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10-11-2003, 03:45 PM
first of all i would like to inform you gusy that am not new on the P2P network i have been here for a year or so yet i dont have any idea how these things work i wanna what is the fasttrack is just a network created by the number of the user using it (like if you were using MSN massenger and you share a file with your friend by sending the the file to him AND HE SEND YOU ANOTHER FILE ) or is it a real network was created by the mother shareman ..
now kazaa is tending to charge peaple who share per year which mean there will be a pass word and thing like that ,if this is true what will happen to kazaa lite will it die and if now WHAT DO U THINK IS THE SENARIOS THAT WILL LEAD TO THE DEATH OF KAZAA LITE
this was only the beggening of this thread ,i have so much to ask right now that i cant choose which one to begin with so i will wait till u answer me this question and then ask another halla..

10-11-2003, 05:58 PM
Grammer, people!

No, Sharman, doesn't own the Fast Track network, and this stuff about them charging people for downloads, would never work, except amoung the idiots who are already paying for Kazaa. Kazaa Lite could continue on ignoring any changes Kazaa made, meaning we could still download for free what everyone else is paying for.

Kazaa Lite can only be killed by being replaced with a better P2P app.

10-11-2003, 07:46 PM
sorry for my grammer i will try to improve it in the mean while lets just stick to the subject aight :angry:
ok here is the thing... 1.who created the fasttrack network who runs it i mean i it is a company or servers the min that sever dies kazaa lite will die .is that right?

2. what is really the diff between kazaa and kazaa lite come on ? :( ..there must be someting diff didnt you guys heard about the gold prmium or wat ever in kazaa this means that you get a good quality and verified one too.....
please use easy english so i can understand ..halla

10-11-2003, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by othmanni@11 October 2003 - 19:46
sorry for my grammer i will try to improve it in the mean while lets just stick to the subject aight :angry:
ok here is the thing... 1.who created the fasttrack network who runs it i mean i it is a company or servers the min that sever dies kazaa lite will die .is that right?

2. what is really the diff between kazaa and kazaa lite come on ? :( ..there must be someting diff didnt you guys heard about the gold prmium or wat ever in kazaa this means that you get a good quality and verified one too.....
please use easy english so i can understand ..halla
:lol: :lol: Read the FAQ (http://doa2.host.sk/)

10-11-2003, 10:37 PM
From the FAQ :

The History of the FastTrack network

FastTrack has a long and convoluted history. Prior to Napster's collapse, OpenNap played host to a sub-community called MusicCity. On this network, nearly 20,000 individuals took part in one of the largest OpenNap communities. However, OpenNap's glory was short lived after the RIAA crushed this network in 2001. While OpenNap's story ended, at least temporarily, MusicCity's march toward P2P dominance was about to begin.

On the other side of the globe, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, a small group of programmers were about to revolutionize P2P networking. At the time, decentralized P2P networking was still in its infancy, as Gnutella was the only network that had this feature. As you probably remember, Gnutella at the time was slow, inefficient and not very reliable. However, in March 2001, a new network was born - FastTrack.

FastTrack took the decentralized nature of Gnutella and added the element of "supernodes". Supernodes act as temporary indexing servers and help support the stability of the network. These supernodes stay outside the control of any company. Rather, the technology is incorporated into the P2P client program, which at the time was Kazaa. If you're running a fast Internet connection coupled by a powerful computer, chances are you're running a supernode.

This concept caught on quickly and the FastTrack userbase grew substantially. On April 20th, 2001, FastTrack's population was approximately 20,000 users. By June 6th, its population had grown past 150,000.

The large boost in FastTrack's population can be partially attributed to the already impressive userbase of MusicCity. On April 20th, 2001, MusicCity users discovered that their OpenNap network had closed down, however had reincarnated into something else. MusicCity reinvented itself into a client named Morpheus. Like Kazaa, Morpheus connected to the FastTrack network. MusicCity had received a license from Kazaa to use their software, with minor cosmetic modifications.

Things from there only got better. With the ability to search and download any file type, an incredible resume feature and multi-segmented downloading, the FastTrack network was well on its way to de-throning Napster as the top P2P network. Soon after FastTrack started to catch on, it did indeed overthrew Naspter. In late 2001, the total volume of files surpassed this once powerful network.

While things looked rosy on the outside, trouble began to rear its head. FastTrack's growth became very evident, and copyright holders didn't hesitate to take action. Kazaa was sued by the Dutch wing of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, and subsequently lost their court battle in November 2001. The court had ordered Kazaa to pay upwards of $40,000 a day if they didn't comply. Just when you thought things couldn't get any more dramatic...

On January 21, 2002, the P2P world woke up to discover that Kazaa was no longer a resident of the Netherlands, rather they were now in the hands of a off-shore company named Sharman Networks. While shocking, this transfer saved Kazaa from the potential shut down it was facing in its home country. Things only got odder from there. On March 28, 2002, the Dutch court of appeals ruled that Kazaa was not responsible for for illegal file-sharing, rather its population was. This overturned the November ruling. Ok, things calmed down, right?

Sorry, there's just one more twist to the FastTrack story. Around February 24th, 2002, Morpheus users discovered that they were no longer able to connect to the FastTrack network. The MusicCity camp claimed their software was attacked, however the explanation turned out to be quite simple - Morpheus failed to pay their bills. Hence, Kazaa terminated the agreement between the two companies and released version 1.5 which shut Morpheus out for good. Now the only remaining FastTrack clients are Kazaa and Grokster.

