View Full Version : Best Free Newsgroups Search Sites?

10-25-2009, 06:31 PM
The one I use the most is

I had some others, but they rarely had stuff older than 24days or what they had wasnt much

I'm curious if people know of any others that are 100% free and really good

10-25-2009, 06:40 PM
binsearch (http://binsearch.net/index.php?adv_sort=date) imo. Fairly quick to update, half decent condensing, good search engine.

10-25-2009, 06:50 PM
I'm using newzleech.com and yabsearch.nl for file name search, Binsearch and nzbclub.com for the rest.

10-25-2009, 07:13 PM

Updates almost as soon as it's posting, plus it index better than those mentioned above.....

NZBIndex hand down is the best serach engine around...try it and you won't regret it.

10-25-2009, 08:15 PM

One BIG problem right now is that very few usenet search engines have kept up with the massive retention increases of the leading usenet providers -- Highwinds, Astraweb, Giganews -- which all have well over 400 days retention currently, and are still growing.

www.Binsearch.info is has retention of only about 300 days.

www.Newzleech.com claims 400+ days retention but every group I looked at has nothing beyond 370 days at most.

www.NZBindex.nl has 400 days.

www.NZBclub.com has about 450 days retention, so that's what I started using for finding older stuff that other sites might have missed.

I was just going through my old list of usenet search engines checking retention, and it seems a lot of sites are no longer around. :(

10-25-2009, 11:14 PM

Updates almost as soon as it's posting, plus it index better than those mentioned above.....

NZBIndex hand down is the best serach engine around...try it and you won't regret it.

i second this.

10-26-2009, 11:35 AM

www.NZBclub.com has about 450 days retention, so that's what I started using for finding older stuff that other sites might have missed.
Thanks for mentioning this site, never heard about it before.

A search thru their listings (http://www.nzbclub.com/nzbsearch.aspx?pid=253&nid=5562&rpp=25) for a.b.hdtv.x264 shows 438 days as the oldest on file, very good. :)

A couple problems with this site, in comparison with the other good ones :

- they don't show if the release has an NFO included, or provide a quick link to see it, like others do (http://www.nzbindex.nl/search/?q=BBC+horizon+2009+nfo&age=&max=25&sort=agedesc&minsize=&maxsize=&poster=&nfo=&hidespam=0&hidespam=1&more=0).

- their list of indexed groups (http://www.nzbclub.com/usenetgroups.aspx) is limited to some of the majors, ignoring many other areas all together.

It seems to be a new site, but it's promissing, their retention is great. ;)

10-26-2009, 01:10 PM

Updates almost as soon as it's posting, plus it index better than those mentioned above.....

NZBIndex hand down is the best serach engine around...try it and you won't regret it.


11-27-2009, 04:54 PM
What the hell is going on with newzleech :wacko:

it's down for a week now :cry:

11-28-2009, 12:58 AM
Something similar happened a few months ago:

News - Minor Downtime

Sorry for downtime! Server maintenance didn't go to plan and we couldn't get a reboot till Monday morning.
Posted by K (Site Admin)

Very well could be that, it is the holidays and all.

11-28-2009, 04:12 AM
There are of course the forums. FST obviously, Merlin's Portal, NZBeez. (some good ones :P)

11-28-2009, 06:07 AM
I find that FST have them posted within minutes after the post, TV are usually the fastest posted - Thanks SoL :P

11-30-2009, 10:20 PM
I find that FST have them posted within minutes after the post, TV are usually the fastest posted - Thanks SoL :P

They are great for things posted within about a month or so... Earlier they NZB isnt kept :/

11-30-2009, 10:41 PM
Yeah it is, NZB retention is longer now, and it will keep growing as we re work the site and upgrade the NZB site.

12-01-2009, 10:38 PM
Yeah it is, NZB retention is longer now, and it will keep growing as we re work the site and upgrade the NZB site.

I definitely look forward to that! This is definitely the easiest NZB forum to use and find stuff on that I have seen :). I normally just use Merlin's Portal or NZBClub or NZBIndex or Binsearch for things that were posted farther back

12-02-2009, 01:10 AM
thanks man for the site

seems nice to me
from now and then i'll be using it

12-02-2009, 07:58 AM
nzbindex is by far the best atm

just FYI also nzbindex.nl can now be reached at nzbindex.com...they also have an SSL address

and as per the rentention here...you can still find things way way back but cant dl them...all you have to do is click show file list, copy the filename and take it to a search engine like nzbindex, binsearch extc