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View Full Version : Hey, I Know We're Thieves, Like...

11-02-2009, 06:58 AM
And this is our den.

But, still.

A much nicer alternative to iTunes. Nicer interface, faster, and the ability to stream or dl.


Yes, I know...but, steal.

I do both, obviously.

Buy bye.


11-02-2009, 10:07 AM
only works for u.s ips.... :(

11-02-2009, 08:02 PM
I was looking at the "fastest rising artists" list and at #1 was a band named 'White Denim'. I just happened to see them last Saturday. I'd never heard of them and didn't even go to that bar with the intent of seeing them.

They sucked. Bad.

11-05-2009, 01:39 PM
And this is our den.

But, still.

A much nicer alternative to iTunes. Nicer interface, faster, and the ability to stream or dl.


Yes, I know...but, steal.

I do both, obviously.

Buy bye.


Why don't you get a white t-shirt, write I'm a snitch on it, and parade around naked in the front of the nearest police office your deranged mind can think off.
Jesus! :mad3:

Educate yourself. :fist:

You have no idea what all this internet debate is about do you fucknuts?

Fuck you!

11-05-2009, 01:53 PM
And this is our den.

But, still.

A much nicer alternative to iTunes. Nicer interface, faster, and the ability to stream or dl.


Yes, I know...but, steal.

I do both, obviously.

Buy bye.


Why don't you get a white t-shirt, write I'm a snitch on it, and parade around naked in the front of the nearest police office your deranged mind can think off.
Jesus! :mad3:

Educate yourself. :fist:

You have no idea what all this internet debate is about do you fucknuts?

Fuck you!


You can't wear a white t-shirt with "I'm a snitch" on it and parade around naked at the same time...

Also, lolwut?

11-05-2009, 05:28 PM
There's a debate on the internets? :unsure:

11-06-2009, 05:05 AM
And this is our den.

But, still.

A much nicer alternative to iTunes. Nicer interface, faster, and the ability to stream or dl.


Yes, I know...but, steal.

I do both, obviously.

Buy bye.


Why don't you get a white t-shirt, write I'm a snitch on it, and parade around naked in the front of the nearest police office your deranged mind can think off.
Jesus! :mad3:

Educate yourself. :fist:

You have no idea what all this internet debate is about do you fucknuts?

Fuck you!

What are you going on about? Are you implying that I'm a snitch, lad.

Please explain.

Would it be too much of a bother to put down the modeling glue? You're welcome to resume your huffing after you make your point. Any point will do.

Any one at all.


11-06-2009, 08:34 PM
Alright, bit of a rant in a hurry there. But I will explain my point. Fair enough.

You are no snitch, you have an opinion, we disagree, and I let go on an ongoing debate. No need for that. No need at all.

I was bitching about the music industry when any way to get music was still through cd's. Also have to mention that I was on bbs's before the internet kicked in. Old school I know. The only thing I could afford as a youngster, not involved in criminal activity, was about 2 cd's a month. So if you bought two shitty releases in a month you had to listen to them because it was all there would be in your collection, and you where already tired to death by the vinyl/cd you already had. And I would sit up all night flipping channels looking for some new music on the tv. And the nights I heard something I liked I turned the volume up until one of my parents came in and told me to turn it down, so I had to learn how many volume bars I could allow myself when I heard something I liked. So I imagined all those who where grown up at the time and could really kick it with no volume boundaries. Then I saw mr.music cd's being played at parties because they where easy and since they sold more they where a bit cheaper. We did download but it was mostly small stuff. It's more like a commodore 64 magazine releasing codes for games, and after typing in 3 pages of code with all the fucked up symbols and letters it might execute. I'm not saying food was not on the table, but there was industries for all walks of life.

Then broadband came along. And we could use the computers to get things we wanted faster. It obviously grew.

And now I want you to tell me who I'm supposed to feel sorry for?

It reminds me of deadwood when the telegrapher came to the door with a company speech at first, almighty on top of his white horse, and when he was used to, he was told to fuck off.

There is no need for black and white arguments in a gray world.

11-06-2009, 09:12 PM
The original link seems to not care about the rest of the world.

@speedo, thank you for clarifying your point. Your logic is clear now.

11-06-2009, 09:17 PM
Alright, bit of a rant in a hurry there. But I will explain my point. Fair enough.

You are no snitch, you have an opinion, we disagree, and I let go on an ongoing debate. No need for that. No need at all.

I was bitching about the music industry when any way to get music was still through cd's. Also have to mention that I was on bbs's before the internet kicked in. Old school I know. The only thing I could afford as a youngster, not involved in criminal activity, was about 2 cd's a month. So if you bought two shitty releases in a month you had to listen to them because it was all there would be in your collection, and you where already tired to death by the vinyl/cd you already had. And I would sit up all night flipping channels looking for some new music on the tv. And the nights I heard something I liked I turned the volume up until one of my parents came in and told me to turn it down, so I had to learn how many volume bars I could allow myself when I heard something I liked. So I imagined all those who where grown up at the time and could really kick it with no volume boundaries. Then I saw mr.music cd's being played at parties because they where easy and since they sold more they where a bit cheaper. We did download but it was mostly small stuff. It's more like a commodore 64 magazine releasing codes for games, and after typing in 3 pages of code with all the fucked up symbols and letters it might execute. I'm not saying food was not on the table, but there was industries for all walks of life.

Then broadband came along. And we could use the computers to get things we wanted faster. It obviously grew.

And now I want you to tell me who I'm supposed to feel sorry for?

It reminds me of deadwood when the telegrapher came to the door with a company speech at first, almighty on top of his white horse, and when he was used to, he was told to fuck off.

There is no need for black and white arguments in a gray world.

That's all very well. Thanks for the life story. It's actually not too dissimilar to mine. Well it is, but enough comparisons remain.

Internet debates have got fuck all to do with what the OP posted. He was providing a link so we could check the site out and decide for ourselves. Where you got 'snitch' from is a fucking mystery embedded in your own head. As is 'fucknuts'. What was that about? 'Educate yourself' was another gem.

I take it (correct me of I'm wrong), that you don't consider filesharing as stealing. If that's the case, then you are deluded or compensating to a large degree. Of course it's theft. That point is moot. Tell me it's not.

11-06-2009, 09:20 PM
There is no need for black and white arguments in a gray world.

racist. :snooty:

11-07-2009, 04:29 AM
Alright, bit of a rant in a hurry there. But I will explain my point. Fair enough.

That's all very well. Thanks for the life story. It's actually not too dissimilar to mine. Well it is, but enough comparisons remain.

Internet debates have got fuck all to do with what the OP posted. He was providing a link so we could check the site out and decide for ourselves. Where you got 'snitch' from is a fucking mystery embedded in your own head. As is 'fucknuts'. What was that about? 'Educate yourself' was another gem.

I take it (correct me of I'm wrong), that you don't consider filesharing as stealing. If that's the case, then you are deluded or compensating to a large degree. Of course it's theft. That point is moot. Tell me it's not.

About the first part. I said I was wrong. I was wrong and passionate about issues enough to make it personal, and I will say sorry to the guy I said it to if he asks.

Where I got snitch from? He called me a thief on an open forum. He said that what I do is what the likes of thiefs do. He could have used another word, that would have been nice, but he did not. Therefore I call him a gaping *******. Words are funny that way.

And my position on filesharing beeing lawfull or not have little to do with what I said but my opinion is that we do not hurt the artist, we hurt the money makers. And for that I can never be sorry.

Laws are relative. They are.

11-07-2009, 04:31 AM
There is no need for black and white arguments in a gray world.

racist. :snooty:

No one can ever win in this world can they? But thanks and fuck off gray people.

11-07-2009, 04:40 AM
That's all very well. Thanks for the life story. It's actually not too dissimilar to mine. Well it is, but enough comparisons remain.

Internet debates have got fuck all to do with what the OP posted. He was providing a link so we could check the site out and decide for ourselves. Where you got 'snitch' from is a fucking mystery embedded in your own head. As is 'fucknuts'. What was that about? 'Educate yourself' was another gem.

I take it (correct me of I'm wrong), that you don't consider filesharing as stealing. If that's the case, then you are deluded or compensating to a large degree. Of course it's theft. That point is moot. Tell me it's not.

About the first part. I said I was wrong. I was wrong and passionate about issues enough to make it personal, and I will say sorry to the guy I said it to if he asks.

Where I got snitch from? He called me a thief on an open forum. He said that what I do is what the likes of thiefs do. He could have used another word, that would have been nice, but he did not. Therefore I call him a gaping *******. Words are funny that way.

And my position on filesharing beeing lawfull or not have little to do with what I said but my opinion is that we do not hurt the artist, we hurt the money makers. And for that I can never be sorry.

