You're a moron" or "I sooo totally agree!".

Most of this thread is just Twitter without the immediacy..."Got up, took a dump, went and saw Transformers2, felt unclean...".

Of course, it doesn't help that by and large the moviegoing public are uncritical fools and the industry panders to the lowest common denominator (hence, Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler, etc., etc, ad nauseum).

10-23-2009, 03:13 PM
Step Brothers 3/10
It had a couple genuinely funny moments but basically it's a case of been there/ seen that and in infinitely better movies to boot.
Besides is there anyone with an I.Q. greater than those being portrayed that thinks the whole idea of a grown man acting like an adolescent is inherently funny.

Also Will Ferrell is no Adam Sandler.

10-23-2009, 03:23 PM
Most of the posts in this thread don't really invite/warrant a response.

Really, what can be said when someone posts "Saw Movie X, 8/10 LOL"?

I've mentioned before how useless the "x out of 10" rating system is since we have no clue what the "10" might be...Citizen Kane or Paul Blart: Mall Cop?
Makes a difference.

It also matters why you liked (or disliked) a movie since it's possible to love a crap film for good reasons- and vice-versa- but most folks don't bother telling us anything about their reasoning, so basically, you can respond with either "You're a moron" or "I sooo totally agree!".

Most of this thread is just Twitter without the immediacy..."Got up, took a dump, went and saw Transformers2, felt unclean...".

Of course, it doesn't help that by and large the moviegoing public are uncritical fools and the industry panders to the lowest common denominator (hence, Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler, etc., etc, ad nauseum).

hey don't talk bad about adam sandler! :) yes Hollywood perceives that movie goers are dumb and look for quick movie to thrill them and it is reflected in the posts by users in almost all threads here and that's why i am hoping to find something like that in another forum (i really do wish to be mistaken and find what i am looking for here in fst)

mr. nails
10-23-2009, 06:05 PM
some people here to l33t to post outside of the BT section?!!??

not only that, but MOST of the ppl here only go to the lounge and talk about non-sense i'd care not even know about. ie: is there corn in your shit? personally i only cum here to write my 1-10 star rating about how I felt about the movie just out of something to write about. the music section is basically owned by ppl who prefer rap. i'll attend the news section here and there and i might stumble upon the hardware section every now and then. i mostly spend my time in the movie section in this boring board for reasons unknown.

10-23-2009, 07:26 PM
I give that post a 2/10 .
It's more or less a salmagundiof of ideas with very little coherence.
After some initial humour in the first act it tries for more substance in the middle but the sudden change in tone is more unnerving than rewarding.
It's greatest fault however is that it ends on somewhat of a dour note thus failing to elicit any sympathy from it's target audience.

10-23-2009, 10:23 PM
Saw IdolEye's post at the cinema yesterday. 7/10

10-23-2009, 10:36 PM
All the best parts were left on the cutting room floor:( but I'm in negotiations to get Diora Baird for the next one.:)
