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View Full Version : BitTorrent May Kill Zombieland Sequel, Writer Claims

11-12-2009, 04:16 AM
http://torrentfreak.com/images/Zombie.jpgBitTorrent May Kill Zombieland Sequel, Writer Claims

Yesterday we wrote about the makers of the film Ink, who thanked piracy for promoting their film. “We’ve embraced the piracy and are just happy Ink is getting unprecedented exposure,” they said.

Ink was downloaded more than 400,000 times last week and ended up in fourth place in our weekly chart of most downloaded movies on BitTorrent, where Zombieland occupied the top spot.

Zombieland co-writer Rhett Reese has been following our most pirated movies chart as well, and thus the online success of his film. “Zombieland currently the most pirated movie on bit torrent. Over one million downloads and counting,” he tweeted a few hours ago.

However, unlike the makers of Ink, Reese is not pleased with this achievement, claiming that this piracy disaster may very well prevent a Zombieland sequel from being shot. “Beyond depressing. This greatly affects the likelihood of a Zombieland 2,” he wrote.

Reese’s comments are the classic Hollywood response we wrote about yesterday. Piracy is causing billions of dollars in lost revenue and prevents new movies from being funded, is the doomsday scenario they often paint. But is there any truth in this hunch, or is it just another Hollywood performance? Facts seem to support the latter.

More piracy is not necessarily linked with a drop in box office grosses or DVD sales. ‘The Dark Knight’, which was the most downloaded movie on BitTorrent in 2008 sold millions of DVDs, and grossed a record breaking billion dollars in cinemas worldwide. But what about Zombieland?

The Hollywood Insider wrote that the movie is “alive and kicking” at the box office, putting its success down in part to “strong word-of-mouth”. The release also marks the most successful debut of Woody Harrelson’s career, hitting the No.1 spot and taking $9.4m on its first day and a worldwide $84m to date – all this on a production budget of less than $24m.

Zombieland grossed more than $60.8 million in 17 days, even surpassing the remake of the Dawn of the Dead to become the top-grossing zombie film in history. That does not really sound like something that will prevent a sequel to us.

On the contrary, if anything success on BitTorrent has a direct relation with success at the box office. Since unauthorized ripped versions of virtually all movies appear on the Internet nowadays, it would be a really bad sign if no pirate would want to download it.

But of course, Reese and others could still argue that they would have made even more money if there was no piracy. There are no hard facts to refute this, but with the box office revenue steadily increasing since P2P file-sharing became mainstream, it has to be doubted as well. The same can be said for the claim that less films receive funding.

As many independent filmmakers have already experienced, BitTorrent and the Internet in general can be a boon to the film industry. Instead of seeing it as a threat Hollywood might want to embrace it before it’s too late.

:source: Source: Zombieland (http://torrentfreak.com/bittorrent-may-kill-zombieland-sequel-writer-claims-091111/)

Darth Sushi
11-12-2009, 05:14 AM
Canceled? Yeah right.

11-12-2009, 06:00 AM
Well if they don't make any money off the DVD-Bluray-Theater, then yeah, then the people paying for it (the Universal) could say fuck it.

Darth Sushi
11-12-2009, 07:15 AM
If they made money on the original, then the sequel has a good chance of making money. Besides, BitTorrent is here to stay and the studios need to use the money spent on stopping pirates on better scripts!

11-12-2009, 07:46 AM
Assuming that just b/c a person downloaded a movie, they didn't also pay to see it is silly.

I go to the theater all the time. Just today I downloaded The Hangover and that was something I paid to see twice.

Darth Sushi
11-12-2009, 08:21 AM
Assuming that just b/c a person downloaded a movie, they didn't also pay to see it is silly.

I go to the theater all the time. Just today I downloaded The Hangover and that was something I paid to see twice.

Yup, I still enjoy the suspense and tension in a theater atmosphere. I have fond memories of a girl screaming prematurely during the movie Jaws. All the girls started screaming also yet nothing happened on the screen :D

11-12-2009, 09:08 AM

Did it stop Michael Bay from creating a sequel for Transformers? Did it stop Bryan Singer from creating sequels of X-Men?, No.

In fact scene/p2p boost sales. Let me break it down to you.

You download a pre release of an album, you enjoy it, and then buy it. You let your friends listen to it and they buy the album.

Just because it's sharing is more public does't mean that the appropriate organisations dont make a profit.

According to Wikipedia "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-men_wolverine) had a budget of $150 million and had a Gross revenue of $373,062,569.

Some people watched it regardless of the Workprint leak, one month prior to the theatrical release.

Also just look at all those Eminem leaks before Relapse? They made it as singles and the album was No.1 on iTunes for ages.

This thread goes into it in more detail: http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-music-21/t-leaks-help-record-sales-368704

11-17-2009, 12:26 PM
mehh liars!...the sequel will be here, just wait on it

11-26-2009, 09:59 AM
Fret not Zombieland fans! Despite rumours piracy had stunted progress on the much-hankered-for sequel, seems there’s actually quite a – excuse the cheesy pun - bit of life left in the franchise yet!



11-29-2009, 02:20 AM
IMO Zombieland SUCKED. Good riddance.

11-30-2009, 09:59 PM
Same old same old. Seems to me these cries of injustice from Hollywood is just another way of generating more publicity.
And yes Zombieland was not even good. This Rhett Reese is very welcome not to write another one like it.

11-30-2009, 10:38 PM
I wish he could understand it like we all do. Downloading a movie != lost profits, but it does equal more exposure. The Ink dudes recognized this, and embraced it to their advantage.

11-30-2009, 11:15 PM
please do

12-02-2009, 03:27 AM
What a good fucking movie and a loser fucking writer.

12-04-2009, 10:36 AM
Zombieland 2 will come out for sure. If this same thing had happened before.. None of the earlier films would have had their sequels. Besides, many time.. People watch the movie in theatres and then download it.. or the other way around..:dabs: