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View Full Version : Hd Deleted Half Of Its Files

10-09-2003, 06:27 PM
I was using my comp yesterday, everything was fine, i went into my computer, my D: drive (slave) and noticed it had 14gb free, a bit odd since 5min. ago it had 7gb free, i went into the drive and like 12 random folders were missing like my movies folder, Lots of my apps, JUST GONE, no trace. I HAD norton antivirus and updated definitions, nothing was found. It left me with over 115 registry error, so i reformated, i don mind much, i would just like to find the cause.....
BTW I use WinME...

10-09-2003, 07:11 PM
Did your PC turned off all of the sudden or something, maybe you were accesing those files and when the PC turned off the file became corrupted therefore deleted...

I dunno maybe it was that :blink:

10-09-2003, 10:07 PM
All I can think off is that this was a virus that went undetected by NAV

10-09-2003, 11:50 PM
do you still have registry keys of any programs that were deleted?

or were they wiped also?

you could also try googling for a "recovery program" and see if they can be recovered.

it likely can be recovered.

or a system restore? :huh:

one time my comp wiped a lot of my devices, so i system restored and i got them back.

10-10-2003, 05:21 AM
hmmm...bit to late for recovery, by the time i had posted this thread i had already reformated TWICE.....and now i have a whole 'nother mess of problems. :angry: