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View Full Version : France Passed “Three Strikes” Anti-Piracy Law

10-24-2009, 12:32 PM
I read now that France has passed finally this law and they are going to use it. So ... is this the end of the internet piracy for the EU? What do you think? :ermm:

I am sure that when one of the EU countries has already accepted this law, the other members of the Union will accept it too :dry:

Original: Френският Конституционен съвет одобри закона „Трите удара", предназначен за борба срещу пиратството. Нормативният акт дава възможност за ускорени съдебни процеси, които ще отрежат достъпа до интернет на потребители, обвинени три пъти за сваляне без разрешение на съдържание с авторски права.

Напомняме ви, че според въпросния закон юзърите, обвинени в нарушаване на авторското право, ще получават по две предупреждения, преди да бъдат изправени пред съда. Ако се стигне обаче дотам, те няма да имат възможност да оспорват случая или да бъдат съдени от съдебни заседатели. Присъдата ще се решава само от един съдия, който ще има право да спре достъпа на подсъдимия до интернет.

След влизане в сила на такава присъда интернет доставчиците също нямат голям избор от заобикаляне на закона. Те са заплашени от глоба в размер на 5000 евро, ако не се подчинят на съдебното решение, докато потребителите ще бъдат глобени с над 3500 евро, ако се абонират за Интернет при друг доставчик.

Група от опозиционни депутати възразиха срещу закона, приет от Националното събрание през миналия месец, изтъквайки конституционни причини, но Конституционният съвет откри само една противоконституционна клауза.

10-24-2009, 01:45 PM
I read now that France has passed finally this law and they are going to use it. So ... is this the end of the internet piracy for the EU? What do you think? :ermm:
trust me, hadopi law is technically inapplicable - that's just a "final push" supposed to scare people.
i won't come into details since i'm not fluent enough in english but except making an example of a couple of filesharers, this fanciful law won't change anything.

10-24-2009, 01:54 PM
filesharers will be a step ahead everytime.

10-24-2009, 02:50 PM
Seeing news in Bulgarian language about French filesharing on English (lang) forum looks amusing :)

So ... is this the end of the internet piracy for the EU?
The end of internet piracy will come along with the end of the internet. Cheer up.

BTW how are two new trackers coming? I mean Play The Net and HD Life. Checking it everyday, but not yet.

10-24-2009, 02:55 PM
I read now that France has passed finally this law and they are going to use it. So ... is this the end of the internet piracy for the EU? What do you think? :ermm:
trust me, hadopi law is technically inapplicable - that's just a "final push" supposed to scare people.
i won't come into details since i'm not fluent enough in english but except making an example of a couple of filesharers, this fanciful law won't change anything.

This law might not but in the u.s from what I've heard they are staring to crack down a little bit more on file sharers, I saw an article about it on the tc the other it was probably exaggerating a bit but i still wouldn't feel as safe d/l with an American Ip as i am with an Israeli IP :cry:

10-24-2009, 03:01 PM
trust me, hadopi law is technically inapplicable - that's just a "final push" supposed to scare people.
i won't come into details since i'm not fluent enough in english but except making an example of a couple of filesharers, this fanciful law won't change anything.

This law might not but in the u.s from what I've heard they are staring to crack down a little bit more on file sharers, I saw an article about it on the tc the other it was probably exaggerating a bit but i still wouldn't feel as safe d/l with an American Ip as i am with an Israeli IP :cry:

I am worry with US activity I confess, cause I could be in the move to there... and my country is so nice to download eheh

10-24-2009, 03:07 PM
BTW how are two new trackers coming? I mean Play The Net and HD Life. Checking it everyday, but not yet.
official opening has been posponed to the end of the week (probably tomorrow).

10-24-2009, 03:51 PM
The French Constitutional Council has approved the law "three hits", designed to combat piracy. Regulatory Act allows for expedited trials that will cut off access to Internet users accused three times to download content without the permission of the copyright.

We remind you that under that law deducted accused of breach of copyright will receive two warnings before being brought to justice. But if it comes there, they will be able to contest the case or to be tried by a jury. The verdict will be decided only by a judge who will be entitled to suspend the accused access to the Internet.

Upon entry into force of such conviction ISPs also have a wide choice of circumvention. They face a fine of 5000 euros if you do not obey the judicial decision, while consumers will be fined more than 3500 euros if you subscribe to another Internet provider.

A group of opposition MPs objected to the law adopted by the National Assembly last month, citing constitutional reasons, but the Constitutional Council found only one clause unconstitutional.:)

10-24-2009, 04:07 PM
Seeing news in Bulgarian language about French filesharing on English (lang) forum looks amusing :)

So ... is this the end of the internet piracy for the EU?

The end of internet piracy will come along with the end of the internet. Cheer up.

BTW how are two new trackers coming? I mean Play The Net and HD Life. Checking it everyday, but not yet.

I just wanted to show you that i read the information in the .net and this is not a tall-story :) That is why i put here the information in Bulgarian too :) But it`s a funny fact, you are right :)

I read now that France has passed finally this law and they are going to use it. So ... is this the end of the internet piracy for the EU? What do you think? :ermm:

trust me, hadopi law is technically inapplicable - that's just a "final push" supposed to scare people.

Why do you think so? I think that everything is possible because the traffic could be easily scanned and we could be easily punished :)

The French Constitutional Council has approved the law "three hits", designed to combat piracy. Regulatory Act allows for expedited trials that will cut off access to Internet users accused three times to download content without the permission of the copyright.

We remind you that under that law deducted accused of breach of copyright will receive two warnings before being brought to justice. But if it comes there, they will be able to contest the case or to be tried by a jury. The verdict will be decided only by a judge who will be entitled to suspend the accused access to the Internet.

Upon entry into force of such conviction ISPs also have a wide choice of circumvention. They face a fine of 5000 euros if you do not obey the judicial decision, while consumers will be fined more than 3500 euros if you subscribe to another Internet provider.

A group of opposition MPs objected to the law adopted by the National Assembly last month, citing constitutional reasons, but the Constitutional Council found only one clause unconstitutional.:)

Exactly! Thank you for the correct translation.