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View Full Version : A question about Image resising using software?

10-27-2009, 07:28 AM

Whenever we have a big image, we can make it small using softwares like frontpage or photoshop etc. and the said picture retains its quality even after becoming small or resizing. But whenever we try to make a small image big we begin to see quality dropping beyond 15 to 20 % increase from the orignal size of the image. My question is is there any free software available which can increase image size by 100% or more without any reduction in quality or whithout the pcture becoming fuzzy

vivitron 15
10-27-2009, 08:58 PM
no. if you resize a bottle of beer (by pouring into a bigger bottle), does the amount of beer expand accordingly?

the data for a big picture isnt there, so its gonna look blocky

11-02-2009, 03:37 AM
A good way to see whats happening to your pictures you can do with a balloon. While the ballon is new, with no air, write or draw on one side with a black magic marker (the bigger the ballon the better and you can use a regular pen as well but later it can becone a pin). Now, blow up the ballon. You will see what happens to your drawing as the balloon expands like a picture being viewed larger, it starts to fade and lose detail. Now, with ballon blown up and tied in a temporary way, draw on the other with the marker or pen (boom, carefully with the pen)and then release the air, the image will actually become more dense and detailed like what happens to your shrunk pictures. But unlike the balloon, when you shrink an image, stuff is lost and will not come back. This time it will act like the original side and lose detail.
Always keep originals of your photos, and play with editing on copies so you can always start from the begining again, once a file is shrunk in size and goes from 3mb to 250kb, whats lost can never be regained.

vivitron 15
11-02-2009, 10:32 AM
I am an analogy fanatic, and that's a spectacular one...

11-02-2009, 12:38 PM
I am an analogy fanatic, and that's a spectacular one...

I liked the beer one, but I'm a little sad at the site of less beer

To bed there's no software that just took lets say 1 pixel and expand it to 4 with the same RGB, The pic would be 4 times the size. wonder if that would work?