Laws are relative. They are.

This guy has been on this forum for nearly 7 years. If you'd taken the time to gather some nous as to how the lounge operates, you'd know that the parlance 'stealing' is common language here, regardless of your personal baggage.

You flail in with your asterisks and hulla-ba-fucking-loo and think you have a point. If you wanna get all female about filesharing, take it to a part of the board where someone actually gives a fuck.

Good luck with that, fucknuts.

11-07-2009, 04:48 AM
About the first part. I said I was wrong. I was wrong and passionate about issues enough to make it personal, and I will say sorry to the guy I said it to if he asks.

Where I got snitch from? He called me a thief on an open forum. He said that what I do is what the likes of thiefs do. He could have used another word, that would have been nice, but he did not. Therefore I call him a gaping *******. Words are funny that way.

And my position on filesharing beeing lawfull or not have little to do with what I said but my opinion is that we do not hurt the artist, we hurt the money makers. And for that I can never be sorry.

Laws are relative. They are.

This guy has been on this forum for nearly 7 years. If you'd taken the time to gather some nous as to how the lounge operates, you'd know that the parlance 'stealing' is common language here, regardless of your personal baggage.

You flail in with your asterisks and hulla-ba-fucking-loo and think you have a point. If you wanna get all female about filesharing, take it to a part of the board where someone actually gives a fuck.

Good luck with that, fucknuts.

So? He's not up for an disagreement?

And why should I listen to someone that talks down to women?

11-07-2009, 04:50 AM

With every new word, you become more of a fucking spastic, mate.

Keep it up. I've got all night, like.

11-07-2009, 05:46 AM

With every new word, you become more of a fucking spastic, mate.

Keep it up. I've got all night, like.

Have you ever scratched the rim of you enormous asshole just for the fun of it?

11-07-2009, 05:49 AM

With every new word, you become more of a fucking spastic, mate.

Keep it up. I've got all night, like.

Have you ever scratched the rim of you enormous asshole just for the fun of it?

My asshole is only enormous cos I eat and shite mongs like you on a daily basis.

11-07-2009, 05:54 AM
Have you ever scratched the rim of you enormous asshole just for the fun of it?

My asshole is only enormous cos I eat and shite mongs like you on a daily basis.

Did you just approve to have an enormous asshole?
What went in and out of there before?

11-07-2009, 05:56 AM
Try English next time.

Then I might have a platform on which to insult you.

11-07-2009, 05:59 AM
Try English next time.

Then I might have a platform on which to insult you.

Yeah thats right.

I got you you fuck. But go ahead. Call the grammar police.


11-07-2009, 06:04 AM
Try English next time.

Then I might have a platform on which to insult you.

Yeah thats right.

I got you you fuck. But go ahead. Call the grammar police.


Where did you 'get me'?

The grammar police would knee-cap you for the lack of apostrophe in that post, btw.

You say I've got an enormous asshole. Well fucking done, like. Jebus, I'm shattered.

11-07-2009, 06:21 AM
Hurry up, mong.

You've gotta be quicker than that.

That's wot your mum said to your dad, btw.

11-07-2009, 06:24 AM
Oh hey mr.gaping, I had things to do.

Things happening I can not be fast tonight. Take this up anytime, but tonight is not good.

see you around.

11-07-2009, 06:28 AM


Get the fuck outta this lounge and don't come fucking back until you get the fucking balls transplanted from your fucking head to your scrotum.


11-07-2009, 06:37 AM

Please don't hurt me, chalice.



11-07-2009, 06:56 AM
Speedo, my fucking arse.

Is your username supposed to be sarcastic, like?

You're about as speedy as plate-tet-fucking-tonics, you fucking snail.

11-07-2009, 07:12 AM
A tortoise being fucked by a snail being fucked by a sloth being fucked by yesterday with lubrication provided by fucking treacle.

Wake me up. somebody, when this spastic musters a couple of fucking words.

11-07-2009, 07:20 AM
You've been squatting on this thread for a good three quarters of an hour now, mong.

What you're constructing better be hella good- genius in fact, or else you're gonna look like even more of a fucking spastic than you already are, like.

11-07-2009, 07:25 AM
Aww. She ran away.

Am I surprised?

Nope. Not in the fucking least.

11-07-2009, 07:33 AM
Back. Family things happened. No worries atleast tonight.

