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View Full Version : How to Try to Control High Fever Hallucinations

11-05-2009, 12:29 AM
Some people don't get them, but i do.

Just spent the last 3 days completely knocked out by some flu that got me up to 39.5C.

It is worse than watching zapping strobing mtv ads personalized at you. All the REM makes your eyes feel burnt.(any lights hurt) Seconds become hours or vice versa. 5 minute life flashes.

Lie down, relax.
Cover eyes dark cloth, wet cloth helps.
Breath in deeply
Breath out long and slow
repeat until you feel at ease, want to sleep
when the first images hit, try to focus on one you like, give in to it, follow it
it will try to flip, try to direct it
breath in deeply, breath out slowly


This method calmed it down for me, but did not stop it.

other options
-Listening to other people talking, telling stories, singing, music.
-groaning helped for a bit...
-Did not try sleeping pill

There is a lot of truth in those dreams.

Fever is gone. I'm off


Add tips if you have them (specifically directed at shroom experts)

11-05-2009, 11:24 AM
Hmmm, I used to get them, I found they usually are worse when you listen to other people talking or when you have the telly on in the background. It was like the sounds would mix in with the images and make them even weirder.

Anyhoo, here's what I used to do:

Keep a damp cold cloth over your eyes or on your forehead.
Make sure the room you are in is well aired, but dark and quiet.
Don't cover yourself with too many blankets, if you are cold, use a hot water bottle
If I felt up to it I would try to read until I fell asleep, it gave me something to focus on, otherwise, counting back from 100 to 0 whilst visualising the numbers used to help.