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View Full Version : Californians!

10-08-2003, 09:07 PM
....and obey me! :devil:

As, as far as I know, I am the only active member from austria therefore I'm taking the lead here as representative of your honorable new governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Come show your respect to your new leader, pay tribute and I might be gracious. :pirate:

Infested Cats
10-08-2003, 09:12 PM
To Fascist Pundits and Radio Hosts: See, this is the "Left" Coast that you talk about so frequently - The State that is full of crazy liberals and "progressive" politics. You whiney lying bastards.

To Clinton: I'm sorry man... You should have been a movie star first... Then you could have gotten away with the BJs... You could have even gotten away with orgies and pro-Nazi sentiments!

To the Power Companies: Looks like you are in luck... The multi-billion "Unfair Business Practices" suit filed by Bustamante against you (corrupt deregulated fucks) will most likely be settled out of court... and you will have won again...

...and OF COURSE you won't bilk Californians of billions under a Republican governor even though you are in bed with him... Republicans are well known for keeping deregulated business in check, making sure they serve the people's best interests.

To Californians: You have now set up a dangerous precedence in which law makers will never take risks, they won't do what is right for the people if it is deemed "unpopular" and will most likely live in fear of being recalled by an uninformed public.

You deserve what you get. I hope the whole state falls into the ocean...

Learn to Swim!


Truth? Discuss.

10-08-2003, 10:10 PM
ooh that sounds angry....

Where have you got that from?