I really got you didn't I? You going against the forums bumping rules just to get at me. You have no sense of the planned revenge, and that is the sweetest thing on this planet. Holding back until you fuck your ex-girlfriends sister. And then you go at them. But not you bumpy!

No no no nono no. Bumpy is doing his own thing tonight. Going after my nickname like a desporado not knowing anything. Too busy because he is fucking his tortoise and fucking his snails.

11-07-2009, 07:37 AM
Again, you show your naivety. There are no bumping rules in the lounge.

I can bump to my heart's content. That's why there's no automerge in this section.

I'll bump the fuck outta you until I feel like leaving you alone.

Which won't be any time soon, spastic.

11-07-2009, 07:40 AM
Too busy because he is fucking his tortoise and fucking his snails.

What the fuck was that, window-licker?

Are you French or just a fucking human nut-cracker?

You're gonna have to keep up, monkey.

11-07-2009, 07:45 AM
When your done posting your enourmous asshole on MyCunt, can you atleast try to act like you don't suck dick?

Monkey? What is it whit you and fucking harmless animals?

Bumpy be perving?

11-07-2009, 07:49 AM
You're not much of a challenge at all, are you?

You stagger onto this forum ineptly insulting people and you continue in the same vein.

Get yourself to a flame forum sharpish, learn something and then you'll have the right and testicles to take me on.

Repeating what I've said doesn't make you clever. It just makes you look like more of a stupid cunt than you already are, like.

11-07-2009, 07:56 AM

11-07-2009, 08:02 AM
I am so happy right now.

11-07-2009, 08:08 AM
I am so happy right now.

I'd ask you to take the corn on the cob outta your arse, but you're obviously enjoying it.

Anyhoo, I'm going to bed. That'll give you a good 8 hours to think of something insulting/and or funny. I really don't hold out much hope for you.

For Christ's sake, try your best, monkey. You owe it to yourself and your handicapped mother.

Night night. :01:

11-07-2009, 12:10 PM
I used to mow grass in the summer, shovel snow in the winter, and everything in between to build my collection (music) Which is massive, btw (massive like mulder). :smilie4:

So, yeah. I get ya. But, please there's no need for half baked assumptions, lousy interweb histories, and lame insults. I'm not new to this, and neither are you.

So, yeah...

-doobs :dabs:

11-07-2009, 07:57 PM
Out of all the people Chalice has decided to grind, I think Speedo actually might ride this one out without a blemish.

11-07-2009, 09:18 PM
Out of all the people Chalice has decided to grind, I think Speedo actually might ride this one out without a blemish.

The moment I start giving a fuck about random spastics who post bawls in the lounge, you have my permission to tattoo 'chalice gives a fuck about random spastics' on my misuss's arse, mate. True story.

11-07-2009, 09:20 PM
I have a feeling your missus wouldn't care too much about your permission though :pinch:

11-07-2009, 10:00 PM
Admit it Chalice, you do not totally feel satisfied with the outcome of your intimate word dialogue with Mr.Speedoze.
I have seen you personally mind fuck and eternally traumatise a person in one sentence.
Me thinks a new angle is needed.


11-08-2009, 01:08 AM
To be honest, Zed, I only wanted to annoy him a little bit cos he called Doobs a snitch amongst other things.

Doobs is my mate and he rawks the sawks.

11-08-2009, 01:28 AM
Also, Zed, are you seriuosly trying to advise me as to how I should post pish on the internets?

I should hope not, mate.

11-08-2009, 01:35 AM
Just thought for once you got pawned by newb that is all.
"I am so happy right now. "
nothing wrong with that.

no i will never tell you how to be as eloquently insulting as you, unless you it includes a suave background tune.

11-08-2009, 01:41 AM
Just thought for once you got pawned by newb that is all.
"I am so happy right now. "
nothing wrong with that.

no i will never tell you how to be as eloquently insulting as you, unless you it includes a suave background tune.

I'm even happier than him right now.

Do I win now?

How happy do I have to be?

11-08-2009, 04:17 PM

11-09-2009, 06:39 AM
Monkey happy - happy as happy gets.

-doobs :happy:

11-10-2009, 05:46 PM
Good one. I am new on this forum but I'm no virgin on forums like.

11-10-2009, 06:00 PM
Good one. I am new on this forum but I'm no virgin on forums like.

Forums like what. I think you must have missed a word out there.

Or is your name "no virgin" on other forums. Which would be quite a weird name. Why didn't you use it here.