The next turn in FastTrack's history is the rise of Kazaa Lite, perpetuated by Kazaa's inclusion of Brilliant Digital's stealth P2P network. The addition of this network, dubbed AltNet, led many to question Kazaa as a trustworthy client. When adware was incorporated into Kazaa and Grokster, it heightened the popularity of "Kazaa Lite" and a similar piece of software called "Clean Grokster".

Both Grokster and Kazaa have been pursuing the sources of this "rouge" software, however Grokster has been particularly aggressive in routing "clean" copies. Websites that hosted "Clean Grokster" and did not comply with cease and desist orders were shut down, as witnessed by UniteTheCows.com.

The ownership of FastTrack is spread among several firms. The original Kazaa ownership (Kazaa BV) sold the software to Sharman networks, however maintained control over the FastTrack protocol. Kazaa BV then licensed the FastTrack technology through another company, called Blastoise, dba Joltid. The following excerpt indicates that FastTrack is a joint venture between Sharman Networks, AltNet (formerly Brilliant Digital) and Joltid (formerly Kazaa BV).

"Blastoise is owned and operated by the developers of the FastTrack P2P technology, the underlying technology which operates the Kazaa and Grokster P2P networks. Blastoise owns the rights to the FastTrack technology. Pursuant to our agreement, Blastoise acquired 49% of the outstanding common stock of Altnet."

As of this writing, the FastTrack network has well over 3 million users online. That's approximately twice as much as Napster did at its peak.

(Thanks to Slyck Tom for writing most of this article)

10-11-2003, 11:14 PM
Well I was just reading something that claims that K-Lite has been altered by the RIAA, and when you go to download the K-Lite prog, you get automatically redirected to an RIAA server. This article claims that when you upload or download, spyware in the prog sends all your details back to them.

If this was true, then I'd say that would pretty much be the end of Kazaa and K-Lite.

God I hope it's not true :(

10-12-2003, 12:12 AM
1) Yes, Kazaa will die. We from RIAA are working on it, and we are talking with de FBI agents to get the IP of everyone using Kazaa, and the FBI agents will knock your door next morning.
2) Yes, K-lite is a modification made by us (RIAA agents) to get your IP, so every time you connect to it, it will mail us with your IP, and the files you're sharing. That's also why we have included the Locate Supernode link in the start page, so we can get the country where you live faster.

Are you scared, don't you? ;)

10-12-2003, 12:12 AM
Source? That smells like so much bullshit I can't believe someone would put it in print.

10-12-2003, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by Sparkle1984@11 October 2003 - 15:37
History of the FastTrack network
Interesting post :D Thanks!

10-12-2003, 11:07 AM

SPARKL 1984 you said that:
The MusicCity camp claimed their software was attacked, however the explanation turned out to be quite simple - Morpheus failed to pay their bills. Hence, Kazaa terminated the agreement between the two companies and released version 1.5 which shut Morpheus out for good. Now the only remaining FastTrack clients are Kazaa and Grokster.

this means that kazaa can shut down kazaa lite or if kazaa went down this means that k-lite will go down too.
what i understand from this post is that k-lite has its own network inside that fast track network ...

silent VI
10-12-2003, 11:16 AM
1) Yes, Kazaa will die. We from RIAA are working on it, and we are talking with de FBI agents to get the IP of everyone using Kazaa, and the FBI agents will knock your door next morning.
2) Yes, K-lite is a modification made by us (RIAA agents) to get your IP, so every time you connect to it, it will mail us with your IP, and the files you're sharing. That's also why we have included the Locate Supernode link in the start page, so we can get the country where you live faster.

WTF :unsure:

10-12-2003, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by othmanni@12 October 2003 - 11:07

SPARKL 1984 you said that:
The MusicCity camp claimed their software was attacked, however the explanation turned out to be quite simple - Morpheus failed to pay their bills. Hence, Kazaa terminated the agreement between the two companies and released version 1.5 which shut Morpheus out for good. Now the only remaining FastTrack clients are Kazaa and Grokster.

this means that kazaa can shut down kazaa lite or if kazaa went down this means that k-lite will go down too.
what i understand from this post is that k-lite has its own network inside that fast track network ...
Actually I think that the way K++ is set up prevents it from ever being shut down in the same way that Morpheus was. I read it in another topic on this forum.

10-12-2003, 12:20 PM
Would Kazaa Lite Die


10-12-2003, 04:06 PM
SPARKL 1984 you said that:
The MusicCity camp claimed their software was attacked, however the explanation turned out to be quite simple - Morpheus failed to pay their bills. Hence, Kazaa terminated the agreement between the two companies and released version 1.5 which shut Morpheus out for good. Now the only remaining FastTrack clients are Kazaa and Grokster.

this means that kazaa can shut down kazaa lite or if kazaa went down this means that k-lite will go down too.
what i understand from this post is that k-lite has its own network inside that fast track network ...

1) Both Kazaa and the FastTrack network were controlled by 1 company then. Now it's two separate companies. So a network upgrade is much less likely.

2) Morpheus clients were still able to connect to a small part of the network, they only got separated from the main network after the network upgrade. The problem was that that small network died because of a lack of 'old' supernodes.

10-13-2003, 10:35 AM
Because Kazaa Lite is now "falling behind" KMD in terms of KMD releases, I think it's quite possible that within the next 6 months a newer version of KMD will be programmed not to accept connections from a k-lite ("old" KMD version) client/supernode.

The reason that the independent Morpheus network collapsed was that when this happened, the newer supernode told the old client it needed to upgrade to a version that didn't exist, and disabled it..

From what I understand I think K++ is protected against an upgrade message and subsequent disablement, so any independent kazaalite network should be able to be sustained indefinitely in these circumstances, provided there is a big enough "critical mass" of kazaalite supernodes running at all times.