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View Full Version : Mirc 6.11

10-11-2003, 03:55 PM
A fresh new version of mIRC! With this new release we hope to address most the comments, requests and remarks we received after the release of version 6.1. Of course this new version fixes lots of the small but nevertheless annoying buggies found in the previous version.

Full list of Fixes and Additions in mIRC 6.11:

Fixed channel folders join bug, wasn't setting focus on a channel window properly.
Fixed raw on/off not setting/unsetting red dot in remote toolbar button.
Fixed /fwrite text display bug.
Fixed $duration(N,3) bug with large values.
Fixed $base() bug when converting decimal places from one base to another by limiting the maximum precision allowed.
Fixed /hdec bug.
Fixed /mkdir bug.
Fixed $os, now returns 2003 instead of .NET.
Added language selection option to agents speech dialog. Must have the required agent language compenent installed.
Fixed /qmsg /qme display bug if not on a channel.
Undid change relating to firewall exclude list, in some cases mIRC has to depend on the socks5 server to resolve the address.
Fixed switchbar option via View menu not showing/hiding minimized window icons.
Fixed servers popup menu gpf bug.
Undid $submenu() change.
Fixed $comcall() $dllcall() gpfing with insufficient parameters.
Fixed favorites recent menu bug displaying channel keys.
Fixed Control+KN color bug when N was larger than 15.
Fixed favorites folder display of folder icons.
Favorites folder now allows multiple selection.
Fixed switchbar display bug when displaying the dcc send/get progress bar.
Fixed multi-byte mark/copy display bug.
Fixed gpf when attempting to load a corrupted png file.
Fixed bug with binary variables being unset too early in some situations.
Fixed identifier warning feature triggering on remote identifiers outside of remote events.
Fixed /color changes not being saved correctly.
Changed control/ignore dialog, now displays unignore seconds instead of minutes.
Fixed status window titlebar not showing "logging on" message when first connecting to a server.
Fixed /server not using the specified port.
mIRC no longer performs a soft disconnect.
Fixed right-click channel/query popup menus sometimes using incorrect nickname.
Fixed keys not working in popup menu items that don't use the & prefix.
Empty lines in popup menu scripts are no longer removed.
Fixed custom dialog tab control display bug.
Fixed Right-Alt key bug. Still works correctly as AltGr on keyboard layouts that use AltGr.
Added $sorttok(text,a) switch which sorts both text and numbers in a list. $sorttok(text,n) now behaves as it did in previous versions.
Changed /away handling, and Fixed $awaytime.
Changed various API file-handling calls to c-runtime counterparts due to API calls resulting in some strange behaviours (most likely due to buffering) when used intensively.
Fixed duplicate separators bug in popup menus.
Fixed $highlight().color returning incorrect color index. If no color is selected, returns index for Normal text color.
Changed /fopen behaviour, now fails if file doesn't exist. The -n switch creates a new file, fails if it exists. And -o creates a new file, overwrites if it exists.
$fopen() now returns $null if you reference a name that does not exist.
Fixed $md5() bug with plain text containing % characters.
Nick color list now uses the ignore/protect/etc. lists even if ignore/protect/etc. in the control dialog are not enabled.
Address book whois section no longer strips control codes.
Control+M in the Script Editor now displays the More dialog. The Editbox in the More dialog now performs auto-completion.
Fixed "move server to top on connect" option not always moving the last connect server to top.
Improved dual monitor handling for @windows and custom dialogs. The script editor is still displayed in its last saved position.
Fixed $mask() gpf bug with long parameters.
Fixed /timerN without parameters listing all timers.
Added /echo -c color name switch, eg. /echo -c action text. The line color uses the selected theme in the colors dialog.
Fixed $* gpf bug.
Added auto-hide nick list option in channel nick list dialog.
During a dcc resume, the last 8192 bytes are chopped off only once the transfer actually begins.
Fixed /hload and /hsave with binary files when some items in table are empty.
Fixed windows not being auto-tiled when switchbar is moved.
$online now returns value based on settings in timer dialog.
Fixed dde gpf bug.
Fixed /filter numeric sorting bug.
Added /showmirc -m switch, minimizes according to tray options.
Fixed $fline() bug with wrapped lines.
Fixed numeric 472 not being displayed or processed by scripts.
Added support for server password in irc://password@server links.
Fixed menu handling bug that affected the favorites popup menu as well as various other menus under 95/NT.
Fixed /fseek -wr bug when the last line in a file did not end in a CRLF

Download link (http://www.mirc.com/get.html)

10-11-2003, 04:00 PM
guess i am gonna download and rip again <_<