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View Full Version : Thinking of getting a Wii.

11-18-2009, 10:56 AM
I've got some reliez going to come over soon, and I need to keep their kids entertained for a week, what better idea than site them in front of a TV?

They played my PS2 literally non-stop last time they came and scratched my games :cry:. They're about 8-12 now (i think) and I think a Wii is the best thing to keep them occupied.

I've got some questions,

1. What games are suitable for them?
2. Are there any games that don't look as if Pixar created them?
3. I know homebrew is easy to install, is it worth getting a mod chip, or just softmod it?

Anything else you can tell me about this console would be great, as I said it's only going to be for a week and I've got some spare cash. Never know I might like it :P.

I would Google all this but I've got some personal matters I need to deal with that take a higher priority (also now that SOL is asleep I dont have any competition posting NZBs :P)

peat moss
11-18-2009, 01:55 PM
The sports games are fun and very taxing , boxing and tennis especially .

11-18-2009, 06:59 PM
Wii is really fun if you have company over. The amount of multiplayer games out there that can entertain an entire group is always growing.

However, you'll find that the single player player type games are generally always better on the PC/360/PS3.

11-18-2009, 09:22 PM
Yep the wii sports packages are great, there are also many other great games such as Mario Kart, Super Smash bros brawl, or even VC ssb64 which are great for party play. I would recommend getting at least 2 wii motion pluses so that you can play Wii sports resort, it's a great game with the added motion sensing.

As for modding, definitely go the softmodding route. It is far, far easier, it loads faster, and there are games (such as NSMB) that have issues working on hard mods. You can also use a portable hard drive to store games, which can easily reduce loading screens by half. You also don't have to constantly switch DVD's to play games.

11-18-2009, 10:12 PM
Wii games have slowed down recently but there's still so much innovation (and continuous support from Nintendo) that I'd say its totally worth it!

if I had the cash, I'd be getting one for myself too

11-19-2009, 09:56 PM
I really enjoyed punch-out!! for the Wii when it came out. My nephews love playing the vs mode and beating on each other (it's a little limited for me, but they think it's the greatest thing)

I would really recommend getting Super Mario Bros. Wii for it. It just came out and it is definitely a blast for single or multiple players.
The sports games are kind of 'Meh' for me. They have a lot of up-front fun, but it really doesn't last. I think I played Wii Sports Resort a total of 5 times in the first week I had it and haven't touched it since.

11-24-2009, 01:10 AM
tenis and golf are fun.. im a big fan of zelda too.. and mario kart is a classic

11-24-2009, 07:50 PM
Wii is great, I have mine modded and lots of the games are fun. There are some darker games as well for the wii like the Conduit, Madworld, Manhunt 2, etc. Lots of fun stuff.

Mike ;)

11-24-2009, 08:32 PM
I'd see if you can pick a cheap second hand one up, soft mod and whack a few games on there. I chipped mine as softmod was not an option back then but have since also soft modded and it is a great easy option. I hardly touch it but my son and his mates love it, I do enjoy playing against adults though.

Tv Controls you
11-25-2009, 04:24 AM
I have a soft modded wii and i personally love playing all the games.
The best part is the disks are dvd-r which are so easy and cheap to burn.

Unlike the 360 where you have to buy dual layer disks which can cost a pretty penny.

Lol the internet browser for it is so fun to watch videos on youtube with. Its definitely a multiplayer system that is really good for sports games (especially tennis).


11-29-2009, 03:39 PM
Wii games have slowed down recently but there's still so much innovation (and continuous support from Nintendo) that I'd say its totally worth it!

mr. nails
02-14-2010, 07:38 AM
it's almost time for me to get a wii too.

i have 1 question tho. atm i have my ps2 hooked up to my pc. component cables for video and sound thru optics. how can i get sound for the wii by hooking it up to my pc?

02-14-2010, 03:02 PM
Not really sure what you mean by connecting through optics, but the Wii just uses a simple Red/White/Yellow RCA connector and you could buy a component cable seperately if you wanted too. I wouldn't assume it would be any different from your PSs.

mr. nails
02-14-2010, 03:53 PM

what you've suggested won't work and isn't gonna give me sound.

seems the only option i have atm is THIS (http://www.vdigi.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=2&category_id=3&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1&vmcchk=1&Itemid=1). silly nintendo.

02-14-2010, 08:32 PM
As for modding, definitely go the softmodding route. It is far, far easier, it loads faster, and there are games (such as NSMB) that have issues working on hard mods. You can also use a portable hard drive to store games, which can easily reduce loading screens by half. You also don't have to constantly switch DVD's to play games.

do you think this route is still better than Drivekey? im about to mod mine this would save me a couple hours of reading.

02-14-2010, 08:54 PM

It's easy enough to do with the guides nowadays, and you don't have to fiddle with the inside of your wii, potentially breaking any crucial hardware.

On a soft mod you can have your entire library on one drive so you don't have to fumble with disks, the load times are far faster (hardmod DVD load times are actually slower than unmodded wii's), fast flash drives/portable HD's can speed up load times even more (which is especially noticeable on games like Metroid or Smash Brothers), and hard mods have many issues with recent copyright protections on newer games, and with dual layer games such as SSBB and MPT.

Oh and by softmodding theres tons of userful apps and customizations you can install through homebrew, in addition to installing VC games (you could install that on a hardmodded system as well, but you have to do it anyway for softmods).

The only potential problem is that it's almost harmless to update your wii if you're using a hardmod, but softmods can have a lot of issues with new updates. New system updates don't really do much anyway though.

02-14-2010, 09:00 PM
it is fun to play with kids 4 and up and adults really cool i don't have1 yet my kids are to small but some my friends have it and i say it is fun

02-15-2010, 04:44 PM
The only potential problem is that it's almost harmless to update your wii if you're using a hardmod, but softmods can have a lot of issues with new updates. New system updates don't really do much anyway though.

thnks bro, one more question, are the wii's updates like 360's? come included on the disc, but can be patched?

02-15-2010, 05:14 PM
their are actually quite alot of fun for ''moderate'' gamers.

02-15-2010, 05:31 PM
The only potential problem is that it's almost harmless to update your wii if you're using a hardmod, but softmods can have a lot of issues with new updates. New system updates don't really do much anyway though.

thnks bro, one more question, are the wii's updates like 360's? come included on the disc, but can be patched?

Some games include them, but they're pretty much irrelevant after the games been scrubbed/loaded by a loader, both of those things prevent update checks.

And if you're using a hardmod, update checks are safe anyway.

02-23-2010, 02:02 AM
try the new super mario brothers, introduce them to wut we all played back in the day! but its multiplayer and u have to help each other to pass! Im getting a wii soon so i can play it :D