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View Full Version : Is There a Good MP3 Tracker Thats Easy to Get Into?

11-28-2009, 02:39 AM
Is there? Does one exist? Theres the 2 that start with a W but those are very hard to get into. ive seen hits4.us but they're still very small with only 600 or so torrents. can someone maybe point me the right way? any help would be fantastic!

11-28-2009, 07:26 AM
stmusic should be easy to get when you'll have access to invite section here, the tracker saw better times but still it's decent. as for what.cd, it's not that hard, can be joined through interview if you can access the site from the IP that they will be okay with. google for it. and if you'll get pu status at what.cd, you can come back to fst and ask for waffles, i'm sure someone will be able to help you.

11-28-2009, 02:15 PM
Make sure you read and understand this before you attempt the what.cd interview: http://whatinterviewprep.webs.com/preparefortheinterview.html

11-28-2009, 03:54 PM
What people said about STMusic, they even opened signups quite recently. SceneSound, the reincarnation of SoftMP3, has also given a lot of invites, so it shouldn't be hard to find one.

Study everything carefully if you want to try the What.cd IRC interview. Remember you only have three tries (although you can "reset" the counter quite easily). If you fail, they have a separate channel where to clear your doubts.

11-28-2009, 05:56 PM
If you are an EDM addict you can PM me and we could talk in private. Cheers.

11-29-2009, 04:44 AM
Avoid CAMs, workprints, early releases, etc. like the plague, especially on larger sites like TL. If you really want one of those releases, try getting them from a smaller, less well known site.

One-click hosters would also be safe, I think.

No, hosters can give IP's to organisations. Look at the mess with RS and it's users.

P2P is insecure, there is no such thing as 'safe'. If you get into a small tracker \or a tracker thats not in high demand eg. SCC, ScT, TL etc then its just a little safer.

Im on:

TheScene.ro - Used to be a no ratio tracker but then changed to ratio. They recently gave their members 5GB of upload credit as a birthday gift.

THE SCENE , Your daily music source presents ..

1 YEAR ANIVERSARY party ! See you next year , dear members !

// +5 GB upload bonus , happy seeding&leeching !

NOTICE: This is a mass pm, it has been sent to everyone

STm - Great site, easy to get high ratio, 'normal' users can upload, free leech just finished, generous seed bonus.

SoundArea - ...

Personally I would just pay $11/mo for Astraweb, Request on #alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.complete_cd at EFNet.

Either that or become a supplier for a new scene group and work up the ranks from there.

12-02-2009, 04:06 PM
w.cd is the best.

try this one:
Registered users: 108,497
Available torrents: 35,639